For too long the focus has been on “what” your customers are saying, with little consideration to “how” they are being asked. In a time where customer experience is more important than ever, companies are looking to improve the way their data is collected. Traditional methods such as phone surveys, focus groups, and paper surveys certainly serve a purpose, but can leave out important customer touchpoints and insights.
Finding the appropriate channel for your audience will lead to an increase in customer feedback as well as the quality of their evaluations. At InMoment we provide a number of alternative methods for collecting customer reviews and feedback to help you listen and engage with your customers on a deeper level.
Voice Comments
InMoment Voice combines a variety of innovative technologies to glean insights from customers’ voice comments, which are gathered through various channels such as customer surveys or service calls, to support more informed business decisions. Voice responses are transcribed in real time, then text analytics is used to reveal critical information like urgent customer concerns.
Video Feedback
Video goes one step further, giving customers the freedom to express themselves on their own terms. This type of feedback also captures expressions and body language which helps you to better understand both the facts and emotion that make up the user experience. Video feedback typically provides 4-5 times more content than open-ended comments.
Web & Mobile
Online and mobile surveys give a more detailed view into the customer experience. Feedback is gathered at every stage of the buying and online experience, from online browsing, to pre-purchase, purchase, order fulfillment, and delivery and order completion.
Location-Based Insights
Location-Based Insights are used in conjunction with mobile surveys. Through a combination of mobile SDK, beacons, and geofencing, Location-Based Insights help organizations better understand buyer and non-buyer habits. Quick and efficient in-app surveys gather information about a customer’s visit, regardless of whether or not they’ve made a purchase.
Your customers are your best resource. When they are comfortable with the survey method, it empowers them to share valuable insights and touchpoints. This data allows you to make better, more informed decisions that improve your organization as well as the customer experience.