Using Hootsuite to Manage Social Media and Improve Your Brand Reputation

Social media can play a crucial role in your organization’s ability to manage and deliver more meaningful and integrated customer experiences. Social media facilitates real-time interaction, serves as a valuable source of customer feedback and insights, shapes your brand reputation and visibility, and can even function as a platform for market research.

With Hootsuite, the social media management platform for the enterprise, and InMoment, the leader in improving experiences and the highest recommended CX platform and services company in the world, your company can integrate customer experience data from social media sources to uncover the insights that enable the smartest actions.

What is Hootsuite?

Hootsuite is one of today’s most widely used social media management platforms. It helps the world’s top brands and enterprise organizations manage their social media efforts in one place. 

Founded in 2008, Hootsuite supports social network integrations for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and TikTok. Hootsuite also enables access to valuable insights, analytics, and real-time results to help teams understand and improve their social media performance. The platform also has a growing App Directory that lets companies connect existing marketing, content, and other business systems to Hootsuite.

With Hootsuite, organizations can enhance the effectiveness of their social media management efforts, build a stronger brand reputation, and gain valuable insights into the customer experience.  

The Impact of Social Media on Brand Reputation

Social media can significantly impact brand reputation, influencing how a brand is perceived by existing and potential customers. Your brand presence on social media can be either positive or negative, and this largely depends on how your team manages social media and engages with your audience on social platforms.

Brands that actively manage their social media presence, engage with their audience, respond to online reviews and customer feedback, and demonstrate authenticity are better positioned to maintain a positive reputation. 

  • Outside of online review websites (like Yelp, Google, and Tripadvisor), consumers turn to social media platforms to learn more about businesses. 46% of consumers turn to Facebook, 35% to YouTube, 32% to Instagram, and 20% to TikTok.
  • Answering a complaint on social media can increase customer advocacy by 25%.

Positive social media interactions can turn customers into brand advocates. When satisfied customers share their positive experiences, it contributes to building a strong and positive brand reputation. Encouraging and recognizing brand advocates can further strengthen your brand’s image.

Hootsuite Features to Manage Your Brand Reputation

Hootsuite is a comprehensive social media management platform with a range of features designed to help users manage, schedule, and analyze their social media activities. Below are some features your team can use to manage your company’s social presence and brand reputation management.

Social Media Publishing

Hootsuite’s social media publishing features allow teams to create and publish content across multiple social media networks in one place. The platform tells you when to post on social media to get the highest engagement; there is also an option for using the bulk social media scheduler. 

Streamlined approvals also reduce risk and ensure that all your posts are ready to go thanks to a simple approval process that allows team members to review. Meanwhile, if your team is looking for creative inspiration for posts, Hootsuite has built a new AI tool that can instantly generate captions and new post ideas.

Brand Monitoring and Social Media Listening

If potential and existing customers wish to engage with your brand, they aren’t always going to visit your website, send you an email, give you a phone call, or fill out a survey form. Thanks to social media, they now have the option of tagging your brand on Twitter or Instagram, posting Facebook reviews, or sharing their feedback on other digital channels like Google, Tripadvisor, and Yelp.

Hootsuite’s social listening tools help your team avoid delays in responding to customers, regardless of where they choose to engage with your business. Out of the box, the platform lets your team add multiple user accounts so that you can see your brand’s entire social media presence in one place. Specifically, you can create different feeds or “streams” for each account. This allows your social media team to easily keep an eye on (and respond to) different types of user-generated content being published on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter from a single page.

Social Media Analytics and Hootsuite Insights

Hootsuite users can also access insights, analytics, and real-time results to help them understand and improve their social media performance. This lets your team cut out the guesswork with social media analytics tools that tell you exactly how to grow your brand on social. With Hootsuite, you can track essential metrics like follower growth, post effectiveness, and engagement metrics; you can also generate customizable reports to assess the impact of your social media strategy.

Employee Advocacy

Amplify is a feature of Hootsuite designed to facilitate employee advocacy on social media. Employee advocacy involves employees sharing company content and messages on their personal social media profiles to help amplify the brand’s reach and engagement.

With Amplify, Hootsuite lets team members share pre-approved content, such as company news, blog posts, promotions, and other relevant updates, directly from the Hootsuite platform to their social media profiles.

Show Off Reviews

With Hootsuite’s social publishing features, teams can show off great feedback and share the best reviews with their social media followers. These types of posts offer valuable social proof to prospects and can serve to guide their purchase decisions. 

Hootsuite Reputation Management: Keys to Success

Reputation management starts with comprehensive monitoring, and Hootsuite offers a solution to meet those needs. Here are some of the ways you can use Hootsuite to stay on top of the latest social conversations, feedback, and reviews about your brand.

Track Mentions and Conversations

Creating the right streams is incredibly useful especially when it comes to mentions. People are talking about your brand, and a dedicated mention stream allows you to quickly monitor these posts and engage when necessary. 

Often, people use social media to get customer service, and this provides another opportunity for your team to meet the demands of your customers and make them happy. According to research, 59% of consumers have a more favorable view of brands that respond to customer service questions or complaints on social media.

You can also use Hootsuite to track more specific elements, such as keywords, hashtags, and location data. This type of monitoring is helpful for any company that wants to keep tabs on its reputation on social media even when the conversation isn’t necessarily directed toward them in posts. The Voice of the Customer is especially loud on social media, and these insights help you find ways to improve customer service and experience for future patrons.

Respond to Reviews 

Responding to reviews is extremely important, especially for companies that are looking to convert prospects, casual visitors, and review readers into loyal customers. Taking part in the conversation and demonstrating that your brand cares about reviews and unsolicited feedback can have a significant impact on your company’s reputation and bottom-line performance.

Apart from monitoring social media content, teams can use Hootsuite streams to quickly respond to online reviews. Using the Hootsuite-ReviewTrackers integration, users can post review responses through Hootsuite, helping build brand trust and demonstrating that your company cares about customer feedback. 

Interpret Data and Act on Insights

Gaining customer insights from social media is crucial for several reasons, as it provides your organization with valuable insights that can inform strategic decisions, improve customer satisfaction, and enhance overall performance.

You can use Hootsuite to capture valuable customer feedback and actionable insights into the customer experience. Given the capabilities of Hootsuite’s social media analytics and reporting tools, you can learn what customers want, fix specific pain points that are impacting the customer experience,  analyze and interpret social conversations at scale, and spot opportunities to improve your brand reputation.

Frequently Asked Questions about Using Hootsuite

Let’s dive deeper into Hootsuite’s capabilities as a social media management platform. Here are responses to the most frequently asked questions about using Hootsuite.

What is the Most Popular Feature of Hootsuite?

Apart from its comprehensive social listening capabilities, Hootsuite is also known for its social media content management tools. Users can organize and manage their content efficiently, including creating and editing posts, saving drafts, distributing pre-approved content to employees, and collaborating with other team members within your organization.

What Does the Reports Feature Do in Hootsuite Analytics? 

Getting insightful reports is quick and easy with Hootsuite Analytics. The Reports feature in Hootsuite Analytics offers fully customizable collections of social media analytics data. Each Report has a flexible, interactive interface that tailors it to include the exact metrics you want, letting you drag and drop an unlimited number of “tiles,” which are individual displays of a specific metric. 

The number of Reports you can create within Hootsuite Analytics is unlimited. Apart from analyzing metrics on specific platforms like Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn, and YouTube, Hootsuite also offers paid ad analytics as well as integrations with Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics, ensuring all your social and web data is in one place.  so all your social and web data is in one place.

What Apps Integrate with Hootsuite?

Hootsuite offers a wide range of integrations with various apps and services. These integrations enhance the functionality of Hootsuite and allow users to manage their social media activities more efficiently. For example, you can link your social networks, track Google reviews, create visual content designed in Canva, and integrate your CRM data right into your Hootsuite dashboard.

