Unstructured Data is the Key to Improving the Customer Experience: Here’s Why

Any successful business knows that understanding their customers is key to success. The best way to do that is by being able to understand the vast amounts of unstructured data that come with customer interactions.

What is Unstructured Data?

Unstructured data refers to information that doesn’t have a predefined data model or isn’t organized in a structured manner like traditional databases. Unlike structured data, which fits neatly into rows and columns, unstructured data lacks a clear format, making it more challenging to analyze using traditional data processing techniques.

What Are the Characteristics of Unstructured Data?

Unstructured data is characterized by its lack of organization. It doesn’t adhere to a predefined schema or format, which makes it difficult to organize and categorize. Unstructured data often comprises a significant portion of the total data generated by organizations and individuals. Analyzing unstructured data requires more advanced techniques than standard data analysis. 

Where Does Unstructured Data Come From?

Unstructured data can come from various sources. Anytime data is qualitative, like how different customers felt they were treated by your business, it is most likely unstructured data. Other examples of unstructured data sources include social media posts, call transcriptions, and customer reviews. 

Why Is Unstructured Data Important?

To put it simply, it is estimated that close to 90% of all data is unstructured. Unstructured data is so important because it represents such a large portion of the total amount of data you will interact with. If you do not have ways of dealing with this data, you will fall behind your competitors. 

Furthermore, the most important customer data is unstructured. Normal data analysis won’t be able to tell you about a customer’s feelings related to your brand, and how those feelings will affect their interactions with your brand in the future. 

Structured Data vs Unstructured Data

Structured data and unstructured data differ primarily in their organization, format, and ease of analysis. Structured data is organized neatly into rows and columns within a database or spreadsheet, following a predefined schema. Unstructured data doesn’t adhere to a specific format or structure, which makes it more challenging to categorize and organize.

Similarly, structured data typically exists in a structured format such as databases (SQL, NoSQL), spreadsheets (Excel), or other tabular formats. Unstructured data doesn’t follow a standardized structure and can exist in forms from audio files to customer reviews. 

Overall, structured data typically represents a smaller portion of the overall data compared to unstructured data, and is relatively easier to analyze using traditional data analysis techniques. 

Examples of Unstructured Data

The best example of unstructured data is customer reviews. Online reviews don’t usually hold much quantitative value, but that doesn’t mean their impact is any less significant. Customer reviews can either elevate your brand by increasing consumer trust and brand reputation, or they can deter potential customers away from your business.

Another example of unstructured data is a call transcript. Customers who speak with contact center agents often provide key pain points that they need to be able to identify. Analyzing these transcripts with solutions such as conversation intelligence can reveal valuable insights into customer preferences, concerns, and issues, which can inform business strategies and improve customer service.

How is Unstructured Data Used?

Unstructured data, despite its inherent complexity, holds immense potential for various applications across industries. By leveraging advanced unstructured data analytics techniques, organizations can extract valuable insights and derive actionable intelligence from unstructured data. 

When customer data comes in the form of social media posts, reviews, or survey responses, it can be analyzed to gauge public sentiment toward products, services, brands, or events. Sentiment analysis algorithms classify text data as positive, negative, or neutral, which provides valuable feedback for businesses to understand customer perceptions and sentiment trends.

Consider a retail company that monitors social media platforms to analyze customer feedback about its new product release. By conducting sentiment analysis on tweets and comments, the company identifies areas of improvement, addresses customer concerns promptly, and adjusts its marketing strategies to enhance customer satisfaction down the road.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Unstructured Data

Unstructured data offers organizations rich insights and real-time feedback from diverse sources like social media and customer interactions, driving innovation and flexibility in decision-making. However, its inherent complexity, large volume, and potential quality and security challenges can pose significant hurdles in analysis, storage, and privacy protection. Here is an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of unstructured data:

Advantages of Unstructured Data:

  • Rich Insights: Unstructured data often contains rich, diverse information that can provide valuable insights into customer behavior, market trends, and business operations. By analyzing unstructured data, organizations can uncover hidden patterns, correlations, and opportunities that may not be apparent from structured data alone.
  • Real-Time Feedback: Unstructured data sources such as social media, customer reviews, and online forums provide real-time feedback and insights into customer sentiment, preferences, and opinions. This enables organizations to respond quickly to customer needs, address concerns promptly, and adapt their strategies in real-time to meet changing market demands.
  • Flexibility: Unstructured data is inherently flexible and adaptable, allowing organizations to capture and analyze a wide range of data types and formats, including text, images, videos, and audio recordings. This flexibility enables businesses to gain a comprehensive understanding of their customers and operations, driving innovation and competitive advantage.
  • Innovation: Unstructured data fuels innovation by providing new sources of inspiration, creativity, and discovery. By exploring unstructured data sets, organizations can uncover novel insights, ideas, and solutions that lead to breakthrough innovations, product enhancements, and business opportunities.

Disadvantages of Unstructured Data:

  • Complexity: Unstructured data is inherently complex and challenging to manage, analyze, and interpret. Unlike structured data, which follows a predefined schema and format, unstructured data lacks organization and consistency, making it difficult to extract meaningful insights without advanced analytics tools and techniques.
  • Volume: Unstructured data often constitutes a significant portion of the total data generated by organizations, resulting in data overload and scalability issues. Managing and storing large volumes of unstructured data can strain IT infrastructure, increase storage costs, and impact performance.
  • Quality: Unstructured data may vary widely in quality, accuracy, and reliability, leading to potential inaccuracies and biases in analysis and decision-making. Cleaning, preprocessing, and validating unstructured data can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, requiring careful attention to ensure data quality and integrity.
  • Privacy and Security Risks: Unstructured data may contain sensitive or confidential information, such as personal data, intellectual property, or trade secrets, which pose privacy and security risks if not adequately protected. Unauthorized access, data breaches, and regulatory compliance issues are significant concerns associated with unstructured data, requiring robust security measures and data governance frameworks to mitigate risks.

Overall, there are various pros and cons to the use of unstructured data. But, if businesses are diligent in setting up the proper unstructured data analysis processes, it can provide a wealth of useful information to your business. 

How Unstructured Data Relates to the Customer Experience

Harnessing the power of unstructured data will allow you to create the best customer experience for your business. By properly analyzing unstructured data, you will not only be able to identify what your customers are currently liking or disliking, you’ll be able to predict their expectations in the future utilizing predictive customer analytics. Here are some ways that unstructured data can help you improve the customer experience:

Understanding Customer Sentiment

Unstructured data, such as social media posts, customer reviews, and feedback emails, contains valuable insights into customer sentiment. By analyzing the language, tone, and context of customer interactions, you can gain a deeper understanding of customer attitudes towards your products, services, and brand. This knowledge enables organizations like yours to identify areas for improvement, address customer concerns proactively, and enhance overall satisfaction.

Personalizing Customer Interactions

Unstructured data allows businesses to personalize customer interactions and tailor their offerings to individual preferences. By analyzing customer data from various sources, such as call transcripts and purchase histories, organizations can identify patterns and trends that inform personalized marketing campaigns, product recommendations, and customer service interactions. This personalized approach can also be a part of larger AI customer experience initiatives that enhance the customer experience, foster loyalty, and drive customer engagement and retention.

Monitoring Brand Reputation

Unstructured data allows businesses to monitor and focus on their brand reputation management in real-time. By tracking mentions, reviews, and conversations about their brand on social media, news sites, and online forums, organizations can quickly identify and address potential reputation issues or crises. This proactive approach helps safeguard brand integrity, maintain customer trust, and mitigate the impact of negative publicity on the customer experience.

Harness Your Unstructured Data with InMoment

Ready to unlock the full potential of your unstructured data with InMoment? Schedule a demo today and discover how our platform can drive actionable insights and elevate your customer experience strategy!


Research World. Possibilities and limitations, of unstructured data. (https://researchworld.com/articles/possibilities-and-limitations-of-unstructured-data) Accessed 2/29/24.

Likert Scale: Gauging the Attitudes of Your Customers

It is hard to talk about survey methodology and practices without mentioning the Likert scale. While some may think the Likert scale is only used in academic research, it is a cornerstone of survey strategies across various industries such as travel & hospitality, automotive, and financial services.

What is the Likert Scale?

The Likert Scale, named after psychologist Rensis Likert, is a widely used tool in social science research and survey methodology for measuring attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of respondents. The Likert Scale usually ranges from five to seven points, with respondents selecting a response that best reflects their agreement or disagreement with each statement. The typical format includes options such as “Strongly Disagree,” “Disagree,” “Neutral,” “Agree,” and “Strongly Agree.” In some cases, scales may also include “Don’t Know” or “Not Applicable” options.

Researchers analyze the responses to calculate measures of central tendency (like mean or median) and dispersion (like standard deviation) to understand the distribution of opinions or attitudes within the sample population. This scale provides a structured way to quantify subjective opinions, making it easier to analyze and compare data across respondents and groups.

What are the Different Types of Likert Scales?

There are several variations of Likert scales, differing primarily in the number of response options provided to respondents. The two most common types are the 5-point Likert scale and the 7-point Likert scale.

5-Point Likert Scale:

In this scale, respondents are typically presented with a statement and five response options ranging from “Strongly Disagree” to “Strongly Agree.” The options might look like this:

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither Agree nor Disagree (Neutral)
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree

7-Point Likert Scale:

The 7-point Likert scale expands on the 5-point scale by providing additional response options, usually to offer more nuanced distinctions between levels of agreement and disagreement. The options might look like this:

  • Strongly Disagree
  • Disagree
  • Somewhat Disagree
  • Neither Agree nor Disagree (Neutral)
  • Somewhat Agree
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree

Both scales serve the same purpose of measuring attitudes or opinions, but the 7-point Likert scale allows for a finer granularity of responses, which can sometimes provide more detailed insights into respondents’ attitudes or perceptions. The choice between the two scales depends on the specific needs of the research or survey design and the level of detail desired in the responses.

What is the Best Type of Likert Scale to Use?

The choice of which Likert scale to use depends on several factors, including the research objectives, the nature of the survey questions, and the preferences of the researcher or organization conducting the survey. There isn’t a universally “best” type of Likert scale; rather, it’s about selecting the most appropriate scale for the specific context. Here are some considerations to keep in mind when choosing a Likert scale:

Research Objectives

Consider the goals of your research and the type of data you need to collect. If you require more nuanced responses to accurately capture the variability in respondents’ attitudes or opinions, a 7-point Likert scale might be more suitable. However, if simplicity and ease of interpretation are priorities, a 5-point Likert scale could suffice.

Question Complexity

The complexity of the survey questions can influence the choice of the Likert scale. If the questions are straightforward and do not require fine-grained distinctions in responses, a simpler scale like the 5-point Likert scale may be sufficient. On the other hand, if the questions are more complex or cover a wide range of opinions, a 7-point Likert scale might provide more flexibility.

Response Bias

Consider the potential for response bias in your survey. Providing more response options (e.g., with a 7-point Likert scale) can sometimes reduce the likelihood of respondents selecting neutral options as a default. However, too many response options could overwhelm respondents and lead to careless responses.

Comparison with Existing Data

If you have existing data or are conducting research in a field where a particular Likert scale is commonly used, it may be advantageous to maintain consistency for easier comparison and analysis across studies.

Ultimately, the choice of the Likert scale should be made thoughtfully, taking into account the specific requirements of the research, the characteristics of the respondents, and the overall survey design. It’s often beneficial to pilot test different versions of the Likert scale to gauge respondent understanding and ensure the scale effectively captures the intended attitudes or opinions.

Examples of Likert Scale Questions

Writing effective Likert scale questions involves careful consideration of the topic, clarity of language, and ensuring that response options adequately capture the range of attitudes or opinions you want to measure. These factors are of the utmost importance to limit any type of voluntary response bias in sampling. Remember, whoever answers the question will be answering by selecting a range of emotions such as “satisfied/agree” or “not satisfied/disagree.” So, more often than not, these questions will be statements that reflect aspects of the topic you are trying to assess. Here are some examples of Likert scale questions:

  • I am likely to recommend this product to others.
  • The quality of the product meets my expectations.
  • I am happy with the level of support provided by customer service.
  • How pleased are you with your job?
  • I thought this system was easy to use.

These examples represent Likert questions that can be direct questions or statements about a range of products and services. 

Examples of Bad Likert Scale Questions

Poorly constructed Likert questions often consist of double-barreled statements that contain ambiguous language that causes them to be biased or misleading. Consider the following examples:

  • “Do you agree that the product is excellent and worth recommending?”

This question is double-barreled, combining two distinct concepts (“excellent” and “worth recommending”) into a single statement. This question would not yield a meaningful response as the question is comparing two items into one question. 

  • “How much do you like the product: very much, much, somewhat, little, very little?”

This question lacks a clear direction or anchor for respondents to understand the meaning of each response option. It also uses imprecise language (e.g., “somewhat”) that may be interpreted differently by respondents. This question would also not yield a meaningful response. 

How to Analyze Likert Scale Data

After your surveys have been completed, it is time to analyze the data. When it comes to analyzing Likert scale data, there are a number of ways to segment the data. Which method you choose will ultimately end on the initial research questions. Some examples of this data analysis are descriptive, frequency, and regression analysis. 

  • Descriptive analysis: Calculate the mean, median, mode, and standard deviation for each response on the Likert scale for a quick summarization of the data. 
  • Frequency analysis: Total the number of items each response was selected and use the quantitative data to create tables or charts to show the distribution of each answer. 
  • Regression analysis: Depending on the objective of the survey, you may be able to analyze the relationship between the various Likert responses and an independent variable. 

