How to Create Meaningful Customer Experiences—Not Just Transactions

Even if it’s just a quick trip to the grocery store, customers seek something more profound from brands than a mere product: meaningful customer experiences.

Conventional wisdom holds that customers shop the brands whose products and services best match their needs. But there’s more to the story than that. Even if it’s just a quick trip to the grocery store, customers seek something more profound from brands than a mere product: meaningful customer experiences.

There’s a lot for organizations to gain by orienting themselves around customers’ search for meaning. Experience programs can help them get there.

We’re going to go over exactly how companies can achieve that reorientation, create meaningful experiences for customers, and, ultimately, ride that heightened connectivity to the top of their respective verticals.

Right Audience, Right Problem

We touched on this in our last conversation about the importance of carefully designing your program before deploying it, but it’s worth saying again:

Some audiences are more worth brands’ time than others.

Sounds harsh, but let me explain. Some audiences offer context and solutions to problems that other groups may not even be aware of. Therefore, one of the first things brands should do to create meaning for their customers is consider the problems that can be solved by focusing on specific audiences.

This approach is vital is because it allows brands to hone in on customers’ “moment of truth.” This is the moment in which a customer finds significance in their interaction with a brand, not just a product or service.

What is preventing customers from finding their moment of truth? The answer to this question will dictate what you should design your listening program around.

Furthermore, that search will allow your company to create fundamental human relationships with customers. And those relationships will create positive buzz, build lifetime loyalty, and result in a much stronger bottom line.

Sharing the Love

Thinking how certain audiences can help solve business challenges is important, but it’s not the only step brands must take. Once a company’s experience team finds moments of truth, they absolutely must share the news across the organization! This sharing process is often called data democratization.

I really can’t say enough how important it is to share customers’ moments of truth. First, socializing that data across the organization gives every employee a glimpse of how their role affects the customer.

Second, sharing this intel makes it easier for brands to identify moments that matter out of mountains of experience program data. Ultimately, brands that intentionally democratize data from the beginning get so much more from their listening than companies who fail to design their strategy.

Listening Empathetically

The final key to creating meaningful customer experiences is on that is often overlooked: empathy. Empathy is the key to understanding moments of truth and, ultimately, business success.

Catering to customers’ search for meaning is neither a program luxury nor a saying you put on a wall sign. It’s a strategy that builds transformational brand success and the meaningful, emotional relationships that can sustain it indefinitely.

I go into greater depth about the importance of designing your experience program before listening in my article on the subject, which you can read here. Thank you!

Andrew Park

VP, Customer Experience Strategy

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