The potential for machine learning to elevate the customer experience has everyone buzzing. AI-powered text and sentiment analysis can be an incredible solution for specific problems that CX pros face. 

But how do you know when the time is right to move to the next level of CX? Are there new tools you can purchase to step your game up? How do you know they’ll be worth it? 

There are clear signs that your CX program is ready for, and your company could quickly benefit from, text and sentiment analysis. And we’ll delve into them here.

Before we get going, some definitions:

  • Text analysis takes qualitative customer comments and determines relevant themes. Software companies might see themes such as ‘feature request’, ‘bug’, or ‘pricing’. This allows you to quickly see what your customers are focusing on, and then dive in to see what they’re specifically saying about each topic.
  • Sentiment analysis offers micro and macro insights into how your customers are feeling about your company and products. It determines whether the text received for each text theme is positive, negative, or neutral. It also analyzes the comment as a whole, assigning sentiment to the entire verbatim text.

Let’s look at the 7 signs text and sentiment analytics will be worth the investment for your company. 

1. You have a mature or quickly-maturing CX program.

Those of you considering text and sentiment analytics probably already have a few key elements in place:

  •  A customer experience strategy and a Voice of Customer listening system
  • A C-suite sponsor who has been fostering a customer-centric culture across the whole company with NPS as the guiding star
  • A system asking for feedback through the entire customer journey 

Now that you have a relatively mature CX program, you’re wondering how to extract even more value out of it.

2. You receive 500+ comments per month (or you’re headed there.)

Ideally, you want to listen to all of your customers – not just a sample or the first to respond. In reality, at a certain point the sheer volume of incoming customer feedback is more than a CX program can handle without an upgrade. You know this is the case when:

  1. You feel excitement and dread regarding the amount of feedback you receive.
  2. You’re anticipating a whole lot more comments soon.
  3. You’ve even had to cap the number of comments you receive in a day to avoid being overwhelmed with the task of organizing and responding to everyone.

Overwhelming amounts of feedback is an amazing problem to have, but a problem nonetheless. Using text and sentiment analytics, you can turn unstructured qualitative feedback, like NPS comments, into organized insight in a matter of minutes.  

Text and sentiment analytics allow you to analyze customer feedback using Natural Language Processing, looking something like this:

Read Google’s case study on Wootric and Natural Language Processing here.

By combining text and sentiment analytics, you can search negative comments and quickly assess, for example, that 80% of your negative comments are about pricing. Or 45% of your customers in the Northeast region are talking about slow delivery times. That summary lets you know where to focus resources, and how quickly you need to make the change relative to other company priorities.

3. You’re sitting on a goldmine of feedback, but unable to get actionable insights.

Do you have a backlog of comments waiting to be read and sorted? Or maybe you’ve skimmed a few comments to answer the urgent ones, but you keep putting off the others.

One of our clients came to us with NPS survey comments from thousands of users. But rather than mining that information, they were running focus groups to prioritize feature requests because it was easier. They were duplicating efforts to get information they already had but couldn’t access and act on.

“The two biggest mistakes [in CX] are not doing qualitative research in the first place and then not putting it to use.” –Morgan Brown, Product Manager at Facebook and coauthor of ‘Hacking Growth’

If you’re feeling this pain, it’s time to automatically mine the insight from that pile of comments you’ve been sitting on. Turn anecdotes and hunches that you’ve got about your customer experience into evidence-backed insight by using. And do it quickly with text and sentiment analytics.

CXInsight™ Dashboard tagging segmentation screenshot

Source: CXInsight™ Dashboard

Sliced and diced organized feedback is easily available with many platforms that offer text and sentiment analytics. Doing this can help you understand the root cause of trends – like the needs of different customer personas or geographic regions – more comprehensively.

4. Manual feedback organization & categorization is insightful, but painfully slow.

While some customers duplicate efforts between data gathering and focus groups to get insight, other CX pros just bite the bullet and spend hours reading customer comments, labeling them, and funneling them into an unwieldy spreadsheet. They’re understandably frustrated by how difficult it is to get actionable insight.

By using text and sentiment analytics, humans can get huge quantities of customer feedback sorted and analyzed at the push of a button. Better yet, computers don’t have bad days or lose focus.

Once organized with tags, your time is freed up to look at the themes and trends that arise from the noise, then create actionable strategies based on those insights.  

Now you can jump straight into action and the interns can work on more interesting, valuable projects!