Advantages of Using the Likert Scale

The Likert scale offers several advantages for organizations that are looking to implement a simple, effective survey methodology. Likert scales are straightforward and easy to understand for both respondents and researchers. Along with ease of use, here are some other benefits of utilizing the Likert scale: 

  • Flexibility: Likert scales can be adapted to measure a wide range of constructs, including attitudes, opinions, behaviors, satisfaction levels, and more. Researchers can customize Likert scale questions to fit their specific research objectives and contexts.
  • Comparability: Likert scale data enables researchers to compare responses across different groups, variables, or time points. This comparability facilitates meaningful analysis of trends, differences, or relationships within the data.
  • Standardization: Likert scales provide a standardized format for measuring attitudes or opinions, enhancing the consistency and replicability of research findings. This standardization allows for easier comparison of results across studies and populations.

Limitations of the Likert Scale

The Likert scale offers many advantages, but those are not without a small set of limitations. One of the biggest limitations of the Likert scale is the finite number of responses that respondents are limited to. These may not fully capture the complexity of respondents’ attitudes or opinions. This can lead to oversimplification or loss of nuance in the data.

Along with this, respondents may exhibit response bias, such as acquiescence bias (tendency to agree with statements) or social desirability bias (tendency to provide socially acceptable responses), particularly if the scale lacks anonymity or if respondents feel pressured to conform to perceived norms.

Despite these limitations, the Likert scale remains a widely used and valuable tool for measuring attitudes, opinions, and perceptions in various research settings. Researchers should carefully consider these limitations and take steps to mitigate potential biases and challenges when designing and interpreting Likert scale surveys.

When to Use the Likert Scale

Likert scales are well-suited for assessing individuals’ attitudes or opinions toward specific topics, issues, products, services, or experiences. This can come in the form of a Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey or a Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSAT). For example, they can be used to gauge satisfaction with customer service or perceptions of organizational culture. 

Furthermore, Likert scales are effective in quantifying subjective perceptions or experiences. Researchers can use Likert scales to measure perceptions of quality, trust, reliability, fairness, or effectiveness in various domains. This can be used to ask customers about their personal experiences with an organization and make those answers measurable. 

How the Likert Scale Effects Your CX Efforts

The Likert scale is a great tool to be utilized in your customer experience efforts. They are a great way to provide a structured method for measuring customer satisfaction across various touchpoints in the customer journey. By asking customers to rate their satisfaction levels with specific aspects of their experience (e.g., product quality, service responsiveness, website usability), organizations can identify areas of strength and areas for improvement.

Similarly, Likert scale data provides valuable insights that can inform strategic decision-making and resource allocation. By identifying areas with low satisfaction scores or high variability in responses, organizations can prioritize investments in CX improvement initiatives that are most likely to have a positive impact on customer loyalty and retention. 

Involving customers in the feedback process through Likert scale surveys can enhance engagement and satisfaction. By demonstrating a commitment to listening to customer feedback and taking action based on their responses, organizations can build trust, loyalty, and advocacy among their customer base.

Utilize the Likert Scale with InMoment

InMoment’s XI Platform allows you to utilize the Likert Scale to gather actionable feedback, measure satisfaction, and drive meaningful improvements. Schedule a demo today to see how we can help your business. 

Local SEO: Tips & Strategies to Get Discovered

Did you know that 46% of all internet searches have local intent? In order to capitalize on this, your business needs to be actively working on your local SEO. Local search engine optimization (SEO) is an effective strategy for driving traffic and revenue to businesses of all sizes, not just smaller local businesses. Local SEO is one of the most important factors in how your business ranks in Google Search, Maps, and more. 

When executed effectively, it enables your business to attract customers organically, bypassing the need for hefty investments in traditional advertising. 

What is Local SEO?

Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the practice of optimizing your online presence to attract more business from relevant local searches on search engines like Google. It involves various strategies to improve your website’s visibility in local search results, making it easier for potential customers in your area to find your business.

Why is Local SEO Important?

Local SEO is one of the most important factors for driving traffic to your business. As a matter of fact, 50% of smartphone users visited a business within a day of their local search. So it doesn’t matter if you are a local business, or have hundreds of locations across the country, capitalizing on local SEO is key to standing out from your competitors and driving business success. Ultimately, investing in local SEO equips you with the tools and strategies needed to enhance your online visibility, attract relevant traffic, and drive tangible business results, regardless of your business’s size or geographical footprint.

What is an Example of Local SEO?

An example of local SEO in action is when someone searches for a specific service or product with a location-based query, such as “plumber near me” or “coffee shop in Dallas.” In response, search engines like Google display a list of relevant businesses that match the user’s query and are located in or near the specified area. 

These search results are influenced by various local SEO factors, including the business’s proximity to the user’s location, the relevance of the business to the search query, and the prominence of the business’s online presence. By optimizing their websites, Google My Business listings, and other online profiles for local search, businesses can increase their chances of appearing in these local search results and attracting nearby customers.

How Does Local SEO Work?

When it comes to SEO and local SEO, there is not an exact list of everything you need to do to rank in the top positions. There is, however, a set of practices that organizations can follow in order to improve the rankings of their pages. There is a set of best practices for standard SEO, and a set of best practices for local SEO. 

When it comes to local SEO, the ranking factors are more personal to your business. These factors include: 

  • A claimed and verified Google Business Profile
  • Consistent and accurate business information such as name, address, and phone number. Often referred to as NAP
  • High-quality images and videos to your Google Business Profile
  • Local content that caters towards local interests, events, and news
  • Positive sentiments in customer reviews

While this is not an exhaustive list, this gives you an idea of some of the most important local SEO ranking factors. To imagine what these look like in action, imagine a local bakery wants to improve their local SEO rankings so they can get more organic traffic to their business. 

The business owner would claim and verify their Google Business Profile, and then complete the setup by inputting the proper NAP information as well as high-quality images of the bakery. The business owner would then create localized content such as blog posts about upcoming local events where they will be showcasing their products. Finally, the business owner would ask satisfied customers to leave a positive review, so that future prospective customers can see the positive experience that others have had. 

How Long Does a Local SEO Strategy Take?

The timeline for seeing results from local SEO efforts can vary depending on various factors, including the competitiveness of your industry, the quality of your optimization efforts, and the specific strategies you’re implementing. Generally, you may start seeing improvements in local search rankings within a few weeks to several months.

For businesses in less competitive industries or smaller geographic areas, you may see results sooner, often within a few weeks of implementing local SEO strategies. This could include improvements in local search rankings, increased website traffic, and more visibility in local search results.

However, for businesses in highly competitive industries or larger geographic areas, it may take longer to see significant results from local SEO efforts. In these cases, it may take several months of consistent optimization, content creation, citation building, and other strategies to see noticeable improvements in local search rankings and online visibility.

It’s important to note that local SEO is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring, adjustment, and optimization. While you may start seeing initial results within a few weeks or months, the full benefits of local SEO often accrue over time as you continue to build your online presence, attract more local customers, and establish your business as a trusted authority in your community.

Local SEO Tips & Strategies

While the basic local SEO tips such as an optimized Google Business Profile, local content, and asking for reviews have already been covered, there are certain strategies you can implement that will capitalize on those tips to help you succeed. 

Local Content Marketing Strategy

Local content marketing involves creating and promoting content that specifically targets and resonates with your local audience. This strategy aims to establish your business as a valuable resource within the community while also improving your visibility in local search results. Here’s how to implement a local content marketing strategy effectively:

1. Understand Your Local Audience 

  • Start by researching your local community to understand their interests, needs, and preferences.
  • Identify common pain points, questions, or topics of interest that your audience is searching for online.

2. Create Localized Content

  • Develop content ideas that are relevant to your local audience, such as guides to local attractions, events, or hidden gems in your area.
  • Incorporate local keywords naturally into your content to improve its visibility in local search results.
  • Use storytelling and personal anecdotes to make your content relatable and engaging for local readers.

3. Promote Your Content Locally

  • Share your content on local social media channels, community forums, and neighborhood groups to increase its visibility within the community.
  • Collaborate with other local businesses or organizations to cross-promote each other’s content and reach a broader audience.
  • Consider sponsoring local events or community initiatives that align with your brand values and target audience to increase exposure for your content.

4. Engage with Your Audience

  • Monitor comments, shares, and feedback on your content and respond promptly and thoughtfully to engage with your audience.
  • Encourage user-generated content by hosting contests, challenges, or events that encourage your audience to share their experiences and stories related to your business or community.
  • Incorporate feedback and suggestions from your audience into future content ideas to ensure that your content remains relevant and valuable to your local community. This will also encourage from the google local guide program to interact with your business.

5. Track and Measure Results

  • Use analytics tools to track the performance of your local content marketing efforts, including website traffic, engagement metrics, and conversions.
  • Monitor changes in local search rankings for targeted keywords related to your content to assess its impact on your overall local SEO strategy.
  • Adjust your content marketing strategy based on the insights gained from tracking and measuring results to optimize your efforts and drive continued success.

Local Link Building Strategy

Local link building involves acquiring backlinks from relevant and authoritative websites within your local community. These backlinks not only improve your website’s authority and credibility but also signal to search engines that your business is highly relevant to local search queries. 

1. Identify Local Link Opportunities

  • Research local businesses, organizations, and community websites that are relevant to your industry or target audience.
  • Look for opportunities to collaborate or contribute content that could earn you backlinks, such as guest blogging, sponsoring events, or participating in local charity initiatives.

2. Create Compelling Linkable Assets

  • Develop high-quality, informative, and shareable content that other websites in your community would want to link to.
  • Examples of linkable assets include in-depth guides, infographics, case studies, or local resource directories that provide value to your audience and demonstrate your expertise in your industry.

3. Reach Out to Local Websites

  • Craft personalized outreach emails to local websites, introducing yourself and your business, and explaining how your content or expertise could benefit their audience.
  • Be polite, concise, and specific about what you’re offering and why it would be valuable to their readers or followers.
  • Follow up with a friendly reminder if you don’t hear back initially, but avoid being pushy or overly aggressive in your follow-up approach.

4. Build Relationships with Local Influencers

  • Identify local influencers, bloggers, or journalists who cover topics relevant to your business or industry.
  • Engage with them on social media, comment on their blog posts, and share their content to start building a relationship and establishing trust.
  • Once you’ve built rapport, pitch them your content or expertise as a valuable resource for their audience, and ask if they would consider linking to it or featuring it on their platform.

5. Monitor and Maintain Your Backlink Profile

  • Keep track of the backlinks you’ve earned from local websites and monitor their status regularly.
  • Respond promptly to any requests for link removal or changes to ensure that your backlink profile remains healthy and free from spammy or low-quality links.
  • Continuously seek out new link opportunities and update your outreach efforts to reflect changes in your industry or local community.

While this is not a full list of every available local SEO strategy, this gives you an insight into what more complex local SEO techniques may look like, and how you can implement them for your business. 

Features to Look for in Local SEO Software

When selecting a local SEO software for your business, there are many different features available. But, it is important to choose a software that directly aligns with your business goals. Here are some common local SEO features to consider: 

  • Local Business Listing Management: Software that helps you manage your business listings on local directories, review sites, and other online platforms to ensure your business information is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Review Monitoring and Management: Tools that enable you to monitor and manage customer reviews across multiple review sites, allowing you to respond promptly and maintain a positive online reputation.
  • Geotargeting Capabilities: Features that allow you to target specific geographic areas with your SEO efforts, such as creating location-specific landing pages or targeting ads to users in specific locations.
  • Local Rank Tracking: Tools that track your local search rankings for target keywords and provide insights into your performance compared to competitors in your area.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Features that provide comprehensive reports and analytics on your local SEO performance, including metrics such as visibility, traffic, conversions, and ROI.

What is the Difference Between SEO and Local SEO?

The main difference between SEO and local SEO lies in their target audience and geographic focus. While both SEO and Local SEO aim to improve a website’s visibility in search engine results, SEO targets a broader audience on a national or global scale, while Local SEO focuses on attracting customers from specific geographic areas. Here are some other key differences between the two:

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

  • SEO focuses on optimizing a website’s visibility and rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs) on a broader scale, typically targeting a global or national audience.
  • The goal of SEO is to improve the website’s overall search engine visibility and attract organic traffic from users searching for relevant keywords, regardless of their location.
  • SEO strategies include optimizing website content, improving site structure and navigation, earning backlinks from authoritative websites, and enhancing user experience to increase rankings in search results.

Local SEO

  • Local SEO, on the other hand, is specifically geared toward optimizing a business’s online presence to attract more customers from local searches within a specific geographic area.
  • The primary focus of local SEO is to ensure that a business appears prominently in local search results when users search for products or services in their vicinity.
  • Local SEO strategies include optimizing the Google My Business listing, creating locally relevant content, building citations on online directories, managing online reviews, and targeting keywords with local intent.
  • The target audience for local SEO is local consumers who are actively searching for nearby businesses, making it ideal for brick-and-mortar stores, service-based businesses, and businesses with physical locations.

What Does Local SEO Have to Do With Reputation Management?

Local SEO and online reputation management are closely intertwined, as both play critical roles in shaping a business’s online presence and influencing consumer perceptions. Here are some examples of how they are connected.

Online Reviews

Online reviews, such as Google reviews, are a key component of both local SEO and reputation management. Positive reviews not only contribute to a business’s local search rankings but also enhance its reputation by showcasing satisfied customers’ experiences. Conversely, negative reviews can harm local search visibility and damage a business’s reputation. Managing and responding to reviews effectively is essential for both local SEO success and reputation management.

