Online Reputation Management

Turn Ratings and Reviews into Revenue

Request and respond to online reviews to boost loyalty, increase retention, and attract new customers with raving reviews!

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Monitor and leverage ratings and review comments from multiple sites.

Amplify your Voice of Customer through online reviews.

Enhance search engine performance of business listings.

Track and compare competitive feedback and trends from review sites.

Close the loop in-channel with customers who have left feedback on social and online review sites.

Track and Compare Competitive Feedback

Make Online Reputation Your Acquisition Strategy

Get actionable competitive insights so that your brand can outrank the local competition and dominate search visibility online. Gain insight into how competitors compare with your own brand offering, and build strategies to capitalise on your strengths for the long-term.

Close the Loop

Let AI Guide How You Respond and React in Near Real-Time

Be more proactive with your brand reputation by intelligently responding to reviews in the same channel they’re delivered. InMoment pulls in feedback directly from the 3rd-party site where it was saved, uses generative AI to guide you to take action in the platform, so you can close the loop, build reputations, and grow revenue, all from one place.

Improve Search Performance

Optimise Search Performance

Identify and grow your local search area of improvement by targeting those terms that consumers are using to find your brand. Compare where your brand ranks and identify key areas to improve search results.

Measure performance of Google Listings
Maximise Organic Pipeline and Sales

Measure and Improve Conversions from Your Google Listings

Extract ROI-focused insights from Google Maps listings, including impressions, website, call, and navigation clicks, and show the impact of your reputation management and customer experience initiatives. Use this intelligence to continuously increase brand awareness, organic pipeline and sales, and drive store visits by effectively managing listings.

Reporting for All Company Sizes

Simplify Complex Data and Distribute Across Stakeholders

Easily build, schedule, and customise reports based on stakeholders’ interests and empower data-driven decision-making across your entire organisation. Take smarter actions for continuous improvement with presentable, slide-based reports that visualise key insights from your online presence and brand performance.

Reputation management reporting
Complete the Customer Puzzle

Combine Social Reviews with Omnichannel Feedback

Generate, respond to, and amplify reviews to better understand customers, build trust, and uncover key insights. Embed online review sites and stories alongside your experience data to gain the full spectrum of the customers’ voice.

Better Manage Your Own Online Reputation

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A Leader in Reputation Management

InMoment is proud to be a leader in enterprise reputation management and prominently featured in the “Leaders” quadrant for Experience Management Software.

Read our reviews on G2

Get a tour of our platform with your own data

We’ll explore what stops your brand from realising the full potential of your social reviews and dive into your location performance scores, competitor data, local search rank, and connect your reputation management efforts to acquisition metrics like calls, website views, and visits from your Google Maps listings.

A person with social icons floating around him relating to reputation management

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