PRO TIP: To get high quality insights at the push of a button, algorithms need to be trained. Be sure your feedback management software vendor has a team that will work with your data to ensure you get valuable insight from the start. With more data and occasional human guidance, you’ll get better and faster insight over time.

5. Your CX program lacks a real-time issue detection system.

An important element to providing a good customer experience is making sure any issues are handled quickly and efficiently. If you can detect and address them before your customer has a real issue, your CX program has paid for itself.

One of the benefits of having text and sentiment analysis is that your data and insights are updated in real-time. This means you have a new issue detection system.

Source: CXInsight™ Dashboard

This works best for a more mature customer feedback program with an established baseline, or status quo. For example, you know that on any given day, in any given geographic region, about 10% of your comments are tagged with ‘out of stock’ as an issue. When you check in and see that in Texas, 25% of comments coming in are tagged ‘out of stock’, that raises a red flag. You can immediately dig into specifics, read through the verbatims, and send those comments to the right people for follow up before the issue blows out of proportion.

The CX dream of being proactive in solving issues can be achieved with the help of automated organization of qualitative feedback.

6. Your internal teams aren’t agreeing on CX priorities.

It’s a given that successful companies focus on customer needs and experiences. The question is: is everyone at your company seeing the same information in the same way? If not, you’re wasting time and costly resources with competing priorities, and it is definitely time to invest in tools to fix it.

By having your CX tech parse the text and sentiment of your 1K+ daily inputs of customer feedback, you can democratize the information and insights across every team at your company. And that will ensure team leaders can quickly align to address the right priorities. So product development and customer support will be on the same page, and features will get developed (or possibly de-bugged) to meet the most important needs of the customer.

How does that happen? Feedback from every customer touchpoint is analyzed, from in-product surveys to emails. In this example, support ticket subject lines are auto-categorized and everyone from support to service to product to the c-level can see what issues are hot items to address.

Support Ticket Text Analytics in Wootric CXInsight

Source: CXInsight™ Dashboard

Looking at the text analytics, it quickly becomes apparent that 15% of the support tickets are related to bugs that need to be addressed. On the proactive front, product could also delve into comments tagged “feature request” and focus on user concerns about UX/UI.

7. You need to demonstrate the ROI of your CX program.

Companies are eager to hop on the CX bandwagon, but it can still be a fight to get the proper resources to make a CX program thrive. You’ve probably already shown the C-suite the correlation between CX and revenue growth, but there’s pressure to squeeze a little more ROI out of what you’ve established. 

Investing in a tool that pulls ROI from data is an expense. But it’s a more strategic spend than, and offers more immediate follow-up and action, than  performing passive data review and organization. It’s also a moredirect value-add and much less expensive than hiring a third party human operation. 

The cascading effects throughout the organization will increase ROI in the long-term as well.

  • Product teams can prioritize and build with evidence-based confidence. 
  • Marketing teams will gain an understanding of different personas and see customers excited to spread the word about your business. 
  • Support and operations teams will have early warning of potential issues and have more context when dealing with problems.

In the end, qualitative data is crucial to extracting value out of CX initiatives. Having more data from engaged customers should not be an obstacle. 

Is this the point?

Are you seeing any of these 7 signs when you look at your company’s CX program? If so, do a cost benefit analysis. Typically, once your program has matured, the cost of tools that create actionable insights out of customer feedback are far cheaper than the cost of misaligned resources and long delivery times. Text and sentiment analytics make the resources you put into CX initiatives efficient, and turn the large quantity of unstructured data into an advantage by mining insight that would otherwise sit in limbo. Move this tipping point in your favor.

How to Create Meaningful Customer Experiences—Not Just Transactions

Even if it’s just a quick trip to the grocery store, customers seek something more profound from brands than a mere product: meaningful customer experiences.

Conventional wisdom holds that customers shop the brands whose products and services best match their needs. But there’s more to the story than that. Even if it’s just a quick trip to the grocery store, customers seek something more profound from brands than a mere product: meaningful customer experiences.

There’s a lot for organizations to gain by orienting themselves around customers’ search for meaning. Experience programs can help them get there.

We’re going to go over exactly how companies can achieve that reorientation, create meaningful experiences for customers, and, ultimately, ride that heightened connectivity to the top of their respective verticals.

Right Audience, Right Problem

We touched on this in our last conversation about the importance of carefully designing your program before deploying it, but it’s worth saying again:

Some audiences are more worth brands’ time than others.

Sounds harsh, but let me explain. Some audiences offer context and solutions to problems that other groups may not even be aware of. Therefore, one of the first things brands should do to create meaning for their customers is consider the problems that can be solved by focusing on specific audiences.