InMoment also integrates with Hootsuite to enable the monitoring of social media data and reviews in one central place. With InMoment’s Hootsuite app integration, you can view online reviews in a Hootsuite stream — with filtering options for organizing and managing customer feedback — alongside social media comments and signals. As part of its review management feature set, the integration also allows you to quickly share your best reviews across your social media pages and profiles, including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google.

Supercharge Your Social + Reviews + Reputation with InMoment and Hootsuite

Social data and reviews can be harnessed to help your company discover and interpret key insights into the customer experience. By leveraging Hootsuite and its integration with InMoment’s reputation management software, you can cultivate a healthy brand reputation and act upon social signals to drive improvements in products, services, customer experiences, and overall business success.


EveryoneSocial. “The 20 Social Listening Statistics Your Company Must Know” ( Access 12/22/2023.

Status Labs. “52 Online Reputation Statistics for 2023” ( Access 12/22/2023.

The Google Local Guide Program: How It Impacts Your Reputation Management Strategy

The Google Local Guide program features a global community of users that companies can engage with to support their marketing activities, build brand reputation, manage online reviews and ratings, and improve online search visibility and exposure.

While the impact of Local Guides on brand reputation management strategy is largely dependent on the quality and quantity of the contributions from the Guides, businesses can respond to these contributions and leverage the program to enhance their online presence and manage their reputation. 

What is the Google Local Guide Program?

The Google Local Guides program is a community-driven initiative by Google that encourages users to contribute information about local businesses, places, and attractions. Participating users are called Local Guides, and they share their knowledge and customer experiences by writing reviews, adding pictures and videos, updating information found on business listings, and answering questions about various locations on Google Maps.

Local Guides earn points for their contributions, which they can accumulate and use to unlock different levels within the program. Each level comes with various Local Guide benefits and perks, such as early access to new Google features, exclusive events, and special promotions or discounts. 

The Google Local Guide program is designed to improve the accuracy and completeness of local business information on Google Maps, all while fostering a sense of community among users who are passionate about sharing their insights about and experiences of the places they visit.

By participating in the Local Guides program, users help enhance the overall quality of information available on Google Maps, making it more useful and reliable for people seeking details about businesses, landmarks, and other points of interest in different locations around the world.

How Do Customers Become a Local Guide?

Anyone with a Google account can become a Local Guide. To start making contributions, users simply have to download the Google Maps app on a mobile device or access it through a Web browser. To join the program, users can follow these steps:

  • Open Google Maps and sign in with your Google account. 
  • Tap on the three horizontal lines in the top-left corner to open the menu. 
  • Scroll down and select “Your contributions.” Tap on “Join Local Guides” and follow the instructions to sign up for the program.
  • Alternatively, users can sign up by visiting 

To earn points and enjoy Google Local Guide benefits, users can score a place with ratings, describe their experience with reviews, share photos and videos, respond to questions about certain places, submit edits to help update business information, add missing places, or verify information by checking facts.

The Local Guides program is for individuals, not businesses. Contributions from businesses or business pages will not count towards Local Guides levels or benefits.

Google Local Guide Benefits and Perks

Local Guides earn points for every contribution they make on Google Maps. The more points they accumulate, the higher their Local Guides level will be. Here is a list of the types of contributions that Google Local Guides can make, alongside the corresponding number of points per contribution.

  • Review: 10 points per review 
  • Review: with more than 200 characters: 10 bonus points per review 
  • Rating: 1 point per rating 
  • Photo: 5 points per photo 
  • Photo tags: 3 points per tag 
  • Video: 7 points per video 
  • Caption (In photo update): 10 points per caption 
  • Answer: 1 point per answer 
  • Respond to Q&As: 3 points per response 
  • Edit: 5 points per edit 
  • Place added: 15 points per place added 
  • Road added: 15 points per road added 
  • Fact checked: One point per checked fact

Levels range from 1 to 10, and as users reach higher levels, they may unlock additional benefits. At Level 4, users will be able to unlock their first Local Guides badge, which helps their contributions to places get noticed. 

Google Local Guide benefits and perks include early access to features and services on Google Maps, discounts on Google products, invitations to special events, parties, and meetups, eligibility to test new Google products and services before public release, and thank-you gifts for high-quality contributions to Google Maps. Some Local Guides even receive additional Google Drive storage as a perk.

How the Local Guide Program Contributes to Local Business Listings

Google Local Guides contribute to the accuracy and completeness of local business information on Google Maps, making it easier for others to find what they’re looking for, while also helping support businesses by enhancing their discoverability and search visibility. 

In short, Local Guides help make Google Maps, an important business discovery platform, work better. 

By actively participating in the Local Guides program, contributors play an important role in enhancing the quality of information available on Google Maps. This, in turn, benefits both businesses and users looking for reliable and accurate details about local establishments. The program relies on the efforts of Local Guides to keep local business listings (officially called Google Business Profiles) comprehensive and helpful.

Google Local Guide: Implications on Reputation Management

The type and quality of contributions that Local Guides make can work in your favor and support your online reputation management strategy. Here are some of the ways the Local Guide program impacts the reputation of businesses, no matter the size and category.  

Detailed Reviews and Ratings

Positive reviews written by Local Guides can help enhance your brand reputation, while negative feedback can drive away potential customers. 

Interestingly, Local Guides’ reviews and ratings tend to show up at the top of listings because the content is usually longer and includes photos and videos; they also contribute to the overall star rating displayed prominently on Google Business Profiles and Maps listings, which can influence potential customers’ decisions. 

Online Search Visibility and Exposure

Google Business Profiles with a steady stream of positive reviews and a substantial amount of information provided by Local Guides may see an increase in visibility on Google Maps and other Google services. This improved visibility can attract more potential customers.

Moreover, businesses that attract active participation from Local Guides may experience higher levels of user engagement on Google Maps. Detailed reviews, helpful information, and updated details about a business can encourage users to interact more with the Business Profile to ask questions, get directions, book an appointment, and more.

Brand Trust and Credibility

Content generated by Local Guides can also contribute to your brand credibility and trustworthiness. Users often rely on reviews from real customers to make informed decisions about where to go and what services to use. By having user-generated content published by Local Guides on your Google Business Profile (instead of promotional brand content), you can inspire greater consumer trust and confidence. 

Local SEO Impact

Whether it’s a review, a set of photos and videos, answers to Q&As, or image captions, content generated by Local Guides can positively impact your business locations’ search engine optimization (SEO) performance. If your Google Business Profile features more detailed and positive content from Local Guides, you may be able to rank higher in local search results.

Community Building

Brands that actively engage with the Local Guides community may foster a sense of community support. This engagement can lead to more positive interactions with customers and potentially create brand advocates within the Local Guides community. 

Customer Experience Management

While positive reviews can be beneficial, negative reviews from Local Guides can also provide valuable customer feedback for companies as they try to identify areas for improvement. Responding to reviews, especially constructive criticism, can show that a business is proactive in addressing customer concerns. More importantly, unsolicited feedback shared by vocal customers can serve as a valuable source of insight into how to deliver better customer experiences. 

How to Drive Google Local Guides to Your Business

Spotting a Google Local Guide in person is tricky unless you recognize their face from their profile photo. The key to getting recognition from a Local Guide is to treat all your customers like one, working to exceed their expectations and deliver great experiences. 

