What is the Net Promoter Score (NPS)?
The Net Promoter Score® (NPS) and the wider ecosystem to which it belongs, the Net Promoter System®. Its prime function is to place customers into three groups: promoters, passives, and detractors. These groups are formed based on how the customer answers the question, “How likely is it that you would recommend Company XYZ to a friend or colleague?”. Net Promoter Score (NPS) respondents are grouped as follows:
- Promoters (score 9-10): Loyal enthusiasts who will keep buying and refer others, fueling growth.
- Passives (score 7-8): Satisfied, but unenthusiastic customers who are vulnerable to competitive offerings.
- Detractors (score 0-6): Unhappy customers who can damage your brand and impede growth through negative word-of-mouth.
The advantage of this scoring methodology is in its simplicity and flexibility. It’s a single question that is easy to calculate—without complex algorithms. It can be tracked and trended over week, month, or year and by brand, department, location, or interaction. This simplicity makes it an ideal metric to represent the overall health of an organization. Stakeholders from shareholders to executives to frontline employees can, at a glance, understand how the company is doing.
Net Promoter Score (NPS) Best Practices:
InMoment is uniquely positioned to enhance key Net Promoter System practices. Our platform was built from the ground up to support Net Promoter Systems at every phase, from listening to analytics and reporting.
- Identify Root Cause: Taking care of individual customers is important, but understanding the underlying issues is critical. If you can fix the problem at its origin, the symptoms will disappear. The InMoment platform helps you get to root cause quickly and efficiently because it focuses on uncovering the “why” not just the “what.” The end result is unmatched efficiency in surfacing the root causes behind why your customers are promoters, passives, or detractors
- Harnessing Text Analytics to Understand the “Why”: Many VoC vendors stop at a score. They can tell you which of your customers are rating you in what category, but they don’t delve into the reasons behind those ratings. Surfacing meaningful insights from mountains of unstructured data is crucial and requires sophisticated technology and years of experience to achieve the best results. At InMoment, we do this using our natural language processing-based text analytics. We utilize the same engine as IBM’s Harnessing Text Analytics to Understand the “Why” Watson, add layers of proprietary models and techniques, and then tune to the vocabularies of specific industries. We can then offer even finer tuning to individual client needs, achieving accuracy rates of 90+ percent. Both our speech-to-text and text analytics are woven into every facet of our platform—from listening to insights to delivery. Active Listening is a unique application of text analytics that InMoment uses to hone in on the elements most important to customers. As customers are typing in comments, Active Listening keys into the details they include—and omi —and then prompts in real-time for more detailed and more relevant information. The result is more and richer data, which in turn delivers more actionable insights, including closed loop processes that are both text-and persona-driven.
- Close the Loop: Taking care of individual customers is important, but understanding the underlying issues is critical. If you can fix the problem at its origin, the symptoms will disappear. The InMoment platform helps you get to root cause quickly and efficiently because it focuses on uncovering the “why” not just the “what.”The end result is unmatched efficiency in surfacing the root causes behind why your customers are promoters, passives, or detractors.
- Focusing on Line and Field Employees: InMoment uniquely empowers line and field managers by giving them the tools to act more effectively and efficiently and focus on the factors that have the greatest impact on enterprise measures, including your Net Promoter System. Focusing on Line and Field Employees We do this through Focus—our mobileoptimized application. It integrates qualitative and quantitative data from your feedback channels with data collected from the most pertinent social sites and feeds this information into your closedloop process in real time. The platform then identifies detractors, passives, and promoters and funnels them into the correct closed loop process, ensuring that every customer is taken care of. However, closing the loop is about more than just addressing an issue. It’s also preventing future occurrences. Focus integrates with your standard operating procedures, eLearning knowledge management systems, and InMoment’s client-crowdsourced best practices to provide a comprehensive picture of how to rectify customer issues. This data is then correlated with each unit (whether that’s a store, agent, etc.) and InMoment automatically highlights what is most impactful to your NPS practices and which actions your employees should take to improve.
- Empowering Managers: The InMoment platform also empowers managers by giving them the information they need to know what to work on with their employees before coaching begins. It also allows managers to easily track progress related to NPS targets.
- Educating and Informing Enterprise Leadership: Finally, InMoment provides executive leadership specific views that make monitoring NPS progress quick and easy. When leadership is educated about the state of the program, they can make more informed decisions about how to close the outer loop on business processes and procedures. InMoment’s Executive Dashboards provide:
- Easy access to NPS and NPS drivers/themes by channel, product, etc.
- Real-time understanding of competitive threats, mentions, perceptions, products
- Easy access to the “what” and “why”
- Sentiment by customer segment, personas, products, etc.
- Geographic heat maps by division, region, state, market, zip, etc.
- Persona-based reporting
- Proactive identification of statistically significant changes in NPS drivers
- Seamless integration with complementary data sets including market, customer, operational data and more
Net Promoter Score (NPS) Resources
InMoment NPS Solution
Our mobile-optimized application integrates qualitative and quantitative data from your customer feedback channels. With data collected from the most pertinent social sites and feeds, this information is inserted into your closed-loop process in real-time. We then automatically highlight what is most impactful to your NPS practices and which actions your employees should take to improve.
What is the Net Promoter System?
The Net Promoter System is the evolution of the score; it combines Net Promoter Score with other contextual customer data to create a strategy of ongoing action and customer-centricity for your company. A Net Promoter System takes your CX program to the next level and helps steer business decisions to provide better service to your customers and improve customer satisfaction.
Five Keys to a Successful Net Promoter System:
- Sustained Leadership Commitment: The single most important factor in creating and maintaining a successful customer and employee-centric business is having a leadership team committed from the top down. This team recognizes customer experience as a competitive differentiator and invests resources, hires talent, and consistently makes decisions to reinforce commitment—across the organization, at all levels, and over time.
- Reliable, Trusted Metric:Using the NPS Score is an easy way to establish a common language for your organization. This score should be based on a constantly updated flow of information and data from customer engagement and feedback.
- Feedback, Learning, and Improvement:Close the loop! You hear this statement everywhere, but what does it mean? At its core, this is the ability for your organization to respond to individual customer issues (Inner Loop) while understanding larger patterns that affect your brand and sharing those insights with the right people so they can take appropriate action (Outer Loop) to improve customer satisfaction.
- Employee Environment Focused on Loyalty:Your plans have been created and now they need to be carried out. Commitment from your employees is crucial. The interactions they have with customers will have a huge impact on whether a system succeeds.
- Robust Operational and Analytics Infrastructure: Net Promoter Systems are complex and require power, flexibility, and scalability on the technology side. Supporting an enterprise’s complex needs can quickly hinder many vendors because of the technical requirements involved. Look for a vendor who can scale to meet the needs of your Net Promoter System practices.
How InMoment Can Transform Your NPS
InMoment empowers line and field managers by giving them the tools? to act more effectively and efficiently and focus on the factors that have the greatest impact on customer experience
At InMoment, we use our natural language processing-based text analytics to gather meaningful insights from mountains of data. Both our speech-to-text and text analytics tools are woven into every facet of our platform—from listening to insights to delivery.
InMoment is uniquely positioned to enhance key Net Promoter System practices. Our platform was built from the ground up to support Net Promoter Systems at every phase, from listening to analytics and reporting.
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InMoment's integrierter CX-Ansatz steigert den Customer Life Time Value und die Unternehmensleistung in nur 12 Monaten, signifikant schneller als der Branchendurchschnitt von 25 Monaten.