Google Business Profile Listing

A well-optimized Google Business Profile listing is crucial for local SEO, as it directly impacts a business’s visibility in local search results. However, it also serves as a platform for managing and responding to customer reviews, which is essential for reputation management. Maintaining accurate business information, posting updates, and engaging with customers on GMB can positively influence both local SEO and reputation.

Local Citations and Directories

Consistent business listings across online directories, citation sites, and review platforms are important for local SEO, as they help search engines validate a business’s credibility and relevance. However, these listings also serve as touchpoints for customers to leave reviews and ratings, which can significantly impact a business’s reputation. Ensuring that business information is accurate and up-to-date across all citations is essential for both local SEO and reputation management.

Local Content and Social Proof

Creating locally relevant content and showcasing social proof, such as testimonials and case studies, are strategies used in both local SEO and reputation management. Local content helps businesses connect with their target audience in specific geographic areas, improving local search visibility and enhancing reputation by demonstrating expertise and relevance. Social proof builds trust and credibility, which are critical for both attracting customers through local search and maintaining a positive reputation.

In summary, local SEO and reputation management are interconnected strategies that work together to enhance a business’s online presence, attract customers in specific geographic areas, and build trust and credibility among its target audience. By effectively managing online reviews, optimizing local listings, creating relevant content, and showcasing social proof, businesses can improve their local search rankings and reputation simultaneously.

Improve Your Local SEO with InMoment

InMoment’s reputation management software allows you to pinpoint and enhance your local search presence by focusing on the terms customers use to discover your brand. You will also be able to analyze your brand’s current ranking and pinpoint critical areas for enhancing search visibility. See what InMoment can do for you by scheduling a reputation management demo today!


Sagapixel. 18 Local SEO Stats That Will Blow You Away. (https://sagapixel.com/seo/local-seo-stats/). Access 2/28/24. 

Forbes Advisor. 60 SEO Statistics for 2024. (https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/software/seo-statistics/). Access 2/28/24.

How to Create and Share a Google Reviews Link

One of the most effective ways to improve your company’s search ranking on Google is to use a Google reviews link to generate high-quality online reviews of your business locations.

A Google review link makes it easy for your customers to share their experiences with your business online. Proactively asking for feedback in the form of Google reviews is a great way to strengthen customer relationships, connecting your brand to the voices that matter the most. A review link for Google is also a tool that can dramatically improve your search engine performance, essential to attracting more customers and increasing your conversion. 

According to research by InMoment:

  • About 70% of reviews come from companies reaching out to customers to ask for / request reviews.
  • Reviews from review requests produce higher ratings (an average of 4.34 stars) than unprompted reviews (3.89 stars).

Google reviews are particularly important marketing assets for any business organization. Online reputation management statistics show that the purchase decisions of 90% of consumers are influenced by reviews, and a majority (63%) use Google reviews before they even visit a business or store location.

Your customers are no more than a few clicks away from sharing their experiences and writing authentic reviews of your business. A Google reviews link is the perfect tool to help your team capitalize on this opportunity.

What is a Google Reviews Link?

A Google reviews link is a direct URL that leads users to a specific page on Google Maps where they can read and write reviews. 

Savvy marketers and brands use a Google review link to encourage customers to leave reviews, as this provides a convenient way for users to access the review section on a Google Business Profile directly without having to search for the business manually on Google. There are various ways for your team to create and share this link, which fits well with other efforts to build a community of advocates building hype for your business. 

Can’t People Just Search for Your Business on Google and Leave a Review That Way?

Anyone with a mobile device or computer can simply search for your business or brand name on Google and select “Write a review” when they find your Business Profile. However, not all of your customers are aware of how to review businesses on Google; asking them to do so without providing a Google reviews link may lead to them abandoning the process. 

Simply put: people are more likely to leave a review if the process is streamlined and straightforward. Learning how to get a Google review link (and share it with customers) eliminates unnecessary steps, increasing the likelihood of customers taking the time to leave valuable feedback.

Creating and sharing a review link for Google also gives your company more control over the review process. By providing a direct link, you can guide customers directly to your Google Business Profile, ensuring they are leaving feedback on the correct listing and minimizing the chance of them getting sidetracked or leaving reviews on the wrong page.

How to Create a Google Review Link

There are various ways to create and share your Google reviews link. Here are some of the most popular options, along with step-by-step instructions:

Option 1: Google Search

Conduct a Google search of your business or brand name using a computer. To the right side of the search results page, you will find a section that displays a summary of information from your Google Business Profile.

Click the “(Number of) Google reviews” link or button, usually found below your business name and photo gallery. When the review window pops up, copy the URL in the address bar on the top of your web browser.

Option 2: Google Business Profile Manager

If you are using Google Business Profile to manage your business information on Google, it should be simple and easy to create and share a Google review link. Just log into Google Business Profile Manager. 

Choose the business you want to get a link to Google reviews for (if you own multiple businesses) then click “See your profile.”

This will open a new tab on your browser, with information about “your business on Google.” Scroll down to see the actions you can take on your Business Profile and choose “Ask for reviews.” This functions as a Google review link generator: a popup window will appear, containing your unique link which you can then share via email, WhatsApp, or Facebook, among others.

Option 3: Place ID Finder Tool

Another way to find your Google review link is to use the Place ID Finder tool, which you’ll find on this Google Maps developer page

A Google Maps developer page features the ever-so-handy Place ID Finder tool. All you need to do is enter the name of your business location (that you’d like to ask reviews for) in the search bar.

Once you have found and selected the location, a text window above the business will appear on the map. This will contain a series of numbers, letters, and symbols that make up the “Place ID”. Copy that Place ID onto the URL below after the “placeid=” string.

  • https://search.google.com/local/writereview?placeid=

For example, if your place ID on Google is 123456ABCDE2024, then your Google reviews link will be: 

  • https://search.google.com/local/writereview?placeid=123456ABCDE2024

Copy and save this URL, which you can then use to share with customers as your Google reviews link.

Option 4: InMoment’s Online Reputation Management Software

Companies can also use InMoment’s reputation management software solution as a Google review link generator. With InMoment’s robust review management feature set, you can streamline the process of requesting reviews from customers in order to improve your local search visibility and acquire more customers. 

In particular, the survey and review request tools within InMoment enables teams to capture valuable feedback and generate links that direct your customers to your Google Business Profile, as well as your review pages and listings on other online review websites.

Where and How to Share a Google Review Link

You can share your Google review link through various channels to encourage customers to leave reviews of your business or store locations. Here are some of the ways you can share the link effectively:

Send an Email

Include the Google reviews link in your email newsletters, order confirmation emails, or follow-up emails after a customer’s purchase or service experience. Personalize the message and politely ask customers to leave a review.

Generate a Google Review QR Code

QR codes in stores and business locations have become ubiquitous. You can use this technology to generate more Google reviews for your locations by placing or printing the code on your checkout counters, receipts, post-transaction emails, and other marketing materials.

Share the Link on Social Media

You can also share your Google review link on your company’s social media profiles. Craft a post explaining the importance of reviews and encourage followers to share their experiences. You can also pin the post to the top of your profile for increased visibility.

Add the Link on Your Website

You also have the option of adding a “Leave a Review” button or link on your website. You can place it prominently on your homepage, in the footer, or on the contact page. This makes it easy for visitors to find your unique Google review link and leave a review.

Best Practices to Get Reviews

When sharing your Google reviews link, it’s essential to provide clear instructions on how to use it and why leaving a review is valuable to your business. Make it as easy as possible for customers to click the link and leave their feedback. 

Additionally, consider offering incentives or rewards for leaving Google reviews to further encourage participation. (This will also motivate customers who are part of the Google Local Guide program.) However, be sure to adhere to Google’s guidelines regarding soliciting reviews to avoid any potential violations.

To ensure that your efforts successfully generate reviews for your Google Business Profile, follow these best practices: 

  • Claim your Google Business Profile and get verified.
  • Remind customers to leave reviews.
  • Stay compliant with review guidelines.
  • Learn how to respond to negative reviews as well as positive feedback so that you can build trust and goodwill among customers who leave reviews. 
  • Shorten your Google review link and keep it so you can track it.

Get Google Reviews and Build Consumer Trust with InMoment

A stream of reviews from customers created by your Google reviews link helps showcase the best of your brand and creates powerful social proof for inspiring consumer confidence and driving sales. Take InMoment’s reputation management solution for a test drive to learn how our software can help your team generate more reviews, boost your brand reputation, and improve your search engine performance.

How Market Segmentation Can Be Used to Improve the Customer Experience

It’s crucial that brands understand the experiences they provide and whether or not they satisfy the needs of customers, employees, and beyond. Effective market segmentation is critical to that goal. Every business should know the ins and outs of how their marketing, advertising, and sales team measure up. 

What Is Market Segmentation?

Market segmentation is a research strategy that separates different consumers in order to study their preferences, needs, and perspectives in order to optimize business practices, products, and experiences.

Hopefully, your business has more than one customer. If not, that’s okay because market segmentation isn’t primarily concerned with how many customers you have. It’s more about what type of customers. Each customer has their own needs but oftentimes some customers align in a significant way. Market segmentation recognizes this reality and is a process to capitalize on that. The main ethos is this: what if we could split our customers into distinct groups—based on specific factors—so we can learn how to market our products to the right people?

The 4 Types of Market Segmentation with Examples

There are four common types of strategies that businesses use to segment their customer base. Note that this list is not exhaustive and businesses have found other relevant factors that influence their customers’ needs.


Geographic segmentation divides the market based on geographical units such as region, country, city, neighborhood, climate, population density, and urban/rural areas. This segmentation recognizes that consumers’ needs, preferences, and behaviors may vary depending on where they live.

Imagine a retail store selling to two customers, one who lives in a cosmopolitan city and the other in a rural town. Each would have different expectations and wants for the clothes they wear. Depending on the climate, how often they’re outside, or the appropriate clothing for a social setting, these two customers are unique enough to warrant a customized marketing strategy.


Demographic segmentation categorizes consumers based on demographic variables such as age, gender, income, education, occupation, marital status, and family size. Demographic factors are among the most commonly used segmentation variables because they are relatively easy to measure and often correlate with consumer needs and behaviors.

An example of this may look like fast food restaurants having a totally different menu in another country. This is because food preferences are hugely influenced by one’s ethnic background. That’s why McDonald’s serves a Cheese Tsukimi burger in Japan. It’s also the reason why the items supplied in grocery stores change depending on the most common ethnicities in the surrounding local community.


Psychographic segmentation categorizes consumers based on their lifestyle, values, interests, attitudes, and personality traits. This approach delves into the psychological aspects of consumer behavior, aiming to understand what motivates individuals and how they perceive themselves and the world around them.

Let’s say a large portion of a brand’s customers are Millennials. This generation has been widely characterized as one who cares about the ethical impact of what they purchase. From the environment to social justice movements, millennials want their experiences to mean something. So the business decides to create a policy where 10% of all proceeds go directly to a refugee charity.


Behavioral segmentation divides the market based on consumers’ purchasing behavior, product usage, brand loyalty, benefits sought, occasions, and readiness to buy. This approach focuses on understanding how consumers interact with products and services and what drives their buying decisions.

Brands frequently provide deals that only apply when customers shop online. It usually looks something like, “Buy up to $50 to get 10% off” or “Free shipping with a purchase of $25 or more”. Businesses offer these not because they like their online customers more, but because online shoppers have different spending tendencies. There could be many factors that contribute to that case. It could be how easy it is to click so many items into one’s cart or the instant gratification of purchasing online. Whatever the reason, the reality is that shoppers are more willing to buy into those deals when it’s done digitally.

Disadvantages of Market Segmentation

While market segmentation offers numerous benefits, it also presents certain disadvantages and common pitfalls. These are some common mistakes associated with market segmentation. 

1. Potential for Segmentation Errors: Market segmentation involves making assumptions about customer characteristics, needs, and behaviors based on available data. However, segmentation errors can occur if the chosen segmentation variables are inaccurate or if the segmentation process is based on faulty assumptions.

2. Complexity and Cost: Market segmentation can be complex and resource-intensive, requiring extensive data collection, analysis, and segmentation strategy development. Small businesses with limited resources may struggle to implement segmentation effectively.

3. Ignoring Changing Market Dynamics: Market segmentation strategies must be dynamic and adaptable to changes in market dynamics, consumer preferences, and competitive landscapes. Failing to update segmentation strategies in response to changing market conditions can result in outdated or ineffective segmentation approaches.

4. Inflexible Targeting: Over-reliance on segmentation can lead to inflexible targeting strategies that fail to account for individual variation within segments. Businesses must balance the benefits of targeting specific segments with the need to remain responsive to individual customer needs and preferences.

5. Difficulty in Segment Identification: Identifying meaningful and actionable segments within the market can be challenging, particularly in industries with complex customer behaviors or rapidly changing market conditions. Businesses must invest time and resources in thorough market research and analysis to identify viable segmentation opportunities.

Benefits of Market Segmentation

Market segmentation can look different depending on your business model, but at the end of the day the goal is the same: better understanding your target market. And that can lead to significant business value:

Increased Customer Retention

Knowing your customers well will lead to a sharpened customer journey because your brand will know how and which marketing messages will resonate with customers. And we don’t have to tell you that an excellent customer experience will increase the likelihood of customers staying loyal to your business.

Differentiation from Competitors

As your company shapes exactly how their products and services can appeal to a variety of consumers, your branding will evolve along with that process. This allows your brand to differentiate from competitors because your target audiences aren’t just a big question mark.