Here are some keys to successfully engaging with Google Local Guides:

  • Manage your Google Business Profile. Optimize your Business Profile with correct, complete, and up-to-date business information. At the top of the list of updated items should be the business name, address, operating hours, and phone number.
  • Respond to reviews. Local Guides (and, in general, all of your customers) care about being responded to. In fact, according to InMoment research, 53% of customers expect a review response within 7 days. But as much as 63% say that they have never heard back from a business after leaving a review. Timely review responses can immediately improve consumer perception of your business.
  • Don’t incentivize or buy reviews. Contributions from Local Guides as well as from your customers should happen organically. Don’t buy Google reviews or get into the practice of creating incentivized reviews just to capture more feedback. Both methods violate the Google review policy, and government agencies and regulators like the FTC are cracking down on companies using these methods by handing out massive financial penalties.
  • Analyze Local Guides’ feedback for insights. Candid, authentic, detailed feedback from Local Guides can help your company achieve a more complete, accurate, and integrated picture of the customer experience. Text content found in reviews, in particular, holds rich information that you simply cannot ignore. Focus on how you can gather actionable insights from Local Guides’ reviews, as well as how you can address challenges based on the information available.

Drive Engagement with InMoment’s Reputation Management Software

Your company can gain a competitive edge by learning how to capitalize on content generated by the Google Local Guide program. With InMoment’s reputation management software, you can drive higher engagement levels with Local Guides, build a stronger brand reputation, achieve greater search visibility for your business locations, and leverage AI-powered technology to capture powerful customer experience insights — all from one powerful software platform.   

How to Enhance the Guest Experience: Trends and Best Practices

In the dynamic world of hospitality, the ability to manage and enhance the guest experience often spells the difference between those who win and those who get left behind. With today’s travelers raising their expectations while being exposed to a seemingly unlimited number of hospitality solutions, it is critical that operators deliver experiences that reflect the lives of their customers. 

What is Guest Experience?

Guest experience refers to the overall impression and satisfaction that a guest has during their interactions with a hospitality brand or establishment, such as hotels, restaurants, resorts, and attractions. It encompasses every aspect of their stay or visit, from the booking process and arrival to the accommodation, services, and departure.

A positive guest experience involves going beyond basic customer service. (More on this later.) In hospitality, factors that contribute to the guest experience include personalized attention, efficient service, cleanliness, ambiance, health, wellness, and safety, and the overall atmosphere of the establishment, among others.

Operators today should strive to exceed guest expectations and create memorable guest experiences to encourage repeat visits and positive word-of-mouth recommendations. By understanding and anticipating the needs and preferences of your guests, you make them feel valued and ensure that every touchpoint in their journey contributes to positive and enjoyable experiences.

The Importance of Guest Experience Management

Guest experience management is vital for hospitality brands looking to build a positive reputation, foster customer loyalty, achieve competitive differentiation, and ultimately drive long-term success and profitability.

Guest experiences impact reputation. Positive experiences build a favorable reputation, while negative experiences can harm it. With the prevalence of online reviews and social media, managing and enhancing guest experiences is crucial to maintaining a positive brand image.

Positive guest experiences lead to higher customer satisfaction levels. A memorable and positive guest experience drives customer satisfaction and fosters customer loyalty. Happy customers are more likely to choose the same hospitality brand for future stays or visits, while also recommending the brand to others, contributing to repeat business and long-term profitability.

Guest experience differentiates your brand. With travel consumers exposed to seemingly limitless hospitality solutions, providing an exceptional guest experience helps differentiate your brand from competitors. 

Guest experience management drives data-driven decision-making. It often involves collecting and analyzing integrated CX data, which can be valuable for gathering actionable insights, making informed business decisions, improving service offerings, and tailoring experiences to meet customer expectations.

The Difference Between Guest Experience vs. Customer Service

You may be wondering, “What is the difference between managing the guest experience and delivering customer service?” 

Traditionally defined, customer service is the act of taking care of your guests’ needs by providing service and assistance before, during, and after their requirements are met. This is provided, for example, by the receptionist at the front desk checking in hotel guests upon arrival; the tour operator explaining the historical or cultural significance of landmarks in a local area; or the sommelier giving detailed advice about which wines pair best with which dishes. 

Many think of customer service as the act of reacting and responding to guests at certain points of contact: a hotel check-in, a tour, or a restaurant visit. It is often transactional in nature and focuses on meeting immediate needs or resolving issues.

The guest experience encompasses all these touchpoints and is part of a larger strategic effort in which customer service plays a crucial part. 

A single point of contact doesn’t determine the guest experience. It encompasses the entire customer journey — through processes, policies, and people. It can include the guest’s initial awareness or discovery of your brand and can begin long before they set foot in any of your property locations. This means that all interactions and touchpoints the guest has with your brand are considered.

Guest experience isn’t a department. It’s a core value that should involve everyone in your organization, from the C-suite to the front-facing staff. Every team or department, from marketing and sales to front office, customer support, and after-sales, has a stake in managing the guest experience. 

Guest experience management isn’t reactive. You don’t wait for a phone call, an email, or a slew of negative reviews to resolve the guest’s problem or meet their requirements. The premise behind guest experience management is that operators become truly proactive and intuitive, with the goal of seeing through guests’ eyes and better understanding their needs, wants, and expectations.

Key Trends Impacting the Guest Experience in Hospitality

Hospitality is a dynamic industry and new trends continue to emerge, raising expectations in a way that forces operators to rethink boardroom strategies, marketing and sales processes, and business models. Here are some key trends that are currently shaping the guest experience in hospitality.

A Multi-Channel Strategy is Essential

To validate their booking decisions, travel buyers are navigating multiple digital channels to conduct research and find solutions that are suited to their needs. These include online travel agencies (OTAs), social media, mobile apps, and brand websites. Deal-seeking behavior is also on the rise due to the cost of living crisis and record-shattering inflation rates.

A multichannel strategy is therefore essential for hospitality brands looking to reach a broader audience and maximize reach and visibility. Today’s consumers expect seamless and convenient interactions across multiple channels. A multichannel approach allows your organization to meet these expectations and provide guests with the flexibility to engage through their preferred channels.

Each channel should also provide an opportunity for you to collect valuable data about guest behavior, preferences, and booking patterns. By integrating data from multiple channels, you can gain insights into customer trends and make data-driven decisions to improve your marketing and service strategies.

Guests Want More Tailored Experiences

More tailored and personalized experiences, from customized room preferences to targeted offers, are a growing trend in the hospitality sector. Today’s travelers appreciate options and flexibility, choosing providers and operators that go the extra mile to make their stay unique.

Tailored experiences can also create a sense of exclusivity, with things like VIP treatments, exclusive access, and special privileges for repeat guests contributing to a feeling of being valued.

To meet these expectations, a growing number of brands are leveraging customer experience analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) to understand guest preferences and deliver tailored services.

There’s an Increased Demand for Local / Regional Experiences

The rise of the independent traveler means that guests are seeking both extreme personalization and unique, authentic local experiences. Guest experiences that give back to local communities or support the local economy are in demand, as are niche properties, staycations, and holidays and retreats that integrate attractions and activities within the local community where the business operates. More travelers than ever are also drawn to properties that reflect the local character and charm. 

This is why hospitality brands are incorporating local elements into their services, from locally inspired decor to partnerships with local businesses for unique guest experiences. Operators are also focusing more on local and hyperlocal sourcing, establishing close partnerships with farmers, artisans, producers, and suppliers.

Guests are Focused on Health, Safety, and Wellness

While health, cleanliness, and hygiene have always ranked among the top factors for travelers when choosing a hotel property, it has risen to the top of the list in the post-pandemic landscape. When making booking decisions, guests are researching sites that specifically offer cleanliness and safety information. 

This means that operators should double down on efforts to ensure that guests feel safe, secure, and clean. Beyond simply meeting compliance requirements issued by authorities, your company should work to respond to guest expectations amidst heightened sensitivity around cleanliness and safety.

Wellness is also a significant focus, with hotels offering amenities like fitness facilities, healthy dining options, and wellness programs. Some brands are incorporating spa services, mindfulness activities, and sleep-focused amenities to deliver a better experience for guests.

