Empathica Named Social Media Analytics Top Innovator by DataWeek 2013 Awards

DataWeek Award_Social_Media_AnalyticsEmpathica recognized for its 3rd Party Feedback and Text Analytics solution, enabling location managers to tap into social media feedback from their customers

Toronto, Ontario, Canada — August 28, 2013 — Empathica Inc., the leading global provider of Customer Experience Management (CEM) solutions to the world’s most respected multi-unit enterprises, announces today it has won the DataWeek 2013 Awards for its 3rd Party Feedback and Text Analytics Solution in the Social Media Analytics Top Innovator category.

Empathica’s 3rd Party Feedback and Text Analytics solution allows businesses to import unstructured feedback – such as online reviews and social network comments – and view it alongside structured survey feedback. The ability to analyze structured and unstructured feedback through one platform gives brand and location managers access to a previously untapped source of actionable insights that can be used to deliver better customer experiences.

“We are thrilled to be recognized by DataWeek as a Top Innovator in Social Media Analytics,” said Simon Palmer, chief technology officer, Empathica. “Brands realize the importance of social media analytics, but are overwhelmed with the task of filtering through the large amount of social data online. This is a particularly big issue at the location level where managers are starved for time and have a number of competing priorities. Our 3rd Party Feedback and Text Analytics tool offer a user-friendly solution that aggregates and breaks down that information and makes it usable for managers at both the location and brand level.”

Empathica’s solution uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities that allow businesses to analyze sentiment and frequency of social media comments and apply custom dictionaries to identify themes. With Empathica’s solution, brands have the ability to analyze comments in real-time and understand the context of online comments and issues as they occur.

“Unlike many solutions in the market, we offer ‘co-occurrence’ capabilities showing which words or topics occur frequently together,” continued Palmer. “For example, a restaurant manager could quickly see that the words ‘fries’ and ‘cold’ appear together in comments on social media review sites as well as guest surveys and quickly address the issue.”

DataWeek will officially recognize Empathica for its Social Media Analytics Top Innovator award at the six day conference and festival where more than 3,000 data scientists, executives and entrepreneurs will converge in downtown San Francisco. To learn more, visit http://dataweek.co/.

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