Opens Up Marketing Opportunities

Segmenting your market will open up opportunities to strategize and restrategize. Since market segmentation is an ongoing process, it informs and guides your marketing teams throughout business decisions. Customers don’t stay stagnant forever, they transform as the world transforms but segmenting your market can make your brand aware of opportunities when they arise.

Risk Reduction

By diversifying your customer base across multiple segments, businesses can reduce their exposure to risks associated with fluctuations in demand, changes in consumer preferences, or competitive pressures within specific market segments.

Better Resource Allocation

Segmentation helps businesses allocate resources more effectively by directing investments toward the most promising market segments. By identifying high-potential segments with strong growth prospects and attractive profitability, companies can allocate resources strategically to maximize returns.

What Does Effective Market Segmentation Look Like?

One of the biggest challenges marketers face is making sure the products actually align with a customer segment. You may have market access to a large customer base but do those customers have enough buying power or will they even want the product you’re offering? That’s why it’s more important to focus on targeting the money instead of the segment. Market segmentation doesn’t necessarily mean you have to market to each and every segment you discover. Choose the ones most likely to engage with your product and that will lead to a positive return on investment (ROI). 

How to Conduct Market Segmentation

In order for market segmentation to be effective, it needs to be done the right way. So, if you are about to undertake a market segmentation process, be sure to follow these steps: 

1. Define Objectives: Clearly define the objectives of the segmentation initiative. Determine what specific goals the organization aims to achieve through segmentation, such as better targeting, increased customer satisfaction, or enhanced competitiveness.

2. Gather Data: Collect relevant data to understand the characteristics, needs, preferences, and behaviors of your target market. Data sources may include customer surveys, interviews, focus groups, demographic data, purchasing history, website analytics, social media insights, and market research reports.

3. Identify Segmentation Variables: Choose the criteria or variables that will be used to segment the market. Common segmentation variables include demographic factors (age, gender, income), geographic factors (location, climate), psychographic factors (lifestyle, values), and behavioral factors (purchasing behavior, product usage).

4. Segmentation Analysis: Analyze the collected data to identify meaningful segments within the target market. Use statistical techniques such as cluster analysis, factor analysis, or regression analysis to group customers based on similarities and differences in their characteristics or behavior.

5. Develop Segment Profiles: Develop detailed profiles for each segment, including demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral characteristics. Describe the needs, preferences, motivations, and behaviors of customers within each segment to gain a deeper understanding of their unique requirements.

6. Evaluate Segment Attractiveness: Assess the attractiveness of each segment based on factors such as size, growth potential, profitability, competition, and alignment with organizational objectives. Prioritize segments that offer the greatest potential for business success and competitive advantage.

7. Select Target Segments: Select the target segments that align with the organization’s strategic priorities and marketing objectives. Consider factors such as market potential, resource availability, and competitive positioning when determining which segments to focus on.

8. Develop Marketing Strategies: Develop tailored marketing strategies and tactics for each target segment. Customize product offerings, pricing strategies, distribution channels, and promotional messages to address the specific needs and preferences of each segment.

9. Implement and Monitor: Implement the marketing strategies and tactics designed for each target segment. Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of segmentation initiatives through key performance indicators (KPIs) such as sales growth, market share, customer satisfaction, and return on investment (ROI).

10. Iterate and Refine: Continuously monitor market trends, customer feedback, and competitive dynamics to refine segmentation strategies over time. Update segment profiles, adjust marketing tactics, and explore new segmentation opportunities to stay responsive to changing market conditions and customer needs.

InMoment Can Perfect Market Segmentation For You

Don’t know where to go from here? InMoment can help! InMoment is committed to aiding businesses with our award-winning technology through the understanding that experiences involve the needs of customers, employees, and the business. As one of the top (MX) brands, we’re dedicated to teaching and guiding businesses on how to utilize their data when making key business decisions. Our specialized Market Experience Cloud along with expert consultants is available to help you in garnering as much intelligence from the market as possible. Contact us today for a demo.

Every Brand’s Guide to Online Reputation Management

In today’s digital age, the reputation of organizations can be significantly impacted by what is being said about them online. This is why online reputation management has become a key growth driver for businesses: it is crucial for maintaining a positive digital footprint for your company and brand, while also helping build trust with your stakeholders. 

What is Online Reputation Management?

Online reputation management (ORM) is the use of multiple strategies and tactics designed to monitor, influence, and improve the online perception of your company, organization, and brand. It ensures that online content accurately reflects your business’s desired image. Ideally, ORM is approached as a holistic process that involves a combination of activities, including:

  • Reputation measurement
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Media and public relations
  • Online review management
  • Social listening and social media marketing
  • Customer experience management
  • Employer branding
  • Local listings management

Benefits of Online Reputation Management

Effectively managing your online brand reputation can inspire consumer confidence, foster loyalty, and drive bottom-line growth. On the other hand, a negative online reputation can drive prospects away and lead to the loss of existing customers; at the same time, it can pinpoint areas of improvement, helping your team update business processes to meet customer needs.

  • Only 5% of users look past the first page of Google search engine results. First impressions count, especially online. 
  • Customers don’t trust companies with lower than 4-star ratings. The most common filter applied is to see only companies with 4-star ratings and higher. Meanwhile, 84% don’t trust advertising and traditional sales messaging.
  • Positive reviews make 74% of consumers trust a business more. On the other hand, 60% of consumers say that negative reviews made them not want to choose a business. 
  • 84% of job seekers say the brand reputation of a company as an employer of choice is important.

These numbers highlight the importance of effective digital reputation management. Key benefits include:

  • Improved brand image: Managing your online reputation will help your company maintain a positive online presence, reinforcing the desired image and values associated with your brand.
  • Stronger customer relationships. Organizations that are responsive to what’s being said about them online (such as in reviews and social media comments) are better positioned to foster strong and lasting relationships with customers. 
  • Improved brand credibility and trust. Positive online reviews, testimonials, and content build credibility and trust among customers and stakeholders.
  • Improved search engine performance. Positive content generated through Internet reputation management efforts can help improve your search engine rankings, making it easier for potential customers to discover and choose you over the competition. 
  • Better crisis prevention and management. Good reputation management allows organizations to detect and address potential reputation threats early, minimizing the impact of negative publicity, reviews, and crises. ORM strategies can also help repair damaged reputations and rebuild trust. 
  • Improved talent acquisition. A positive online reputation improves your organization’s ability to attract and retain top talent, which is key to company success and growth.

Most importantly, effective online reputation management ensures that everyone who comes into contact with your brand — customers, prospects, employees, suppliers, the media, and stakeholders — will have a reliably positive, engaging, and valuable experience.

Is Online Reputation Management the Same as SEO?

Online reputation management (ORM) and search engine optimization (SEO) are related concepts in digital marketing, but they have key differences in their areas of focus and how results are measured.

  • Managing online reputation typically involves monitoring and managing mentions, responding to reviews and customer feedback, engaging with the audience to build trust and credibility, and creating positive content to influence public perception. ORM’s primary focus is to shape and manage the online perception of your brand. 
  • SEO, meanwhile, focuses on improving your brand visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords or phrases. The main goal is to drive organic traffic through content creation and optimization.

ORM and SEO serve distinct purposes and employ different strategies to achieve their respective goals. However, there can be overlaps, as aspects of ORM, such as managing online reviews and generating positive content, can indirectly contribute to SEO efforts by enhancing your brand reputation and credibility, which can then positively impact search engine rankings.

Managing Online Reputation: How to Protect Your Brand

If your business performance hasn’t matched expectations, it may be useful to check up on your reputation and see how customers talk about and perceive your brand. Let’s dive deeper into the ways you can manage your online reputation and protect your brand. 

Audit and Monitor Your Brand Reputation

Learning how to audit, measure, and monitor your digital reputation is a great way to understand how people feel about your brand and what they think of when they come across your company’s products and services.

When auditing the content that appears online about your brand, ask questions like: 

  • Is your brand well-known online? Does it have a good following on social media and other digital platforms, and does it show up prominently in search engine results?
  • How do customers and leads perceive your brand, and what is the underlying sentiment behind their interactions and experiences with your business? 
  • What kind of content appears on search engine results pages, review websites, and social media sites whenever your business or brand is being searched? Is the content positive, neutral, or negative? 
  • How does your reputation stack up against competitors? Does your company have an understanding of industry benchmarks and online reputation management statistics to help influence your goals?

Win Your Local Search Market

97% of people learn about and find local businesses online. Whether you’re running a small business or an enterprise-level organization with hundreds or thousands of business locations, it’s important to establish your visibility in search engines through the management and optimization of your local business listings.

These listings appear in search results when people search for your company online. Not only do they display your business information; they also play a vital role in determining your brand reputation, search engine rankings, and revenue.

Part of successful brand reputation management is creating effective local listings that accurately reflect your brand as well as drive customers to your business locations. This involves a good amount of research, data entry, verification procedures, and manually logging in and out of websites — which you have to repeat every time your business information changes: say, you moved your business address or your store hours changed. 

To stay efficient, you must have an understanding of which ones matter most to you. When managed and optimized properly, listings can serve as powerful marketing assets that can do wonders for your brand. They can do the same job as traditional advertising and marketing, but where offline or print efforts may fall short — specifically: getting your business found online — a sound local listing management strategy can make the most impact.

Engage Effectively On Social Media

Many of the world’s top brands are known for having an active, thoughtful, and engaging social media presence. Whether it’s on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Linkedin, brands with an excellent reputation often have rapidly growing communities of social media fans and followers.

Social media, after all, offers a great platform not only for raising awareness about your products and services but also for establishing your company’s thought leadership and expertise. 

Apart from pushing promotional brand content, your team should keep an eye out for conversations about your brand. Develop a social listening strategy if this is something you don’t yet have. Answer questions that users bring up when they mention you, steer them towards content that provides additional context if they have an early interest in your offerings, or simply thank people if they mention their experience at one of your locations.

Social media is also an effective channel for generating goodwill for your brand, and for crafting your digital reputation in ways that inspire customers’ trust. Your organization may also consider investing in social listening tools to understand the full spectrum of conversation around your brand, as well as to monitor social media for any negative comments or mentions.

Master the Art of Responding to Reviews

Companies need to learn how to respond to negative reviews, especially in situations where these reviews might damage their brand reputation.

According to InMoment research, companies aren’t responding fast enough (or at all) to reviews. 53% of customers expect businesses to respond to negative reviews within a week. 1 in 3 have a shorter time frame of 3 days or less.

Ensure that your team has a process in place for getting back to customers and replying to their reviews. When you receive low ratings or negative feedback, act quickly to resolve issues. Take time to thank your reviewers for sharing their feedback, and always personalize your responses and reinforce the positives in the customer experience. 

By mastering the art of responding to reviews, you can protect and strengthen your brand reputation while also driving meaningful engagement with customers.

Encourage Customer Reviews Online

When you deliver experiences that customers love, they won’t hesitate to vouch for you. All you have to do is ask. So, as part of your online reputation management strategy, establish a workflow for requesting reviews from customers. 

A stream of 5-star reviews from customers helps showcase your business and creates powerful social proof for inspiring shopper confidence and driving sales. Proactively asking for reviews and customer feedback is also a great way to perform instant outreach: it helps strengthen customer relationships and connects your business to the voices that matter the most. This isn’t to mention the SEO impact of new reviews, which can improve your search engine visibility and amplify your listings’ local SEO signals. 

Plan for Crisis

By planning for potential crises in advance, a company can develop communication strategies and procedures to respond quickly and effectively when a crisis occurs. This proactive approach allows you to mitigate the negative impact on your brand reputation before the situation escalates. 

In times of crisis, stakeholders also look to the company for leadership and transparency. A well-planned crisis management plan helps maintain trust by demonstrating the organization’s commitment to addressing issues responsibly. 

Capture and Analyze Customer Feedback

There is a range of reputational benefits that can come from listening, acting, and responding to what customers say about your brand, product, service, or business location. By capturing and analyzing customer feedback, you can also: 

  • Measure and improve your customer experience KPIs and metrics
  • Customize your products and services to respond to the voiced needs and wants of your customers 
  • Drive customer satisfaction and loyalty 
  • Prioritize high-impact customer issues, trends, and developments that are impacting the customer experience
  • Evaluate new ways of gaining a competitive advantage 
  • Generate advanced marketing insights and opportunities

When capturing customer feedback, be sure to collect data from sources such as surveys, focus group discussions, field reports, and customer roundtables. Digital innovations have expanded the ways you can listen to the voice of the customer, which means you can also capture feedback from emails, NPS results, usability tests, online reviews, social media comments, and more.

Choosing Your Online Reputation Management Solution: Features to Look For

When selecting an online reputation management solution or services provider, it’s crucial to consider various features that align with your specific needs and goals. Here are some key features to look for:

Review Management

The best reputation management solutions help companies efficiently manage and respond to online reviews.

Reviews on websites like Google, Facebook, Yelp, and Tripadvisor can impact your online brand reputation. By having a review management tool in place, your team can streamline the process of monitoring, responding to, analyzing, and generating reviews. A review response workflow is of particular importance: by getting back to customers promptly and professionally, you can build goodwill and inspire customer loyalty. 

Social Media Listening and Monitoring

Social listening is a marketing concept that’s used to describe a wide range of processes that involve tracking and monitoring online mentions and social media comments containing your brand name. Social media listening tools can even help teams interpret data and gain actionable insights from social media conversations.