How to Measure Guest Experience

You cannot manage something you aren’t measuring. Hospitality brands can measure the guest experience using these common approaches:

  • Guest surveys and feedback forms: Implementing surveys allows guests to provide direct feedback on their experience. To gather both structured and unstructured feedback data, your team can use Likert scales, open-ended questions, and the Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey methodology. 
  • Online reviews and social media listening: Tracking reviews as well as mentions and comments from social media platforms provides a valuable source of unsolicited feedback, which operators can analyze for common themes, areas for improvement, and high-impact issues impacting the guest experience.
  • Employee feedback: Gathering feedback from employees who directly interact with guests can offer insights into the guest experience and areas that may need improvement.
  • Operational metrics: Monitoring and managing metrics such as check-in/check-out times, room cleanliness, and service response times should help you identify areas where operational efficiency can enhance the overall guest experience.
  • Customer experience metrics: Connecting feedback data and operational metrics to customer experience KPIs such as NPS, Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), and Customer Effort Score (CES) lets your organization achieve a more complete and accurate view of the guest experience. 
  • Loyalty program engagement: The level of engagement guests have with your loyalty program will also help you look into repeat bookings, member satisfaction, and redemption patterns in order to gauge overall loyalty and guest satisfaction.

By combining insights from these various sources, hospitality brands can get a more comprehensive understanding of the guest experience and make data-driven decisions that enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

How to Enhance the Guest Experience: Best Practices

Learning how to enhance the guest experience is essential for attracting and retaining customers. Here are some best practices applied by today’s top hospitality brands.

Improve Guest Communication

Effective communication plays a crucial role in shaping the overall guest experience. It can enhance guest satisfaction, foster loyalty, and contribute to positive reviews; meanwhile, poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, dissatisfaction, and negative feedback. Throughout the customer journey, ensure that you’re sharing relevant information with your guests to make their visit or stay as comfortable as possible.

  • Pre-arrival: Information about amenities, policies, and local attractions enables guests to plan their visit and enhances their overall experience.
  • Check-in: Smooth and efficient check-in procedures contribute to a positive first impression. Welcoming and friendly communication sets the tone for the guest, making them feel valued and comfortable.
  • Problem Resolution: Handling guest complaints or issues quickly can turn a negative experience into a positive one, and helps demonstrate your commitment to guest satisfaction.
  • Post-stay: Seeking feedback through surveys or follow-up emails allows guests to express their opinions and provides an opportunity for your company to address any concerns. 

Map the End-to-End Guest Journey

Customer journey mapping allows hospitality brands to gain insights into guest behavior, preferences, and pain points at each stage of their interaction with the brand. Understanding how guests navigate their journey provides valuable information for improving services and anticipating needs. 

Mapping the customer journey also helps identify various touchpoints where guests interact with the brand, both online and offline. This includes pre-booking research, booking processes, on-site experiences, and post-stay interactions. Recognizing these touchpoints allows brands to optimize each stage of the journey. With a customer journey map, you can pinpoint areas that may need improvement or innovation to enhance the overall guest experience.

Embrace Digital Transformation

Hospitality consumers demand tools that simplify and streamline the entire booking or buying process — from research and planning, through engagement, to the post-sales phase. This makes it critical to invest in smart technology that will better engage consumers and make every part of the customer journey pain-free.

Undergoing a digital transformation should help streamline your operations, reducing wait times and improving the overall guest experience.

Having free Wi-Fi for guests isn’t enough. Investment areas you can focus on include digital and contactless services (like contactless payments, voice control, and biometrics); mobile check-ins; smart home devices in rooms; AI-powered chatbots on your digital properties; virtual tours that recreate a digital environment for consumers to picture themselves in; and instant messaging channels that direct guests to management for any questions and issues. For larger chains and enterprise-level organizations, deploying a local listing management solution should also help maximize your visibility and support your brand’s multichannel strategy.

Personalize the Guest Experience

Personalization plays a significant role in meeting the diverse preferences and expectations of travelers. It also fosters a sense of loyalty among guests. When a company consistently delivers personalized services and memorable experiences, guests are more likely to choose the same brand for future stays, leading to repeat business and long-term loyalty.

Examples of tactics used to personalize the guest experience include: 

  • Optimizing your local business listings and refining your marketing content based on guest personas 
  • Providing options to specify room preferences 
  • Giving personalized welcome letters and amenities
  • Creating targeted offers and promotions (for example: emailing guests with their membership details, unique vacation ideas, or personal offers that are in line with their preferences and expectations)
  • Curating local experiences and recommendations
  • Incorporating voice-activated assistants in rooms

Personalization is impossible if operators don’t have the ability and the means to relate to and understand the needs of their guests. To address this, you can implement technological tools like a customer relationship management (CRM) or customer experience management (CEM) solution, which analyzes big data to create highly customized one-to-one interactions between the guest and the host at scale.

Leverage Guest Experience Surveys to Capture Insights

Guest experience surveys help your team capture valuable insights essential to improving your brand, products, services, and overall customer experience. Organizations that can distribute surveys and solicit feedback efficiently also often have a more complete understanding of their guests and can more easily measure satisfaction and loyalty.

The challenge is to move beyond simply collecting data. As part of your strategy, consider investing in a Voice of the Customer program or guest experience software to ensure you are hearing your guests and extracting rich, meaningful insights from their feedback.

Invest in Online Reputation Management

One of the most important aspects of guest experience management in hospitality is your ability to build a strong brand reputation and respond to online reviews and customer feedback. People are drawn to brands that know how to respond to negative reviews, promptly answer phone calls and emails, and proactively join conversations on social media. Online reviews are especially important:

  • 94% of consumers say a bad review has convinced them to avoid a business. 
  • 53% of guests expect management to respond to negative reviews within 7 days, but 63% say that a business has never responded to their review. 
  • 45% of consumers are more likely to choose an operator that knows how to respond to negative reviews. 

If a guest wrote a 5-star review or gave your team a nice compliment via email, take the time to say thank you. If the feedback is negative or the review came with a low rating, acknowledge the guest and work quickly on resolving any issues related to their experience.

Power Your Guest Experience Management with InMoment

The future of hospitality is bright for customer-centric operators, restaurants, and hotels that are demonstrating a commitment to managing the guest experience. With InMoment, the leading provider of Experience Improvement solutions, you can adapt to meet evolving expectations, leverage experience data from every touchpoint, and power your guest experience program. Schedule a CX demo to learn more about how InMoment can help elevate your guest experiences.

Thriving Senior Living: Mastering Reputation Management Strategies

Guiding a loved one through the customer journey of senior living is an intimately personal and emotional endeavor. At the heart of it; senior care is more than finding a place for a loved one to reside. It’s about fostering a community steeped in care, safety, comfort, and boundless joy. In this context, maintaining a sterling reputation in the realm of senior living becomes pivotal—it’s the bridge aligning with the aspirations of those seeking unparalleled care for their cherished family members. Upholding this reputation ensures that your services deeply connect with and satisfy the needs of those pursuing exceptional care for their loved ones.

Why Reputation Management is Important for Senior Care

More than 90% of families heavily rely on online reviews when deciding on senior living communities, a significant increase from the 82% recorded in 2020. This highlights the critical need for a proactive reputation management strategy, not just for sustained success but as an essential component for care organizations aspiring to attract seniors and maintain a reputation for exceptional service acknowledged online. To effectively appeal to these families and surpass competitors, implementing targeted reputation management strategies within senior care is paramount.

Reputation Management Strategies for Senior Living 

Crafting a robust reputation management strategy for senior living hinges on understanding your core audience, primarily the families of prospective residents. Their needs, concerns, and expectations form the bedrock of your approach. It’s vital to define clear messaging that resonates with this audience, conveying the essence of your care services consistently across all touchpoints. This consistency in messaging cultivates trust and reliability, crucial elements in building a positive reputation within the senior living landscape. 

