Press Release

InMoment Transforms Surveys into Intelligent Conversations with AI-driven Multimedia Feedback

  • Mobile voice, image, and video natively supported by unique architecture of CX Intelligence Cloud™
  • Data science-infused platform seamlessly moves organizations from static survey page technology to dynamic and more natural feedback mediums
  • Delivers better business outcomes through richer sourced data, stronger relationships with customers and employees, and compelling stories that increase internal CX engagement and success

SALT LAKE CITY (June 27, 2018) InMoment announced the seamless addition of advanced mobile voice and image curation and analysis capabilities to its growing suite of interactive feedback modalities, which also include video, the pioneering AI-powered conversation engine Active Listening™, as well as traditional mobile app, voice, and web.   

Today’s customers engage with each other and brands across multiple devices and media. Snapchat users view more than 10 billion videos each day. Facebook users upload 300 million photos each day, and Instagram members share 95 million photos and videos every day. Today’s personal voice assistants are becoming an increasingly common way for customers to both ask and tell brands what they want in natural, detailed conversation. Apple announced that as of January 2018, more than 500 billion people were actively using Siri. And according to VoiceBot, more than 18 million smart speakers were shipped in Q4 of 2017 alone, bringing overall circulation to 45 million devices.  

“Despite the vast opportunity this vibrant environment presents, most vendors operate on legacy systems serving static survey page methodologies,” said InMoment CEO Andrew Joiner. “These rigid, structured systems net poor data and never produce the actionable insights that emerge from richer, more dynamic conversational mediums.  InMoment’s data science-powered platform facilitates intelligent conversations, and generates value far beyond metrics, to true meaning.”

Multimedia feedback gives brands the flexibility to meet customers on their terms and delivers value on many levels:

  • Richer data: InMoment multimedia feedback tools increase both the amount and detail of customer feedback by an average of 70 percent, creating a much richer data set.
  • Internal engagement and efficacy: The biggest challenge to the success of most CX initiatives is internal engagement and buy-in. Enriching metrics like NPS, OSAT and CES with video, images, and voice directly from customers transform numbers into powerful stories that motivate, inspire and drive action.
  • A better customer experience: Engaging customers on their terms and mediums isn’t just a nice thing to do, it’s essential. Feedback can and should be an opportunity to enrich, not alienate.

Built on a robust and modernized technology stack, InMoment’s CX Intelligence (CXI) Cloud instantly elevates the company’s ability to deliver even faster-paced innovation on a global scale. InMoment’s proprietary data science underlies all aspects of the platform, supporting more intelligent conversations, curating feedback whenever, wherever and however it is shared, and ultimately transforming simple metrics into meaning.  

About InMoment

InMoment™is a cloud-based customer experience (CX) intelligence platform, arming brands with compelling customer insights to drive high-value business decisions and relationships with both customers and employees. InMoment’s industry-leading analytics power a full suite of Voice of Customer (VoC), Voice of Employee (VoE), and Employee Engagement solutions. InMoment also provides strategic guidance, support, and related services to more than 425 brands across 95 countries. For more information, visit

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