In today’s age — where first impressions of brands are often created on digital properties and social media platforms — a good understanding of your brand awareness and reputation is critical. An effective social listening strategy can help you achieve this type of understanding.

Apart from enabling your company to monitor social media mentions and comments, social listening also gives you access to the full spectrum of conversation around your brand. This, in turn, can help you discover trends and patterns that shape your brand reputation and define the customer experience — helping you achieve a more accurate, complete, and unified view of the customer, as well as implement changes based on feedback.

Local SEO and Local Listings Management

Incorrect and outdated business data that appears online can drive away customers who could have become customers and loyal fans of your brand. When looking for an online reputation management solution, consider looking for features that help you manage your local listings. This helps you achieve brand consistency in the digital landscape and prevents situations — incorrect hours, an outdated phone number, missing website URLs — that could frustrate potential customers.

Customer Experience Management

Beyond monitoring mentions and reviews, it’s also useful to look for Internet reputation management solutions that are capable of capturing and analyzing trends, topics, and data that impact the customer experience. This can provide valuable insights into potential areas of improvement, emerging issues, and opportunities for engagement.

For organizations of any size, this can be a complex and challenging process that involves strategy, integration of technology, and executive commitment. A customer experience platform should help your company achieve a complete and accurate picture (360-degree view) of your customers, with integrated up-to-date reputational data and customer data, so that your company can monitor, manage, and organize every interaction throughout the entire customer lifecycle.

Competitive Intelligence and Industry Benchmarking

Competitive intelligence tools give you access to insights that help your organization understand the target market, identify areas where competitors outperform you, benchmark your performance against competitors, and measure your progress against theirs.

One of the most important insights you can gather is accurate information on how potential customers perceive and talk about your brand vs. the competition. When evaluating solutions, it’s useful to look for an online reputation management tool that offers the ability to evaluate and monitor the competition in terms of their online reviews, ratings, search rankings, and reputation.

The competition’s review data, automatically categorized, can deliver insights into areas that the competition excels in as well as areas where they are lacking. That way, you can build strategies to create more desirable consumer experiences.

Employer Brand Monitoring

Companies with positive employer branding get twice as many applications as companies with negative brands, and they spend less money on employees. As part of your online reputation management activities, your leadership team must put their employer brand under careful watch.

An employer brand monitoring solution can help you better understand your value proposition (as an employer), listen to authentic, candid feedback from employees, grow your company’s social media presence, and effectively monitor employee reviews on websites like Indeed and Glassdoor. 

Build and Grow Your Online Reputation with InMoment

Companies of every size and across every industry or business category can benefit from effective online reputation management software and strategy. This couldn’t be more true in today’s age, when consumers make purchase decisions based on your online reputation, more so than on your advertising, direct sales messages, pricing, or branded promotional content. 

The world’s top brands partner with InMoment to manage, protect, and strengthen their online reputation. By combining reviews, ratings, and social media data with multichannel Voice of the Customer feedback, InMoment provides integrated insights companies need to build a rock-solid online reputation as well as deliver captivating customer experiences.


Poll the People. “Value Of #1 Position On Google – Positional Analysis Study” (https://pollthepeople.app/the-value-of-google-result-positioning-3/). Access 2/8/2024.

Why You Should Use Probability Sampling in Your CX Efforts

When you think of probability sampling, you may think about statistical analysis and research studies. However, probability sampling can be a great tool for CX practitioners because it allows them to systematically collect feedback from representative samples of customers, which enables them to gain deeper insights into customer needs, preferences, and satisfaction levels. 

By using probability sampling methods, CX practitioners can make data-driven decisions, identify areas for improvement, and tailor products and services to better meet customer expectations, ultimately enhancing the overall customer experience.

What is Probability Sampling?

Probability sampling is a method used in statistics to select a subset of individuals or items from a larger population in such a way that every individual or item has a known, non-zero probability of being chosen. In other words, each member of the population has a chance of being selected, and this chance can be quantified.

What is the Goal of Probability Sampling?

The goal of probability sampling is to obtain a sample that accurately represents the larger population from which it is drawn. By ensuring that every member of the population has a chance of being selected, probability sampling allows researchers to make statistical inferences about the population based on the characteristics of the sample. This helps to minimize bias and increase the reliability of the conclusions drawn from the sample.

What are the Different Types of Probability Sampling?

There are various probability sampling methods, the four most common types are simple random sampling, stratified sampling, systematic sampling, and cluster sampling. Each type of probability sampling has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of method depends on factors such as the nature of the population, the resources available, and the goals of the research.

Simple Random Sampling 

In simple random sampling, every individual in the population has an equal chance of being selected, and each selection is made independently of the others. This can be achieved by methods such as random number generators or drawing names from a hat. Simple random sampling is straightforward and ensures that each member of the population has an equal opportunity to be included in the sample.

Stratified Sampling

When it comes to stratified sampling, the population is divided into subgroups or strata based on certain characteristics that are relevant to the research (e.g., age, gender, income level). Then, a simple random sample is taken from each stratum. This ensures that each subgroup is represented proportionally in the sample, which can increase the precision of estimates for each subgroup and the overall population.

Systematic Sampling

In systematic sampling, individuals are selected from the population at regular intervals after a random start. For example, if you have a population of 1000 and want a sample size of 100, you might select every 10th individual after randomly selecting a starting point between 1 and 10. Systematic sampling can be more convenient than simple random sampling and still provide a representative sample if the population is ordered in some way.

Cluster Sampling

In cluster sampling, the population is divided into clusters (e.g., geographical areas, schools, households) and then a random sample of clusters is selected. All individuals within the chosen clusters are included in the sample. Cluster sampling can be more practical and cost-effective than other methods, especially when the population is large and dispersed. However, it may introduce more variability because individuals within the same cluster may be more similar to each other than to individuals in other clusters.

What Probability Sampling Method is Best?

The “best” probability sampling method depends on various factors including the nature of the population, the research objectives, resource constraints, and practical considerations. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, as each method has its own advantages and limitations. However, researchers typically choose the method that best balances accuracy, feasibility, and cost-effectiveness for their specific study. Here is a quick overview of when to use each method: 

  • Simple Random Sampling: This method is ideal when each member of the population is equally important to the study and there are no relevant subgroups or strata to consider. It’s straightforward and easy to implement but may not be practical for large or geographically dispersed populations.
  • Stratified Sampling: If the population can be divided into meaningful subgroups or strata based on relevant characteristics, stratified sampling can improve the precision of estimates for each subgroup and the overall population. It’s particularly useful when there is variability within the population and when researchers want to ensure representation from each subgroup.
  • Systematic Sampling: Systematic sampling is convenient and practical when the population is ordered in some way, such as in a list or a sequence. It’s easy to implement and may provide a representative sample if the order doesn’t introduce bias. However, it can be sensitive to periodic patterns in the data.
  • Cluster Sampling: Cluster sampling is useful when the population is large and dispersed, making it impractical or costly to sample individuals directly. It can reduce costs and logistical challenges by sampling groups or clusters of individuals. However, it may introduce more variability because individuals within the same cluster may be more similar to each other than to individuals in other clusters.

Ultimately, the choice of probability sampling method should be guided by careful consideration of the specific research context and goals, as well as practical constraints such as budget, time, and available resources.

How to Conduct Probability Sampling

When conducting probability sampling, it is important that you go about it the right way to ensure that your findings are a complete and accurate representation of your sample. Here is a quick overview of the steps to conduct probability sampling: 

  • Define the Population: Clearly define the population of interest for your study. This is the entire group that you want to make inferences about.
  • Identify Sampling Frame: Create a list or other representation of the population from which you will draw your sample. This is known as the sampling frame. It should include all individuals or items in the population.
  • Choose a Sampling Method: Select a probability sampling method that is appropriate for your study and population. Consider factors such as the nature of the population, available resources, and research objectives.
  • Determine Sample Size: Decide on the size of your sample, which should be large enough to provide reliable estimates but small enough to be manageable within your constraints.
  • Select Sampling Units: Use the chosen sampling method to select sampling units from the sampling frame. Ensure that each unit has a known, non-zero probability of being selected.
  • Implement Sampling Procedure: Select the sample units according to the chosen sampling method. This might involve random selection, stratification, systematic sampling, or clustering, depending on the method chosen.
  • Collect Data: Once the sample has been selected, collect data from each sampled unit. Ensure that data collection procedures are standardized and consistent across all units.
  • Analyze Data: Analyze the data collected from the sample using appropriate statistical methods. Make inferences about the population based on the characteristics of the sample.
  • Draw Conclusions: Draw conclusions about the population based on the results of your analysis. Be sure to consider the limitations of your sample and any potential sources of bias.
  • Report Findings: Finally, report your findings, including details about the sampling method used, sample size, and any limitations or assumptions made. Provide enough information to allow others to assess the validity and generalizability of your results.

Probability vs Non-probability Sampling

The primary difference between probability and non-probability sampling lies in how the sample is selected and the extent to which the selection process allows for the generalization of results to the larger population.

In probability sampling, every individual or item in the population has a known, non-zero chance of being selected for the sample. Each member of the population has an equal opportunity of being chosen, and the selection is based on random processes. Results from probability sampling can be generalized to the larger population with a known degree of confidence, assuming proper sampling techniques and randomization.

In non-probability sampling, the selection of individuals or items for the sample does not involve random processes, and not every member of the population has a known chance of being selected. Non-probability sampling methods include convenience sampling, purposive sampling, snowball sampling, and quota sampling. Results from non-probability sampling cannot be statistically generalized to the larger population with the same level of confidence as probability sampling. Instead, they are typically considered exploratory or descriptive in nature and may be subject to various biases.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Probability Sampling

Probability sampling is a useful technique and should be utilized frequently. However, when conducting probability sampling, you should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of doing so. 


  • Representativeness: Probability sampling methods ensure that each member of the population has a known chance of being selected for the sample. This helps to create a sample that is more likely to be representative of the larger population.
  • Generalizability: Because probability sampling provides a representative sample, the results obtained from the sample are more likely to be generalizable to the entire population. This allows researchers to make valid statistical inferences about the population based on the characteristics of the sample.
  • Statistical Inference: Probability sampling allows for the calculation of statistical measures such as sampling error, confidence intervals, and p-values. This enables researchers to quantify the uncertainty associated with their estimates and draw more reliable conclusions.
  • Randomization: Probability sampling methods typically involve random selection processes, which help to minimize selection bias and ensure that the sample is not systematically skewed in one direction.
  • Precision: Probability sampling methods such as stratified sampling can improve the precision of estimates by ensuring adequate representation of different subgroups within the population.


  • Resource Intensive: Probability sampling methods can be more resource-intensive and time-consuming compared to non-probability sampling methods, especially for large or dispersed populations.
  • Complexity: Some probability sampling methods, such as stratified or cluster sampling, can be more complex to implement and require careful planning and coordination.
  • Sampling Frame Required: Probability sampling methods require a comprehensive sampling frame that includes all members of the population. If the sampling frame is incomplete or inaccurate, it can introduce bias into the sample.
  • Practical Constraints: In some cases, it may be impractical or impossible to obtain a probability sample due to resource constraints, logistical challenges, or the nature of the population.
  • Sampling Error: While probability sampling aims to minimize sampling error, it cannot eliminate it entirely. Variability within the population and sampling variability can still affect the accuracy of estimates obtained from the sample.

Probability sampling offers the advantage of providing representative and generalizable results, but it may be more resource-intensive and complex to implement compared to non-probability sampling methods. Careful consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of probability sampling is necessary when designing a research study.

How Probability Sampling Can Improve the Customer Experience

Probability sampling can be leveraged to improve the customer experience in several ways. By using probability sampling methods such as stratified sampling, businesses can ensure that they capture a diverse range of customer opinions and preferences. This allows them to gain a deeper understanding of their customers’ needs and expectations.

Probability sampling also allows businesses to measure customer satisfaction using statistically valid methods. By regularly surveying a representative sample of customers, businesses can track changes in satisfaction levels over time and identify trends or patterns that may impact the customer experience.

See how you can conduct probability sampling in InMoment’s XI Platform by scheduling a demo today!

Unleashing the Power of Integrated CX: Strongest Signals

Understanding and responding to customer needs is paramount for business success, however, many businesses find themselves grappling with the challenge of harnessing the full spectrum of customer voices. Surprisingly, a staggering 85% of valuable customer data remains untapped, residing in various teams, systems, and silos. This fragmented approach to CX makes it difficult to track customer behaviour across different channels and identify crucial opportunities for improvement. This is where the need for a fully integrated transformative business strategy becomes apparent.

Enter Integrated CX—a transformative business strategy that aligns organisations to unlock the full potential of customer data.This approach revolves around three key pillars: Strongest Signals, Richest Insights, and Smartest Actions.

In this blog post, we delve into the first pillar – Strongest Signals – and explore how InMoment’s Integrated CX leverages AI and expert services to collect and connect experience data from every touchpoint in the multi-channel customer journey, forming  the foundation of a holistic understanding of customer experiences.

Understanding Strongest Signals

Collecting Experience Data from Everywhere

To truly grasp customer sentiment, you must take a holistic approach. Integrated customer experience, championed by InMoment, integrates AI and expert services to collect and connect experience data from every touchpoint in the multi-channel customer journey. Strongest Signals encapsulates the essence of this methodology, focusing on collecting and connecting experience data in every format and from every conceivable touchpoint. This comprehensive method ensures that no valuable piece of information is left unexplored.