Once you’ve established alignment with your primary audience and messaging, there are three effective strategies to fortify your reputation: optimizing local business listings, amplifying positive reviews, and harnessing valuable insights from customer feedback. These actions work in unison to bolster your standing within the senior living community, enhancing visibility, credibility, and responsiveness to refine the overall resident experience.

Manage and Optimize Local Business Listings 

The primary step toward building your online reputation involves either creating or claiming your business listing across prominent directories like Google Business, Facebook, Bing Places, and Yelp. Given that nearly half of all Google searches, 46% to be exact, incorporate local intent, there’s a significant surge in people actively seeking services like senior care within their local area. By creating or claiming your business listing, you could show up for common search terms such as “senior living near me” or “senior care near me”, while also securing placement in local search maps such as Google Maps or Bing Places.

Ensure Accuracy and Consistency of Your Business Information

Once your business listing is verified, the subsequent stride involves furnishing comprehensive business information, encompassing the business name, address, phone number, website, and operating hours. Maintaining not just accuracy but also consistency across these details is paramount. Even minor details like abbreviations and punctuations, should be unified across all your owned business listings.

Save Time with Listing Management Tools

Managing multiple locations across diverse business directories can be time-consuming and prone to errors, potentially resulting in misinformation that may dissuade families from exploring your offerings in favor of competitors. Additionally, inconsistencies in information can negatively affect your local listing rankings. To streamline this process and minimize errors, leveraging local listing management tools becomes imperative. These tools facilitate effortless monitoring and management of your business listings with minimal effort, ensuring that your business information remains consistently accurate and reliable for online users.

Crafting an Effective Approach for Gathering Reviews

Ensuring a thriving senior residence involves not just providing exceptional care but also fostering a sense of trust and community. One effective way to achieve this is by actively seeking and encouraging reviews from residents and their families. Begin by creating a positive environment that naturally elicits positive customer feedback and optimizes your senior living reviews. Train your staff to prioritize personalized care, addressing the unique needs and preferences of each resident.

Leverage Popular Review Sites

Encourage residents and their families to share their experiences on popular review sites. You can boost the volume of feedback you receive by simplifying the process like generating a feedback link such as a Facebook or Google review link and sending it directly via email. Another option worth exploring is the integration of QR codes into your mailing materials, contributing to a seamless and efficient feedback gathering process. Additionally, leverage the power of social media to engage with your community. Share heartwarming stories, testimonials, and encourage open conversations. Create an online space where residents and their families feel comfortable expressing their thoughts about the community.

Surveys and Follow-Up

Implementing a structured feedback system is crucial. Utilize online surveys and send follow-up emails after positive interactions to kindly request reviews. By showcasing the positive aspects of your senior living community and actively seeking feedback, you not only create a transparent and open atmosphere but also enhance your community’s online presence, attracting potential residents who value authenticity and personal care.

Highlight and Promote Positive Reviews

For families embarking on the journey to find the perfect senior living community is a significant step often guided by heartfelt experiences shared through reviews. While your messaging can do the best it can to persuade people to visit your community, it’s the sincere stories of families who have walked the same path that truly touch the heart and convince them to schedule a visit. Therefore, it’s important to highlight these positive reviews to showcase the compassionate care your facility provides. 

Don’t be afraid to seek feedback, instead consider it a treasure trove of shared experiences that can guide others on their senior care journey. It also opens the door to uncover opportunities to improve care and trends to outperform local competitors. People prefer to read the authentic voices of those who have interacted with your staff and experienced the warmth of your facilities. These stories hold immeasurable value as they provide a genuine take on the senior living experience. Actively seek out these stories, the ones that capture the essence of your community, and bring them to the forefront. Share them within your marketing materials, website, and social media. 

Managing these reviews and populating them on your website can be time-consuming and tedious. To help automate this process, there are many review widgets and software that can help including InMoment’s reputation management software. With this tool, your team can effortlessly weave review widgets throughout the website starting with the homepage, creating a virtual tapestry of shared moments as they navigate and explore living options. You can even dedicate a whole webpage to these stories highlighting appreciation and gratitude for current residents, offering solace and insight to those considering your community. 

For many families and seniors, these heartfelt narratives become the deciding factor in choosing a senior care service or facility. By delicately placing recent testimonials alongside the commendations from other seniors, you not only simplify the research process but also cultivate trust. It’s a testament to your commitment to transparency and creating a genuinely compassionate senior living experience. Every review is not just a reflection of your facility; it’s a shared journey of care, empathy, and support.

Extract Valuable Insights from Feedback

An integral aspect of any senior care reputation management strategy involves enhancing the overall living experience. Testimonials go beyond attracting new residents; they serve as a reflection of the quality of care. For example, you may receive responses highlighting that cleanliness is frequently associated with positive feedback, while there may be negative sentiment often related to the lack of attentiveness. Therefore, tapping into recent reviews will not only reveal the strengths of senior living but also bring to light areas of improvement that might be overlooked.

Streamline Analysis with AI

However, combing through every feedback can be a labor-intensive and time-consuming task. To accurately understand and uncover overarching themes, you would need to manually identify keywords indicative of positive or negative sentiments. This could take days or even weeks to organize and finalize insights into an actionable strategy that could improve your senior living reputation. 

However, with today’s technological advancements, this process can be automated. By harnessing customer experience AI, hundreds or even thousands of reviews can be analyzed within minutes, providing accurate keyword analysis and trending data. Obtaining this accurate and insightful data in a shorter period of time, allows your team to quickly implement operational changes to positively impact the quality of care. This not only brings satisfaction to current residents but also leaves a lasting impression on those considering your senior care facility. Taking swift action based on review data demonstrates that you’re attuned to the needs of your seniors—a crucial factor for individuals seeking senior care options.

How to Pick the Right Reputation Management Partner

Selecting the appropriate reputation management partner for a senior living community is a pivotal step in ensuring a positive and trustworthy image in the eyes of residents and their families. Begin by clearly outlining the specific needs and goals unique to a senior living environment. Identify areas that require attention, whether it’s maintaining positive reviews, managing feedback, or enhancing the overall perception of the community.

Research and Proof of Success

Conduct comprehensive research to identify reputation management companies with expertise in the senior living industry. Explore their track record, focusing on case studies, client testimonials, and online reviews related to senior care facilities. Seek recommendations from other senior living communities or industry professionals who have faced similar challenges.

Open Communication and Transparency

Transparency is crucial in this partnership, particularly in the realm of senior care where trust is paramount. Opt for a reputation management partner who is open about their strategies, methodologies, and reporting processes. Effective communication is key, ensuring that the partner keeps you informed throughout the entire process, addressing concerns and aligning their efforts with the unique values and objectives of the senior community.

Evaluate Services

While budget considerations are important, prioritize value over cost. Evaluate the services offered by potential partners, looking for options that cater specifically to the needs of a senior living community. Assess the long-term benefits of their solutions, considering how their strategies can positively impact the community’s reputation and resident satisfaction.

Streamlined Services and Technology

Seeking a reputation management partner for your senior care facility should involve those equipped with modern, advanced technology to enhance operational efficiency. Look for a partner that simplifies the monitoring and management of your reputation, utilizing cutting-edge tools like Artificial Intelligence (AI) to streamline workflows. The objective is to reduce the workload on your team, ensuring that the technology doesn’t create additional burdens but rather facilitates smoother processes. By embracing such advanced solutions, your team can redirect their focus towards more vital strategies, particularly in enhancing the overall senior living experience.