Decoding Emotions and Behaviours

Meaningful customer feedback extends beyond traditional surveys. Having stronger signals allows organisations to tap into an almost unlimited amount of customer data and broadens the scope to include both solicited and unsolicited feedback from digital and non-digital channels. By incorporating call centre and chat transcriptions, social ratings, reviews, and other customer signals, businesses gain deeper insights into customer sentiments, preferences, and pain points. This diverse data set helps decode emotions, understand behaviours, and enable informed actions.

A Holistic View of Customer Experience

By aggregating these diverse data points into a unified platform, organisations can achieve a comprehensive and holistic view of the customer journey. This unified view allows businesses to leverage the full spectrum of customer data, allowing organisations to  identify opportunities for innovation, improve operational efficiency, and deliver personalised experiences that resonate with customers on a profound level.

AI-Driven Listening Strategy

The Role of AI in Enriching Customer Interactions

Harnessing the power of AI, businesses can move beyond traditional feedback mechanisms to engage customers in conversations that matter. By analysing conversational patterns, AI customer experience systems can understand customer sentiments, preferences, and pain points, enabling organisations to respond in real-time. This dynamic interaction not only fosters a more personalised and engaging experience but also encourages customers to share detailed insights.

Moving Beyond Surveys

Embracing Contact Channels

To truly understand and address customer needs, businesses are encouraged to broaden their horizons beyond traditional surveys. Recognising the pivotal role of contact channels, consider incorporating call centre and chat transcriptions into your data collection strategy. This step not only brings the most significant contact channel into the mix but also captures valuable insights from direct customer interactions, providing a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of customer experiences.

Connecting Social Ratings and Reviews

A forward-thinking approach to customer experience involves seamlessly integrating social ratings and reviews into a cohesive programme. By actively tapping into both complaints and compliments data across various platforms, businesses can uncover a wealth of insights. This holistic perspective allows organisations to gain a nuanced understanding of customer sentiments expressed on social media, review sites, and other channels. Embracing this integrated approach ensures a more comprehensive view of the customer landscape and provides valuable information for informed decision-making.

How InMoment Can Help

InMoment’s Strongest Signals approach to Integrated CX is a beacon for businesses seeking to harness the full potential of customer voices. By collecting and connecting data from diverse channels, decoding emotions, and utilising AI-driven strategies, businesses can move beyond traditional surveys and unlock a deeper understanding of customer experiences. 

To learn more about InMoment’s Integrated CX approach, starting with Strongest Signals, watch our recent webinar recording here.

In the next parts of this blog series, we will explore how InMoment transforms this wealth of data into Richest Insights and Smartest Actions, driving businesses towards sustained growth and profitability.

Why You Should Build an Omnichannel Customer Experience

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that customer expectations are always changing, and you’ll never be able to keep up. However, all your customers want the same thing: to be able to interact with their brand on their terms. In order to do that, you need to work to create an omnichannel customer experience that allows customers to contact you when they want, how they want, and where they want. 

What is Omnichannel Customer Experience?

Omnichannel customer experience refers to providing a seamless and integrated experience for customers across multiple channels or touchpoints. This approach ensures that customers can interact with a business or brand consistently regardless of whether they are using a website, a mobile app, social media, a physical store, or any other channel.

Omnichannel vs Multichannel

While both omnichannel and multichannel strategies involve leveraging multiple channels, they differ significantly in their approach and execution. Omnichannel strategies prioritize seamless integration and consistency across all customer touchpoints. They aim to provide a unified experience where customers can transition between channels effortlessly, without experiencing any disconnect. Whether a customer interacts via a website, mobile app, social media, or in-person, the experience remains consistent and interconnected. 

Multichannel strategies, on the other hand, may involve using multiple channels independently. While they offer customers various avenues to engage with the brand, there may be less emphasis on integration and consistency between these channels. Customers might have different experiences or encounter discrepancies when switching between channels.

What are the Advantages of Omnichannel Customer Experience?

Omnichannel experiences make it easier for customers to engage with a brand by providing multiple channels through which they can interact. Whether they prefer to shop online, visit a physical store, or contact customer service via social media, customers have the flexibility to choose the most convenient option for them. Aside from convenience, there are many other advantages of implementing an omnichannel customer experience strategy. 


Omnichannel strategies ensure a consistent experience across all channels, which builds trust and loyalty among customers. Whether they interact with the brand online, in-store, or through a mobile app, customers receive the same level of service and messaging.


By integrating data from various channels, businesses can create more personalized experiences for customers. They can tailor product recommendations, promotions, and communications based on individual preferences and behaviors, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

Seamless Transitions

Omnichannel strategies enable seamless transitions between channels, allowing customers to start an interaction on one channel and continue it on another without any disruptions. For example, a customer may research a product online and then visit a physical store to make a purchase, with their shopping cart and preferences already synced.

Insights and Analytics

Omnichannel strategies generate valuable data and insights about customer behavior and preferences across different channels. By analyzing this data, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their customers and make informed decisions to improve their marketing, sales, and customer service efforts.

Increased Customer Satisfaction

By providing a cohesive and personalized experience across all channels, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. When customers feel valued and understood, they are more likely to return for future purchases and recommend the brand to others.

How Omnichannel Customer Experience Impacts Your Bottom Line

An omnichannel customer experience can drive revenue growth, improve profitability, and position a business for long-term success by delivering value to customers at every stage of their journey. Strategies like these can impact your business in many different ways, such as:

Increased Sales

Omnichannel strategies can lead to higher sales by providing customers with more opportunities to engage with the brand and make purchases. By offering seamless integration between online and offline channels, businesses can capture sales from customers who prefer to shop across multiple channels, resulting in increased revenue.

Improved Customer Retention 

Omnichannel experiences enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty by providing consistent and personalized interactions across all channels. Satisfied customers are more likely to return for future purchases and become advocates for the brand, leading to higher customer retention rates and reduced churn.

Cost Savings

Omnichannel strategies can lead to cost savings by optimizing operational efficiencies and reducing redundant processes. For example, integrating inventory management systems across online and offline channels can minimize inventory holding costs and prevent stockouts or overstock situations. Additionally, providing self-service options through digital channels can reduce the need for expensive customer support resources.

Enhanced Brand Reputation

Positive omnichannel experiences can play a vital role in your brand reputation management, and help you increase customer trust. When customers receive consistent and personalized interactions across all channels, they are more likely to perceive the brand positively and recommend it to others, driving word-of-mouth referrals and organic growth.

Competitive Advantage

Offering a seamless and personalized omnichannel experience can differentiate your business from your competitors. Customers are more likely to choose a brand that provides a convenient and consistent experience across all touchpoints, leading to increased market share and sustainable growth.

Omnichannel Customer Experience Examples

When companies effectively implement an omnichannel experience, they break down the silos between online and offline touch points. In doing so, they can create a cohesive journey that enhances customer satisfaction and drives engagement and loyalty. Here are some examples of what an omnichannel customer experience can look like in action. 

Buy Online, Pickup in Store

A customer browses products on a retailer’s website, adds items to their online shopping cart, and selects the option for in-store pickup. When they arrive at the store, they receive a notification on their mobile app, directing them to the designated pickup area. The customer can seamlessly transition from the online shopping experience to the physical store, with their order ready for pickup upon arrival.

Mobile App Integrations

A grocery chain offers a mobile app that allows customers to create shopping lists, view digital coupons, and locate products in-store via a digital map. Customers can scan items using their smartphone as they shop, adding them to their digital cart for a faster checkout experience. The app also provides personalized recommendations and offers based on the customer’s shopping history, enhancing the overall shopping experience.

Customer Profiles

An insurance company integrates its communication channels into a customer’s profile. So, if a customer calls customer service to file a claim, the customer service agent can put the details of the specific call into the customer’s profile. That way, when the customer enters a branch to follow up on the claim, the branch agent can pull up the customer’s profile and be completely up to speed with the customer’s experience up to that point. 

How to Build an Omnichannel Customer Experience

Implementing a strategy that creates an omnichannel customer experience can seem like a complex process. But, it may not be as hard as you think. Building an omnichannel experience requires creating a customer-focused culture, and software to support it. Here are the steps to get you started building an integrated customer experience. 

1. Understand Your Customers

Start by gaining a deep understanding of your customers’ preferences, behaviors, and expectations across different channels. Conduct market research, analyze customer data, and gather feedback to identify their preferred channels of interaction, pain points, and opportunities for improvement.

2. Integrate Channels

Choose the best customer experience management software that enables seamless integration and communication between online and offline channels. This may involve integrating data from various systems, such as CRM, e-commerce platforms, POS systems, and customer service software, to create a unified view of the customer journey. One of the most important parts of the omnichannel customer experience is having all your data in one place. 

3. Personalize Interactions

Leverage data and technology to deliver personalized experiences to your customers. Use customer data to segment your audience and tailor your marketing messages, product recommendations, and promotions to individual preferences and behaviors. Personalization can help deepen customer engagement and drive conversions.

4. Offer Seamless Transitions 

Enable customers to transition seamlessly between channels without losing context or experiencing disruptions. For example, allow customers to start an interaction on one channel (e.g., browsing products online) and continue it on another (e.g., completing the purchase in-store) without having to repeat information or restart the process.

5. Measure and Optimize 

Continuously monitor key metrics, such as customer satisfaction, conversion rates, and revenue per channel, to assess the effectiveness of your omnichannel strategy. Use data analytics and A/B testing to identify areas for improvement and optimize the customer experience across all channels.

Build an Omnichannel Customer Experience with InMoment

Ready to take your customer experience to the next level? Partner with InMoment to build a seamless omnichannel experience that delights your customers across all touchpoints. With our advanced technology solutions and expert guidance, you can integrate channels, personalize interactions, and optimize the customer journey to drive satisfaction and loyalty. Schedule a demo today!

Improving Customer Experience Through Stratified Sampling

Market research and market segmentation is a crucial part of launching any campaign or product. One part of this process that is often overlooked is how market segments are developed. It is important to use proper sampling techniques to gain the most accurate market segmentation results. One of these techniques is stratified sampling. 

Stratified sampling provides businesses with a nuanced understanding of customer preferences and behaviors within each segment, allowing for the development of personalized marketing strategies. By tailoring marketing messages, promotions, and campaigns to specific customer segments, businesses can increase relevance and engagement, ultimately enhancing the overall customer experience.

What is Stratified Sampling?

Stratified sampling involves dividing a population into subgroups or strata based on certain characteristics that are relevant to the research objectives. These characteristics could include demographics, geographic location, purchasing behavior, or any other pertinent factors. Once the population is segmented, researchers can then randomly sample from each subgroup to ensure representation across all strata.

What is the Purpose of Stratified Sampling?

The primary purpose of stratified sampling is to reduce sampling variability and increase the precision of estimates by ensuring that each subgroup of the population is adequately represented in the sample. By targeting specific strata, researchers can capture the diversity within the population and draw more accurate conclusions from the data collected.

How to Conduct Stratified Sampling?

To conduct stratified sampling effectively, researchers must first identify the relevant stratification variables based on the research objectives. Once the strata are defined, researchers determine the sample size for each stratum based on its proportion within the population. Then, random samples are drawn from each stratum to form the overall sample.

What is an Example of Stratified Sampling?

Consider a cosmetics company that aims to develop new skincare products tailored to the specific needs and preferences of different age groups within its customer base. To achieve this, they decide to conduct a market research study using stratified sampling.

This company would begin by identifying age as the stratification variable. They divide their customer base into distinct age groups, such as:

  • 18-25 years old
  • 26-35 years old
  • 36-45 years old
  • 46 years old and above

Next, they determine the proportion of customers in each age group based on their customer database or previous sales data. Let’s say they find that their customer distribution across age groups is as follows:

  • 18-25 years old: 30%
  • 26-35 years old: 35%
  • 36-45 years old: 25%
  • 46 years old and above: 10%

Based on these proportions and the desired sample size, this company calculates the number of respondents needed from each age group to ensure adequate representation.

Once the sample sizes for each age group are determined, this company selects a random sample of customers from each stratum. For example, if they need 100 respondents in total:

  • From the 18-25 age group: 30 respondents
  • From the 26-35 age group: 35 respondents
  • From the 36-45 age group: 25 respondents
  • From the 46+ age group: 10 respondents

They can then reach out to these selected customers through surveys, focus groups, or interviews to gather their opinions, preferences, and skincare needs.

After collecting the responses, they analyze the Voice of the Customer data within each age group separately. They can identify common trends, preferences, and pain points within each demographic segment.

Armed with insights from the stratified sample, they can develop targeted marketing campaigns and skincare products tailored to the specific needs and preferences of each age group. For instance, they might find that younger customers prefer lightweight, hydrating formulas, while older customers prioritize anti-aging benefits and skincare products with rich textures.

By using stratified sampling, this company ensures that its market research is comprehensive and representative of its diverse customer base. This approach allows them to make informed decisions and create products that resonate with each segment of their audience, ultimately enhancing the overall customer experience.

Advantages of Stratified Sampling

Stratified sampling offers several advantages over other sampling methods, including increased precision, reduced bias, enhanced generalizability, detection of subgroup differences, and efficient resource allocation. By leveraging these benefits, researchers can obtain more accurate and actionable insights from their data, ultimately leading to better-informed decision-making and improved outcomes. Here are some advantages of stratified sampling:

Increased Precision

One of the primary advantages of stratified sampling is its ability to increase the precision of estimates by ensuring representation from all subgroups or strata within the population. By dividing the population into homogeneous groups based on relevant characteristics, such as demographics or behavior, researchers can capture the variability within each stratum more effectively. This precision leads to more accurate and reliable results compared to simple random sampling, especially when there are significant differences between subgroups.