In addition to selecting a partner with dependable technology, it’s important that they can integrate with widely-used senior living platforms. An effective reputation management strategy for senior living entails the ability to effortlessly aggregate, view, and respond to reviews on these platforms. For example, InMoment’s award-winning feedback software can easily integrate with the well-known senior care network, A Place for Mom, where hundreds of thousands of reviews offer first-hand experience from seniors and their loved ones. 

In essence, finding the right reputation management partner for a senior community involves meticulous research, transparent communication, and a keen understanding of the unique challenges and values within the senior care industry. This approach will help establish a partnership that safeguards the reputation of the community and fosters trust among residents and their families.

Take Charge of Your Senior Living Reputation Management with InMoment

Guiding a loved one through the senior living journey requires a reputation management strategy that transcends the traditional view of care facilities. It’s about fostering a community rooted in care, safety, and joy. As more than 90% of families turn to online reviews, implementing targeted reputation management strategies becomes imperative. Choosing the right reputation management partner involves thorough research and transparency, aligning strategies with the unique needs of the senior care industry. With the right approach, senior care facilities can thrive in the digital landscape, attracting contented families and standing out in the competitive senior living market. Discover how InMoment can help senior living communities navigate the evolving digital landscape successfully, by scheduling a reputation management demo. Start building a favorable reputation that not only draws in families but also distinguishes your senior living community in the competitive market.


LinkedIn. The Power of Reviews: Why Senior Living Communities Need to Prioritize Online Reputation Management. ( Accessed 1/9/24.

Creating Results. 8 Senior Living Statistics You Should Know. ( Accessed 1/9/24.

Safari Digital. 18 Local SEO Statistics that Matter in 2023. ( Accessed 1/9/24.

Your Guide to Mastering Brand Reputation Management

Your company’s reputation is arguably more important than your product or service. That’s why maintaining a positive brand reputation is crucial for business success. Consumers today rely heavily on online information and reviews, making brand reputation management a top priority. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of brand reputation management, exploring strategies, key components, pitfalls to avoid, and the role of online and employee reputation management.

What is Brand Reputation Management?

Brand reputation management is the proactive effort to shape and control the public’s perception of a brand. It involves monitoring, influencing, and maintaining the overall sentiment surrounding a business to ensure a positive image.

How to Create a Brand Reputation Strategy

Creating a brand reputation strategy may seem daunting at first. But it may be easier than you might think. Creating a business reputation management strategy starts with defining who you are as a business, and then making sure you are acting in accordance with that. 

1. Define Your Brand Identity:

Establish a clear and consistent brand identity that aligns with your values and resonates with your target audience. Doing this allows you to cultivate a strong and recognizable presence in the market. When your brand identity is cohesive and mirrors the values that matter most to your business, it becomes a powerful tool for connecting with consumers on a deeper level.

2. Monitor Online Presence:

Use tools to monitor mentions of your brand across various online platforms. Google Alerts, social media monitoring tools, and specialized software can help you stay informed. These tools are essential for understanding how your customers are talking about your brand.

3. Engage with Your Audience:

Build strong relationships with your audience through active engagement. Respond to customer feedback, both positive and negative, to show transparency and dedication to customer satisfaction. Doing this will help you foster a community around your brand, where customers feel heard, valued, and connected.

4. Establish Brand Guidelines:

Define clear guidelines for how your brand should be represented across different channels. Establishing brand guidelines is a pivotal step in creating a cohesive and recognizable brand identity. These guidelines serve as a roadmap for how your brand is visually and verbally presented across various channels. Consistency builds trust and recognition.

5. Employee Training:

Train employees to be brand ambassadors. Ensure they understand the brand values and guidelines, especially those who interact with customers directly.

6. Measure Your Success:

Crafting an effective brand reputation strategy is not a one-time endeavor; it’s an ongoing process that requires continuous evaluation and adaptation. Tracking results and measuring the impact of your strategies are essential components of ensuring your brand reputation management efforts align with your business objectives. 

In order to do that, you need to adopt an integrated CX approach to brand reputation management that makes data from multiple sources easily digestible in user-friendly reports. 

What are the Key Components of Brand Reputation Management?

Brand reputation management is a multifaceted discipline that involves strategic planning, continuous monitoring, and proactive engagement. Understanding the key components is essential for developing a comprehensive approach to safeguarding and enhancing your brand’s image. Let’s delve into the core elements that constitute effective brand reputation management. 

1. Trust Building

Trust is the cornerstone of a positive brand reputation. Establishing and nurturing trust requires consistent delivery on promises, transparency in communication, and a commitment to ethical business practices. Building trust is a continuous process that involves every interaction your brand has with its audience.

2. Customer Satisfaction

The satisfaction of your customers directly influences your brand’s reputation. Providing high-quality products or services, responsive customer support, and personalized experiences contribute to positive reviews and recommendations. Happy customers become brand advocates, amplifying positive sentiments.

3. Online Presence and Perception

Your online presence significantly shapes your brand’s perception. Monitoring and managing online reviews, social media mentions, and search engine results are critical. Strategic online reputation management ensures that your brand is portrayed positively across various online platforms.

4. Employee Engagement

Your employees are integral to your brand’s reputation. A positive internal culture translates into positive external perceptions. Investing in employee training, recognizing achievements, and fostering a workplace that aligns with your brand values contributes to a harmonious and authentic brand representation.

5. Crisis Management

No brand is immune to challenges, and how you navigate crises profoundly impacts your reputation. Developing a robust crisis management plan that includes timely communication, genuine apologies, and proactive solutions is essential for mitigating the potential damage to your brand.

What to Avoid with Brand and Business Reputation Management

While there are proactive steps to take for a positive image, it’s equally important to be aware of potential pitfalls that could tarnish your reputation. Here are key aspects to avoid when navigating the realm of brand and business reputation management:

1. Ignoring Customer Feedback

One of the most common mistakes is neglecting customer feedback, both positive and negative. Ignoring customer comments, reviews, or complaints can create the impression that your brand is indifferent to customer concerns. Actively engage with your audience, address issues promptly, and demonstrate a commitment to customer satisfaction.

2. Reacting Emotionally to Criticism

Criticism, whether justified or not, is inevitable. Reacting emotionally or defensively to negative feedback can escalate the situation and harm your reputation further. Instead, approach criticism with a calm and constructive mindset. Acknowledge concerns, address them professionally, and seek solutions.

3. Lack of Social Responsibility

In today’s socially conscious environment, consumers appreciate brands that contribute positively to society. Avoid the perception of being solely profit-driven by actively engaging in social responsibility initiatives. Showcase your commitment to ethical practices, sustainability, and community involvement.

Reputation Management Software

Managing your brand and business reputation requires more than just vigilance; it demands strategic precision and technological assistance. That’s where reputation management software comes into the picture. Reputation management software should be a part of your brand reputation strategy, but it is also an important factor in ensuring your success with online brand reputation management. Here is a brief overview on what it is, and how it can help your business. 

What is Reputation Management Software?

Reputation management software is a specialized set of tools and applications designed to help businesses proactively monitor, analyze, and influence their online reputation management. These platforms aggregate data from various online sources, including social media, review sites, news articles, and other digital channels, providing comprehensive insights into how a brand is perceived.

Key Features and Functions

1. Sentiment Analysis

Reputation management software employs advanced sentiment analysis algorithms to assess the tone of online mentions related to your brand. This feature helps you understand the overall sentiment—positive, negative, or neutral—surrounding your business.

2. Review Monitoring

Online review management is crucial to efficiently keep track of customer feedback across multiple platforms. From popular review sites to social media, reputation management software consolidates reviews, allowing you to respond promptly to customer feedback and address concerns before they escalate.

3. Competitor Analysis

Many reputation management tools offer features that enable you to monitor the online reputation of your competitors. Analyzing competitor strategies and market perceptions provides valuable insights for refining your own brand positioning.

4. Customizable Alerts

Receive real-time alerts when your brand is mentioned online. Customizable notification settings ensure that you stay informed about both positive and negative mentions, allowing for swift responses and proactive reputation management.

5. Data Visualization and Reporting

These tools often provide intuitive dashboards and reports that present key performance indicators, sentiment trends, and other crucial metrics. Data visualization simplifies the interpretation of complex information, facilitating informed decision-making.

How Reputation Management Software Helps Your Brand

1. Proactive Issue Resolution

By monitoring online mentions in real-time, reputation management software allows you to address potential issues swiftly. Proactive issue resolution can prevent negative sentiments from escalating and protect your brand from reputational harm.

2. Strategic Decision-Making

Data-driven insights provided by these tools empower businesses to make strategic decisions. Whether refining marketing strategies, responding to customer trends, or adapting to market shifts, reputation management software supports informed decision-making.

3. Time-Efficiency

Monitoring your brand manually across various online channels can be time-consuming. Reputation management software streamlines this process, providing a centralized platform for monitoring, analysis, and response, saving valuable time for your team.

4. Enhanced Customer Engagement

Responding promptly to customer feedback, whether positive or negative, demonstrates attentiveness and dedication to customer satisfaction. Reputation management software facilitates streamlined engagement, fostering stronger connections with your audience.

5. Competitive Advantage

By staying ahead of industry trends and monitoring competitor activities, reputation management software provides a competitive advantage. This foresight allows you to position your brand effectively and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

Reputation management software is a strategic ally for businesses seeking to maintain and enhance their brand and business reputation. Investing in these tools not only streamlines the monitoring process but also equips your business with the insights needed to navigate the complex landscape of online perception effectively. By leveraging the power of reputation management software, you can stay ahead of the curve, mitigate potential risks, and ensure a positive and influential brand presence.

Online Reputation Management

It is hard to discuss business reputation management without discussing online reputation management. Understanding and controlling your online reputation has never been more important than it is today. 

Online reputation management is the practice of actively monitoring and influencing the way a brand is perceived on the internet. It encompasses various strategies aimed at shaping positive online narratives, addressing negative content, and fostering a strong, trustworthy digital presence.

2 Strategies to Kickstart Your Online Reputation

While online reputation management is a complex topic that can be approached in a number of different ways, there are two things that every brand should have on their online reputation management checklist, and you should too! 

1. Monitor Online Mentions

Utilize tools like Google Alerts, social media monitoring platforms, and reputation management software to keep a close eye on online mentions of your brand. Real-time monitoring allows you to swiftly respond to customer feedback, engage in relevant conversations, and stay ahead of potential reputation issues.

2. Respond to Customer Reviews

Actively engage with customer reviews across platforms such as Yelp, Google Reviews, and industry-specific review sites. Responding promptly and professionally to both positive and negative reviews demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction and showcases transparency.

The Impact of Thought Leadership and Expertise in Reputation Management

Thought leadership plays a pivotal role in shaping how your brand is perceived. By positioning your brand as an authority in your industry, you not only enhance credibility but also proactively manage your reputation. Let’s explore how cultivating thought leadership can be a game-changer in your brand reputation management strategy.

1. Establishing Authority in the Industry

Thought leadership positions your brand as an authority in your field. By consistently producing high-quality, insightful content—whether through blog posts, whitepapers, or speaking engagements—you demonstrate a deep understanding of industry trends, challenges, and solutions. This positioning contributes to a positive brand image, as consumers are more likely to trust and engage with brands they perceive as experts.

2. Positive Media Coverage

Media outlets are drawn to thought leaders. A strong thought leadership presence can attract positive media coverage. Journalists often seek expert opinions to provide valuable insights in their articles. This positive media attention contributes to a favorable public perception and enhances your brand’s reputation.

3. Differentiating Your Brand

In a crowded market, thought leadership sets your brand apart. It differentiates your brand from competitors by showcasing unique perspectives, innovative solutions, and a deep understanding of industry challenges. This differentiation contributes to a positive brand image and can become a significant factor in the decision-making process for consumers.

4. Attracting Top Talent

Thought leadership extends beyond customer perception; it also attracts top talent. Professionals in your industry are more likely to be drawn to a brand that is recognized for its thought leadership. A talented and knowledgeable team contributes to a positive workplace culture, which, in turn, enhances your brand’s overall reputation.

5. Leveraging a Multi-Channel Presence

Effective thought leadership extends across various channels. From traditional articles and speaking engagements to digital platforms and social media, a multi-channel approach amplifies your brand’s reach. Consistency in thought leadership across these channels enhances your reputation by ensuring that your expertise is accessible to a diverse audience.

Level-Up Your Brand Reputation Management with InMoment

It should be clear that your brand and online reputation is not something to be taken lightly. Fortunately, InMoment’s platform gives you all the tools you need to combine social reviews with voice of the customer (VoC) feedback from every channel. Utilizing our platform you’ll be able to track and compare competitive feedback, close the feedback loop, and improve search performance, all in one place! Schedule a demo with one of our customer experience experts today to see for yourself.

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Ready to improve your brand’s reputation? Watch our webinar to learn practical tips that can make a real difference.

Review Management: An Essential Component of Modern Marketing

In the digital age, platforms such as Yelp, Google, Facebook, and Tripadvisor wield unprecedented influence over consumers’ purchase decisions. Recognizing this, top brands and businesses are integrating review management into their marketing strategies.

Not only does review management help safeguard and enhance a company’s brand reputation; but it can also improve search engine visibility and cultivate brand trust among existing and potential customers. More importantly, reviews serve as a valuable source of information for companies looking to capture the Voice of the Customer and deliver improved customer experiences.

What is Review Management?

Online review management is the business process that involves monitoring, analyzing, responding to, and generating reviews across multiple online review websites, usually with the aim of supporting a company’s marketing strategy, building brand reputation, and improving overall business performance. 

This process also often involves investing in review management services or deploying online reputation management software to track what customers are saying about your business on various review platforms and social media sites.

Often, managing reviews is also done to ensure that organizations quickly resolve customer issues as they arise, while also harnessing data from customer feedback in order to discover high-impact trends and patterns that shape the customer experience. By harnessing reviews, companies can capture Voice of the Customer data from an additional channel, identify rich insights, and take deliberate actions that resolve both individual cases and recurrent experience issues.

According to research, over 99.9% of customers read reviews when looking for products and services online. 96% look specifically for negative reviews and, as part of the process of validating their purchase decisions, 3.3 stars out of 5 is the lowest rating they are likely to consider.

Whether you’re running a small business or managing an enterprise-level organization with hundreds of store locations, it’s clear that reviews have a direct impact on your business reputation and revenue. 

The Benefits of Online Review Management

Your organization will benefit from having effective strategies and systems in place for managing online reviews. These include maintaining a positive brand image and reputation, being able to influence customer perceptions, having access to rich, actionable insights about customers, and ultimately driving business success.

Boost your brand reputation: Research indicates that more than 50% of customers who have written reviews expect a response in 7 days or less. 1 in 4 have an even shorter time frame: they expect to hear back from the business within 3 days. When customers do hear back, perceptions of your brand immediately improve. Asking for reviews also has powerful reputational benefits: a stream of 5-star reviews from customers helps showcase your business and creates powerful social proof for inspiring shopper confidence and driving sales.

Discover smarter, richer insights about customers: Reviews provide valuable insights into customer opinions and preferences. By analyzing reviews, your organization can understand what customers like or dislike about your products and services. Data and insights from reviews can be used to make improvements and meet customer expectations.