Reduced Sampling Bias

Stratified sampling helps mitigate various biases, such as voluntary response bias, by ensuring that each subgroup of the population is adequately represented in the sample. This reduces the risk of over-representing or under-representing certain segments of the population, which can skew the results and lead to erroneous conclusions. By sampling proportionally from each stratum, researchers can obtain a more balanced and representative sample, thereby minimizing bias and increasing the validity of the findings.

Enhanced Generalizability

Because stratified sampling ensures representation from all subgroups within the population, the results are often more generalizable or applicable to the entire population. By capturing the diversity of characteristics and perspectives across different strata, researchers can draw conclusions that are more robust and applicable to a broader range of individuals or entities. This enhanced generalizability makes the findings from stratified sampling more valuable for informing decision-making and guiding actions within the population of interest.

Detection of Subgroup Differences

Another advantage of stratified sampling is its ability to detect differences or patterns within specific subgroups of the population. By analyzing the data separately for each stratum, researchers can identify unique trends, preferences, or behaviors that may exist within certain demographic or behavioral segments. This granularity allows for a deeper understanding of the population dynamics and can inform targeted interventions or strategies tailored to the needs of different subgroups.

Efficient Resource Allocation

Stratified sampling can also lead to more efficient resource allocation by focusing data collection efforts on the most relevant subgroups or strata within the population. Instead of using resources indiscriminately across the entire population, researchers can prioritize areas of interest or importance based on the stratification variables. This targeted approach not only saves time and resources but also maximizes the utility of the data collected, resulting in a more cost-effective research process.

Types of Sampling

There are various different sampling methods and each sampling method has its own advantages and limitations, and the choice of method depends on various factors such as the research objectives, the characteristics of the population, resource constraints, and the desired level of precision and generalizability. Researchers must carefully consider these factors when selecting the most appropriate sampling method for their study. Here are some common examples of different types of sampling. 

Random Sampling

Random sampling, or simple random sampling, involves selecting individuals from a population entirely by chance, where each member of the population has an equal probability of being chosen. This method is widely used because it is relatively easy to implement and helps to reduce bias in the selection process. Random sampling can be done with or without replacement, meaning that individuals may or may not be returned to the population after selection.

What is Stratified vs Random Sampling?

Stratified sampling and random sampling are two different approaches to selecting a sample from a population for research purposes. Stratified sampling involves dividing the population into subgroups or strata based on specific characteristics that are relevant to the research objectives. Samples are then independently drawn from each stratum, ensuring representation from all segments of the population. On the other hand, random sampling involves selecting individuals from a population entirely by chance, where each member of the population has an equal probability of being chosen. 

Systematic Sampling

Systematic sampling involves selecting every nth individual from a population after starting with a random sample. For example, if a researcher wants to sample every 10th person from a list of customers, they would randomly select a starting point and then select every 10th person thereafter. Systematic sampling is efficient and straightforward, but it may introduce bias if there is a pattern or periodicity in the population.

Stratified Sampling

As discussed earlier, stratified sampling involves dividing the population into subgroups or strata based on relevant characteristics and then sampling from each stratum proportionally. This method ensures representation from all segments of the population and increases the precision of estimates by capturing variability within each stratum.

Use Stratified Sampling with InMoment

Any good CX program is built on the foundation of understanding your customer. By using stratified sampling methods with InMoment’s Market Experience Software, you can work to conduct more effective market research to make sure you are on the right track for improving your customer experience. Schedule a demo to see what InMoment can do for you today!

The Complete Guide: How to Respond to Google Reviews

Learning how to respond to Google reviews should be part of every company’s brand reputation management strategy. 

These reviews, which appear on Google Maps and Google Search as well as on your company’s Google Business Profile, give people a way to share their experiences not only with businesses but with fellow consumers, too. Meanwhile, Google searchers rely on these reviews to discover great businesses, products, services, and brands. 

This makes responding to Google reviews extremely important, especially for companies looking to convert prospects and casual visitors into customers and loyal fans. 

The Importance of Responding to Google Reviews

Learning how to respond to Google reviews is important for several reasons. First and foremost, it directly impacts a company’s online reputation and customer relationships. According to research by InMoment, Google is the world’s number 1 online review platform, with 63.6% of consumers saying they are likely to check Google reviews (through Maps and Search) before visiting a business location — more than any other review site. 

Responses also show that a company values and appreciates customer feedback, while also demonstrating transparency and a commitment to addressing customer concerns or acknowledging positive experiences.

Research by InMoment underscores the importance of learning how to respond to negative reviews as well as positive feedback on Google. 

  • 94% of consumers say that a negative review has convinced them to avoid a business.
  • 53% expect companies to respond to negative reviews within 7 days. However, after posting a review, 63% say they’ve never heard back from the business they reviewed. 
  • 45% of consumers say they’re more likely to visit a store or business location if they see that its management responds to negative reviews on Google as well as on other review websites. 
  • Based on online reputation management statistics, Google is number one in the list of top review sites, with 63.6% of consumers saying they’re likely to check reviews on Google before visiting a business — more than those consulting any other review site.

In short, responding to reviews helps in building consumer trust and brand credibility. Engaging with reviews can even improve your company’s visibility in search engine results; after all, Google tends to favor businesses that actively manage their online presence. 

How to Respond to Reviews on Google

Google provides a free tool (the Google Business Profile dashboard) for business owners to easily manage their information and respond to reviews posted by their customers. Alternatively, larger organizations and enterprise-level brands with hundreds or thousands of locations can drive efficiency and streamline their review response workflow by using an online review management software solution. 

Respond to Reviews from Google Search or Maps

To get started on how to respond to Google reviews, you’ll first need to claim your company’s Google Business Profile. This should give you access to respond publicly to your reviews via the Google Business Profile management dashboard.

To respond to reviews, follow these steps:

  • Sign into Google using the account associated with your Google Business Profile.
  • Using your computer or mobile device, go to Google Maps and tap Business. Alternatively, you may use Google Search and enter your business name in the search bar.
  • Select Reviews.
  • Next to the review you’d like to respond to, select Reply.

With a Google Business Profile account, you should also be able to edit your review replies after they have been posted. Look for the review you would like to edit the response to, and click Edit. 

Respond to Reviews with Reputation Management Software

For larger organizations getting started on how to respond to negative reviews as well as positive feedback on Google and other review websites, investing in online reputation management software can introduce efficiencies and make the task of responding to reviews a lot easier than if it were to be done manually.

InMoment, for example, offers direct integration with the Google Business Profile platform. This means that companies can respond to Google reviews from within InMoment’s reputation management solution. Moreover, teams can manage their “Response” status and workflow from within InMoment, ensuring that every Google review and piece of unsolicited feedback gets a prompt response. 

Best Practices: How to Respond to Negative Reviews

Oftentimes, the way you respond to customers has just as much impact on your online reputation as what’s being said in the first place. Knowing how to respond to negative reviews skillfully minimizes the potential damage the reviews may have on your brand.

You can follow these best practices as you navigate the (sometimes treacherous) waters of Google reviews and ratings.

Assign Ownership and Create a Review Response Policy

Success in managing reviews starts with the commitment to becoming a responsive business. This may sound simple enough, but for organizations with multiple locations represented by multiple business listings and profiles, trying to figure out how to respond to Google reviews can sometimes present a real challenge — especially without an effective review response program or policy in place. 

First, identify people in your organization who will be directly involved in managing your Google Business Profile and responding to reviews. They can be your branch or location managers, your social media marketing team, or even your customer service staff. Be sure to assign ownership to teams or individuals with a good understanding of the guidelines of each review site, who can transform feedback into insights for your company, and who — most important of all — can keep their temper in check.

If you operate in multiple locations, chances are more than one person will be assigned to respond directly to online reviews. This makes it crucial to have an organization-wide policy that guides how your company should proceed whenever new customer reviews are posted on Google or other review websites. 

Response Guidelines for Reviews

Your policy should cover things like:

  • What language and tone you should use
  • What the timeline is for getting back to customers
  • To whom in your organization should the reviews and feedback be shared
  • What types of situations do escalations become necessary
  • What the ideal response rate is
  • Other items that may affect how your company handles reviews

The timeliness of your review responses is particularly crucial. The more clearly defined your policy is, the more smoothly your review response program will run.

Respond in a Timely Manner

According to InMoment research, more than half of your customers who have written reviews expect a response in 7 days or less. 1 in 4 have an even shorter time frame: they expect to hear back from the business within 3 days. To ensure that you don’t miss their feedback, set up review alerts so you are notified of new reviews. 

Also, you definitely don’t want to be logging in and out of every review site manually — this is where a review management software solution will come in handy. Remember: the clock begins ticking once reviews are posted, and customers are waiting to hear back from you.

Address the Reviewer and Say Thank You

Your customers want to be heard individually and addressed personally. Remember to include your salutations and, if possible, avoid generic phrases like “Dear guest” or “Dear customer.” With Google reviews, you can usually get the first name of the reviewer; not addressing them by their names is not an excuse if the information is there. 

Examples of Thank You Responses to Reviews

Remember to also say thank you and show customers that your business appreciates and values candid feedback. Here are examples of how you might phrase your review responses:

  • “Thank you for your review. We are sorry to hear you had a frustrating experience, but our team appreciates you bringing this issue to our attention.” 
  • “Thank you for your Google review and for bringing this to our attention. We’re sorry you had a bad experience. We’ll strive to do better. ” 
  • “Thank you for letting us know about this. Your honest feedback helps us get better. We are looking into this issue and hope to resolve it promptly and accurately.”

Take Responsibility and Apologize

This is one of the most difficult best practices to follow when you’re learning how to respond to negative reviews. Saying sorry shows that you care about your customers and that you’re not too proud to own up to your mistakes. Even if it’s not your fault, and there will be times when this is true, apologize anyway. Besides, people don’t like brands that are too perfect or too proud to apologize.

There will be times when your company has to take full responsibility, particularly in cases where the negative review is accurate. Even if what happened was an uncommon instance, an isolated case, an unfortunate incident, or an off day — acknowledge the customer’s experience. At the same time, provide reassurance that your company holds itself to high standards. 

Here are a few examples of how you can respond: 

  • “We always aim to deliver a great experience. We are gutted when we miss the mark! Thanks for taking the time to bring this to our attention. We will use the feedback to make us better and to ensure this doesn’t happen again.”
  • “We’re so sorry that your experience with our company did not match your expectations. This is on us.” 
  • “We set a high standard for ourselves, and we’re so sorry to hear this was not met in your interaction with our business. We’d like the opportunity to investigate your feedback further.”
  • “We are truly sorry. We are known for our exceptional attention to detail, and we regret that we missed the mark on this occasion.”

Be Nice and Don’t Get Personal

It’s important to maintain a professional and courteous tone in all your review responses. Never engage in arguments or confrontations online. Even if a review is negative, responding with professionalism can help defuse the situation.

Another key to success is to be solution-oriented, instead of taking the criticism personally. Offer ways to resolve the issues raised in the negative review. This shows that you are proactive in addressing customer concerns. No matter how cutting the feedback is, don’t slam the door on your reviewers. Extend a hand and invite them to come back. This creates an opportunity for your company to change the conversation.

Investigate Issues, Analyze Feedback, and Take Action

As you learn how to respond to negative reviews, remember that your team can always harness customer feedback and use it as an opportunity to learn and improve your products and services. Investigate specific issues that are impacting the customer experience and use analytical tools to gather insights from review data. 

As you reply to your customer, be careful not to use cookie-cutter responses that do not resolve or address the main points of the review. Be as specific as you can about the customer’s experience, and communicate any changes or improvements you have made or will make as a result of their feedback.

If Necessary, Take the Issue Offline

For more complex or sensitive issues, encourage the reviewer to contact you directly through private channels to address their concerns in a more personalized manner. 

Here are examples of how you can phrase this in your review response:

  • “We would like the opportunity to investigate your feedback further. Could you please contact our team via (your contact information)? We look forward to working with you to resolve your issues as quickly as possible.” 
  • “Thanks for your candid feedback. We are gutted to hear that your experience with our business didn’t quite match your expectations. Our team would love to know the reasons why so that we can deliver a better experience for you next time. You may reach us via (your contact information).” 

Negative Review Response Examples

Here are some more examples of how to respond to negative reviews:

  • “Hi (customer’s name), thank you for taking the time to share your experience. We’re truly sorry to hear that you had a less-than-satisfactory encounter with our (product/service). Your feedback is important to us, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused.”
  • “Hello (customer’s name), thanks for taking the time to share your honest feedback. We’re so sorry to hear that your experience with us did not meet your expectations. We understand how frustrating this must be. Your concerns have been shared with our team, and we are actively working on improvements. We would love the chance to make it up to you. If you could reach out to us via (your contact information), we’d be happy to discuss your experience further and address any specific issues you encountered. Your satisfaction is our priority.”
  • “We appreciate you taking the time to leave us a review on Google. Your feedback is so important to us, and we want to assure you that we are taking steps to address the issues you raised. In the coming weeks, we have plans to implement improvements to enhance our offering. We hope you’ll give us another chance to exceed your expectations in the future. Thanks again for bringing this to our attention.”

Best Practices: How to Respond to Positive Reviews

As for what to do with positive reviews — they also warrant a response. Think of it as an opportunity to reinforce and spotlight the things customers already love about your brand. (Not to mention, it’s the polite thing to do.) 

Responding to positive reviews also allows you to express gratitude to your satisfied customers. It can do wonders for your brand to have members of your team acknowledge customers’ positive feedback and let them know that you appreciate their support.

Thank Your Reviewers

It’s important to show appreciation for customers who took the time to share their positive experiences. Positive reviews and high ratings can serve as powerful social proof for attracting potential new customers and influencing their decision-making process.

Here are some examples of what you might want to include in your positive review responses:

  • “Dear (customer’s name), thank you for taking the time to share your positive experience with us. We’re grateful for customers like you who make our work a joy. We appreciate your support and look forward to serving you again soon.”
  • “This review made our day! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us your amazing feedback.”
  • “Our team is so thankful for your kind words. Thank you for sharing your feedback with us and the Google community.” 

Reinforce the Positive

Positive reviews serve as great testimonials for your brand. By responding to them, you not only acknowledge the reviewer but also showcase positive aspects of your products and services to a wider audience. (Responding to the review of a Google Local Guide should also improve the level of engagement other users have with your Business Profile.)

When responding to a positive review on Google or another review website, try to write in a way that lets your brand personality and company values shine through. This can help humanize your brand and make your interactions more relatable. 

Another great tip: often, positive reviews mention specific things that the customer liked best about their experience. Try to identify what this is, then mention it in your response. For example, you can explain that the matcha mochi cakes that people love so much are homemade; let them in on how your company works with local organic farmers when sourcing vegetables and fruits; and tell them that others have also commented on the spectacular views that can be enjoyed from your beachfront hotel properties.

Pass Along the Compliment

Responding to reviews is a way for you to share the best feedback you get, but also make it a point to let your teams know when they’re doing great work, and to call out individuals who contributed to the customer’s positive experience. 

Creating a culture where positive feedback is celebrated fosters a positive working environment. It reinforces the importance of customer satisfaction and encourages a collective effort toward delivering exceptional experiences.

Sharing positive reviews is also a form of recognition for your team’s efforts. It validates their work and reinforces the idea that their contributions are making a positive difference for customers.

Positive Review Response Examples

Here are some more examples of how to respond to positive reviews:

  • “Hello (customer’s name), thank you so much for your kind words! We’re thrilled to hear that you enjoyed your experience with our company. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we look forward to serving you again soon.”
  • “We’re delighted to receive your positive feedback about (specific aspect of your product or service). Your review means a lot to us, and we thank you for taking the time to share your experience. Our company is committed to maintaining this level of service, and we can’t wait to welcome you back.”
  • “Thank you for your glowing review! We are so happy to hear that you had a great experience with us. Your satisfaction is our motivation. We can’t wait to see you again soon. If you ever need anything, feel free to reach out!”

Protect Your Brand Reputation with InMoment

As your company gets started with learning how to respond to Google reviews, remember to approach your replies carefully and remain empathetic to the customer’s experience. By engaging with customers and showing that your company appreciates and values their feedback, you can minimize the impact of negative comments and reinforce positives in the customer experience. 

For managers of brands with multiple business locations, you can take InMoment’s reputation management software for a test drive to discover how our solution can improve your efficiency, supercharge your response strategy, and help your organization stay on top of what customers are saying on Google and across all the important review websites. 

Integrated CX: The Complete Guide

In the midst of today’s bustling and intricate business landscape, deciphering the ever-evolving wants and needs of customers can feel like navigating through a maze. However, creating an integrated CX program can make this easier than you might think. At InMoment, we are dedicated to delivering tangible business value and bolstering your bottom line through a comprehensive integrated CX approach.

What is Integrated Customer Experience (CX)?

Integrated CX is all about harnessing the power of data, technology, and expert service to help companies unlock valuable insights so they can take action to drive measurable outcomes for their customers. It’s creating an integrated customer experience by seamlessly bringing together a wealth of information, utilizing cutting-edge technology, and providing top-notch service to reveal the hidden gems within your customer experience. By merging these elements, Integrated CX empowers businesses to make informed decisions, improve customer satisfaction, and drive success in an increasingly data-driven world. In short, integrated customer experience is an anti-siloed CX strategy. 

A picture showing three different forms of feedback that connect to show one message.

Integrated CX vs. CX Integrations

While integrated CX and CX integrations may sound similar, they have different meanings and applications for businesses looking to improve their customer engagement. 

Integrated customer experience revolves around breaking down data silos and consolidating customer data from diverse sources into a unified and accessible repository. The goal is to create a comprehensive view of the customer, drawing insights from various touch points such as interactions, purchases, and feedback. By amalgamating data from sources like sales, marketing, and customer support, integrated CX provides a holistic perspective, enabling organizations to understand customer behavior and preferences more thoroughly.

On the other hand, customer experience integrations focus on the collaborative efforts of different software applications to amplify the capabilities of customer experience management. Instead of concentrating on data consolidation, CX integrations emphasize the interoperability of software solutions. This involves integrating various tools and platforms to streamline processes, automate workflows, and enhance overall efficiency in delivering exceptional customer experiences.

In essence, integrated CX is about centralizing customer data for a unified view, while CX integrations focus on the integration of diverse software tools to enhance the capabilities of the customer experience. 

Benefits of Integrated Customer Experience

Most businesses think that integrated CX is a practice that realizes very little monetary value. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Integrated customer experience is a catalyst that improves organizations’ main metrics and bottom line. 

As a matter of fact, a study of over 10,000 CX practitioners showed that those who used holistic data sets to make customer decisions also saw an increase in metrics such as: 

  • 91% Higher NPS Score
  • 89% Higher Retention
  • 93% More Profitable 

Developing an integrated customer experience strategy will lead to higher levels of efficiency and engagement in your employees that will reflect in customer interactions. This alignment can lead to 2.4x more revenue growth in your business. 

A chart showing that an integrated cx organization realizes 2.4x higher revenue growth than one who does not.

With this data, it is clear that integrated CX is a strategic investment that pays off in improved customer relationships, operational efficiency, and overall business success. 

What Are the Key Elements that Make Up Integrated Customer Experience?

Integrated customer experience is composed of three main elements. These elements help businesses make sense of all types of data throughout the customer journey to help you make informed decisions. Here are the three main elements of integrated CX:

  1. Connect and collect data from every touchpoint in the customer journey
  2. Interpret holistic structured and unstructured data to know where to focus for the highest business impact
  3. Align cross-functional teams and balance automated and human actions to resolve individual cases and systemic issues

1. Capture and Connect Data From Every Source

InMoment’s first pillar of integrated customer experience is achieved by consolidating Voice of the Customer (VoC) data and non-customer data across the full customer journey by leveraging all forms of customer feedback channels. 

In order to be successful in today’s business environment, you need to leverage all your data, not just survey data. While surveys are an important first step, to get a comprehensive analysis of your VoC, you need data from all channels including:

  • Call transcripts
  • Emails
  • Employee feedback
  • Online chats
  • Reviews
  • Social media
  • Surveys
  • Support tickets

For example, imagine a customer named Sarah who frequently shops at an online clothing store. After her most recent purchase, she reported that she was “extremely dissatisfied” with her experience in a transactional customer experience survey. If you were to just stop there, you wouldn’t know why she was dissatisfied. 

However, if you were to look at her online chat data, you can see she was inquiring about getting the number to contact a customer service representative because her product was lost in shipment to her home address. 

Furthermore, if you were to look at her purchase history, her purchase was actually a repurchase of a product she had rated 5 stars in the past and described as “the most comfortable shirt that I own.” 

Based on these insights from multiple feedback channels, this retail brand can make sure Sarah’s order reaches her home address, give her product recommendations based on her past reviews, and contact the distribution department to make sure mistakes like this don’t happen in the future. 

These real-life scenarios happen more often than not and are often missed or provide misleading data.  For a real-world example, check out how Foot Locker partnered with InMoment to create an integrated customer experience program and boost their customer experience.

2. Identify the Richest Insights

This unified view of data serves as a powerful compass, guiding your organization toward faster, more impactful action. With all your customer data neatly organized and accessible in one place, the once overwhelming task of deciphering customer sentiments, behavior patterns, and preferences becomes a streamlined process. This puts you on the right track to creating a complete integrated customer experience program. 

From here, you need to utilize best-in-class AI technology and expert guidance from customer experience experts to help you sort through large amounts of customer data and identify key trends such as:

  • Areas for process improvement
  • Potential pain points in the customer journey 

This technology identifies critical trends that may have previously flown under the radar. Data-driven clarity empowers your organization to make informed decisions with confidence.

Using these methods, you can improve the decisions made from both structured and unstructured customer feedback. You can even associate this feedback with important customer experience KPIs such as churn rate, average purchase amount, and time to resolution. 

3. Unlock the Smartest Actions

Once you have sifted through the data, you can work to automate elements of your customer experience program. By automating elements of your customer experience program, you can significantly reduce the time it takes to execute various tasks. Through automation, processes that once required manual intervention, such as sending personalized follow-up emails, analyzing customer feedback, or triggering targeted marketing campaigns based on customer behavior, can now be executed swiftly and efficiently. This not only accelerates the speed at which you can respond to customer needs but also frees up valuable time and resources for your team to focus on strategic initiatives and high-impact activities.

By automating those tasks, you also have more time to empower multiple stakeholders in the overall strategic decisions behind your customer experience efforts. Whether it’s tracking customer acquisition costs, monitoring sales conversion rates, or analyzing customer lifetime value, access to relevant and actionable data empowers stakeholders to collaborate effectively and optimize strategies to maximize overall company ROI.

How Does Integrated Customer Experience Work?

To sum it all up, integrated CX focuses on three key drivers that help businesses improve their bottom line. The three most important are:

  • Integrated signals: Bringing together the voice of customer data and non-customer data across the full customer lifecycle from surveys, chats, reviews, calls, etc
  • Integrated Insights: Delivering both leading technology and strategic expertise to deliver business insights that lead to ROI
  • Integrated Action: Eliminating the silos that exist in many companies, facilitating a coordinated, data-driven approach to prioritizing action

These three elements help deliver an integrated customer experience that drives sustainable growth and customer loyalty. With each key component, there is more than meets the eye. Let’s dive deeper into each one to explore how InMoment achieves customer experience success through integrated CX.

How to Set Up Your Business for Integrated CX 

Setting up your business for integrated customer experience requires a strategic approach that encompasses technology, processes, and a customer-centric mindset. Here are some things you need to do to set your business up for success:

1. Define Your Customer Touch Points

Start by mapping out all the touchpoints where your customers interact with your business. This includes website visits, social media engagement, purchases, customer support interactions, and more. Understanding the various channels through which customers engage with your brand is crucial for effective integration.

2. Identify Key Data Sources

Pinpoint the diverse sources of customer data within your organization. This could include data from sales, marketing, customer support, and other departments. Recognize the systems and platforms that store valuable customer information. This step lays the foundation for consolidating data and creating a centralized source for all your data.

3. Break Down Data Silos

Overcoming data silos is a critical aspect of integrated customer experiences. Ensure that your customer experience management platform facilitates the exchange of data across departments, eradicating barriers that impede a unified customer view. Collaboration between teams becomes more effective when everyone has access to a comprehensive customer profile.

While this is only a list to get you started and not a comprehensive guide on how to implement integrated CX, your business can still establish a robust foundation for integrated customer experiences. 

How to Measure the Success of Integrated CX

Integrated customer experience can add immense value to your business, but what that will look like will vary from business to business. In order to measure the success of any CX program, you need to understand exactly what you are trying to achieve. To do this, it is important to define your main goals and, more importantly, your main metrics. Here are some common customer experience KPIs and metrics to measure the ROI of Integrated CX. 

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

CSAT scores remain a fundamental metric for evaluating customer satisfaction. This is most commonly done with a short survey where a customer is asked how satisfied they were with a recent transaction. This may look something like periodically gathering feedback from customers regarding their experiences after the integration implementation. Analyze the CSAT scores to identify trends and areas that may need improvement, providing valuable insights into overall customer satisfaction.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

NPS measures the likelihood of customers recommending your business to others. This is most likely done in a survey form by asking customers to answer this question on a scale of 1-10. By tracking changes in NPS before and after implementation, you can assess the impact on customer loyalty. A positive shift in NPS indicates that integrated efforts are resonating positively with your customer base.

Customer Effort Score (CES)

The Customer Effort Score asks the customer how much effort was required to handle a request. Answers typically range from “Very Easy” to “Very Difficult” and are often measured on a scale of 1-5. Tracking these scores and their progressions over time can help you gauge the effectiveness of customer experience initiatives. 

How to Find the Right Integrated CX Solution

Selecting the best customer experience management software for your business may seem like a daunting task, but if you are well prepared then it’ll be a painless process. 

The right customer experience management software for your business will be the one you can partner with. Choose an organization that will take the time to understand your business, your team, and your goals. In order to do this, there are a number of questions you can ask in the evaluation process to find the perfect match. Some of these may be:

  • Who specifically will provide implementation and strategic consulting services?
  • Which customers can we speak to about your services?
  • Will we be charged for survey responses? 

There are more questions to ask and more steps to the evaluation than that, but that is a great start. Other steps may be looking at third-party evaluations such as the Gartner CX Magic Quadrant

Learn More About Integrated Customer Experience

For a deeper understanding of the benefits and intricacies of integrated CX, explore our comprehensive resources. Discover how integrated customer experience strategies can drive sustainable business growth and customer satisfaction. You can also dive into case studies, whitepapers, and expert insights to gain valuable knowledge on how to leverage this cutting-edge approach to enhance your bottom line. Learn how you can uncover the power of integrated CX and transform your business into a data-driven, customer-centric success story!

Schedule a demo today to see what InMoment can do for your business! 

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