Build customer goodwill: The popularity of review sites like Yelp and Tripadvisor, or even search engines like Google Maps and Apple Maps, is strongly driven by customers’ genuine desire to engage with businesses. In these digital spaces (just as in traditional feedback channels like support and service phone calls and various types of surveys), customers want to be heard individually and addressed personally. This explains why the highest-rated businesses on online review platforms are typically the ones that proactively manage reviews and are most responsive to customers. They’re also usually the ones that can more easily build goodwill, inspire customer loyalty, reduce churn, extend customer lifetime value, and improve customer experience.

Amplify your SEO presence: Online review management can also dramatically improve your search engine performance, essential to attracting more customers and increasing conversion.

Getting Started: How to Manage Online Reviews

As your customers talk to fellow consumers and share their experiences on digital platforms, how can your team effectively manage reviews? How do you join and positively shape the conversation? Read on to discover actionable strategies and approaches in online review management — and how it can also help add richer data, insights, and ROI from your customer experience strategies.

Focus on the Review Sites that Matter

As you get started on your online review management strategy, it’s important to recognize that your team doesn’t have to spend hundreds of hours managing reviews on all possible websites where your company is listed. Take time to research every facet of the customer journey and prioritize sites and business directories that are trusted by your customers and hold more market share than smaller, less common platforms. 

This also involves creating or claiming your brand’s local business listings. By doing so, you can more easily manage your business information — such as business Name, Address, and Phone numbers (NAP) of each location — and gain a greater level of control over what’s being said about your brand.

Google, Facebook, Apple Maps, Yelp, and Tripadvisor are the major players, but you can also learn how to manage online reviews on industry-specific platforms such as Healthgrades, BBB (Better Business Bureau), or 

  • Identify the review sites that are critical to your business and most relevant to your industry. 
  • Add your listing in directories that rank at the top of the results for “near me” search terms that match what your business is about.
  • Conduct local listing management to claim ownership of your local listings and maintain accurate business information at all times. 
  • There is no need to prioritize managing long-tail directories or review platforms that have little influence over your industry.

Consistently Monitor and Respond to Reviews 

Success in online review management starts with making the commitment to becoming a responsive business. It’s important to engage with reviewers who share positive feedback while also addressing negative reviews left by unhappy customers.

  • Acknowledge positive reviews with gratitude, personalizing your team’s responses to reinforce the customer’s positive experience. 
  • In the face of negative reviews, address valid feedback promptly and empathetically, underscoring your company’s dedication to customer concerns.

Avoid delays in responding; acting quickly to respond to reviews and solve issues can help your organization achieve customer experience transformation. Remember: 25% of reviewers expect to hear back from businesses within 3 days. The sooner you get back to your customer, the greater your chances of improving the situation. It’s also useful to guide them to your dedicated support resources and channels, which can help you solve issues immediately and protect customer relationships. 

For organizations with multiple locations represented by multiple listings and profiles across multiple review websites, responding to reviews sometimes presents a real challenge — especially without an effective program in place. This means that your review management team should understand the guidelines of each review website, be able to transform the collected feedback into valuable insights for your company, and (perhaps most important of all) can keep calm and collected while handling negative reviews and stressful customer situations. 


2024 Online Reputation Benchmarks Report

Want to see how you stack up against your competitors in terms of reviews, response times, and more?
InMoment’s Online Reputation Benchmarks Report examines in greater detail exclusive reviews and ratings data of companies in key industries and verticals, with the goal of helping organizations discover strategic approaches to online reputation and review management as well as customer experience improvement.

Download Report

Develop a Strategy to Generate Reviews 

Review management isn’t just about learning how to manage bad reviews online. It also involves finding effective ways to proactively reach out to customers to ask for their honest feedback and generate new reviews. 

Brand promoters and happy customers can be powerful word-of-mouth catalysts who should be at the forefront of your review generation strategy. They may already be poised to give you 5 stars; all you have to do is give them a little nudge. 

As for how and where to ask, teams should put email at the top of their list of channels. As much as 70% of reviews come from post-transactional review request emails, and reviews generated by these requests often come with higher average ratings than unprompted or unsolicited reviews. Also, be sure to keep things simple and make it easy for customers to write and publish their review by providing links to the review sites where you would like them to share their feedback.

Important note: not all review platforms allow companies to ask for reviews from customers. When crafting your review management playbook, ensure that your team’s efforts will stay in compliance with each individual review site’s guidelines.

Analyze Unstructured Review Data for CX Insights 

Organizations that have the ability to analyze unstructured data from reviews (among other important sources) are often very successful in achieving a more complete, accurate voice of the customer as well as in delivering improved experiences.

  • Unstructured review data refers to types of information contained in reviews that don’t have a specific, predefined data model or structure. Free-form text often comprises a significant portion of unstructured review data. Other examples include social media posts, additional comments in survey responses, and even video reviews.

Similar to how savvy brands are extracting insights from social media, survey responses, and contact center analytics, your team can also harness reviews for important insights into the customer experience. 

Natural language processing applications and analytical methods like text analytics and sentiment analysis can equip you with the ability to understand, in seconds and at scale, what customers really mean whenever they share their thoughts in their own words. These review management tools can also aid in the discovery of specific trends and patterns (the most oft-mentioned keyword in reviews, for example) that define your customers’ experiences. 

Moreover, analyzing unstructured review data also allows you to pin down customer sentiment, and may even serve as a source of inspiration for new products, improvements, and breakthroughs for your business.

Add Reviews to Your Marketing Infrastructure

Reviews are important assets that should be part of your growing marketing infrastructure. They serve as a great tool for building consumer trust, and successful brands and marketers have learned to use reviews in order to drive search engine performance, social media strategy, and brand engagement. As you integrate review management into your marketing framework, craft an online reputation management checklist to guarantee the ongoing evolution and enhancement of your strategy.

  • Claim and manage your brand’s local listings to be more visible and inspire trust in consumers who navigate multiple channels to discover and evaluate new products and services. 
  • Incorporate reviews into marketing materials to encourage user interaction, improve conversion rates, generate search-engine-friendly content, and boost shopper confidence. 
  • Share reviews on social media to reinforce positive customer experiences and showcase feedback from brand promoters; this can be more powerful and effective than sales-y messages or promotional brand content.

There’s even an opportunity to be found in negative reviews, so be careful not to attempt to censor or remove them from your profiles. Consumers are suspicious of brands with only positive reviews and, at a time when they value authenticity and trustworthiness over perfection, organizations should commit to doing the same.

How to Select Review Management Software

Online review management can be a lot of work, especially if your company receives a significant amount of reviews and feedback. To drive efficiency, consider investing in online review management software or a type of dedicated review management service. 

Collect and connect all review data: When evaluating providers, look for one that can collect and connect all your review data in the most accurate, timely, and reliable manner possible. For larger enterprise organizations, the ability to pair solicited data points with unsolicited ones can give you a comprehensive view of what customers are thinking and feeling.

Use analytical tools to generate actionable insights: Data from reviews is only as good as the insights you extract from it. When selecting review management software, choose one with analytical features and tools designed to crystallize reviews and Voice of the Customer data into actionable insights. 

Request reviews and feedback: A crucial part of every successful review management strategy is the ability to proactively request customer feedback and generate new reviews. With the right review management software, you should be able to leverage review request and survey tools in order to grow your brand reputation and strengthen customer relationships.

Turn Review Management into Revenue Growth

At the crux of successful review management is the ability to embrace feedback, listen to the voice of the customer, and skillfully use reviews to attract and acquire new customers. Today’s top brands partner with InMoment to easily collect and manage reviews, build their brand reputation, and understand customers better. InMoment’s reputation management solution sharpens vision into the customer experience and turns reviews and ratings into long-term revenue growth. 


Search Engine Journal. 18 Online Review Statistics Every Marketer Should Know ( Access 11/13/23.

Trust. 11 Excellent Tips to Ask Clients for Reviews via Email (And Finally Get Them) ( Access 11/13/23.

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