This approach is vital is because it allows brands to hone in on customers’ “moment of truth.” This is the moment in which a customer finds significance in their interaction with a brand, not just a product or service.

What is preventing customers from finding their moment of truth? The answer to this question will dictate what you should design your listening program around.

Furthermore, that search will allow your company to create fundamental human relationships with customers. And those relationships will create positive buzz, build lifetime loyalty, and result in a much stronger bottom line.

Sharing the Love

Thinking how certain audiences can help solve business challenges is important, but it’s not the only step brands must take. Once a company’s experience team finds moments of truth, they absolutely must share the news across the organization! This sharing process is often called data democratization.

I really can’t say enough how important it is to share customers’ moments of truth. First, socializing that data across the organization gives every employee a glimpse of how their role affects the customer.

Second, sharing this intel makes it easier for brands to identify moments that matter out of mountains of experience program data. Ultimately, brands that intentionally democratize data from the beginning get so much more from their listening than companies who fail to design their strategy.

Listening Empathetically

The final key to creating meaningful customer experiences is on that is often overlooked: empathy. Empathy is the key to understanding moments of truth and, ultimately, business success.

Catering to customers’ search for meaning is neither a program luxury nor a saying you put on a wall sign. It’s a strategy that builds transformational brand success and the meaningful, emotional relationships that can sustain it indefinitely.

I go into greater depth about the importance of designing your experience program before listening in my article on the subject, which you can read here. Thank you!

3 Ways an Improvement Success Framework Can Supercharge Your Experience Program

ROI has been a notoriously fickle element of experience programs for years—but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, the difficulty of proving ROI stems less from experience programs being a financially elusive unicorn than many companies not tying their program to a quantifiable objective.

These days, it’s not uncommon for brands to take the term “listening program” to mean a series of listening posts set up across multiple channels.

Yes, those posts are an important part of listening, but experience programs can be so much more (and do so much more for your business). They can go far beyond listening in across channels and reacting to customer comments only as they come in.

Listening for, reacting to, and measuring customer sentiment in this manner is what’s commonly known as experience management. And honestly, it rarely moves the needle for brands or creates a better experience for customers. Experience improvement (XI), by contrast, allows companies to achieve both of those goals by connecting to customers in a very human way. Essentially, it pays for brands to have an experience improvement success framework.

Today, we’re going to touch on three ways a success framework can add unbridled power to any improvement effort:

  1. Proving ROI
  2. Listening Purposefully
  3. Owning The Moments That Matter

Key #1: Proving ROI

ROI has been a notoriously fickle element of experience programs for years—but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, the difficulty of proving ROI stems less from experience programs being a financially elusive unicorn than many companies not tying their program to a quantifiable objective.

This is why it is crucial that brands establish hard, specific goals for their experience program. An objective like “be more customer-centric” isn’t going to cut it, especially when it comes to proving ROI. Rather, experience practitioners and stakeholders need to work together to hash out program objectives that can be tied to financial goals.

Whether it’s acquiring X amount of new customers or lowering cost to serve by Y percent, creating goals like these and gearing your program toward them will make establishing ROI much, much easier.

Key #2: Listening Purposefully

ROI isn’t the only area a success framework can help companies stencil in. This setup can also help brands better identify who to listen to and why.

Conventional wisdom holds that companies should listen for feedback from anyone, but that isn’t necessarily true. Callous as it may sound to some, the truth is that some audiences are just more worth listening to than others. A success framework can help companies identify which audiences they need to listen to to achieve program goals.

This approach is also handy for cutting through the mountains and mountains of data that experience programs inevitably rake in. They also help programs get to the heart of providing a great experience, which leads us to our final topic:

Key #3: Owning The Moments That Matter

The moments that matter are the instances in which the needs of customers, employees, and businesses all connect. They’re the moments in which a customer journey transcends a transaction and becomes a profound emotional connection. Owning the moments that matter is vital to creating connections and inspiring transformational success across your business.

This final key is a culmination of establishing financial goals, listening purposefully, and taking action—ultimately creating meaning for customers. That capacity to create meaning is what sets the best brands apart from the competition and carries them to the top of their verticals. And it all starts with building an experience improvement success framework.

Click here to learn more about how to create a success framework and why doing so at the very start of your experience improvement journey will guarantee success for you, your customers, and your employees.

Text Analytics Terms You Need to Know

Whether you're a seasoned pro or just getting started in the world of customer experience (CX) and employee experience (EX), you need to be fluent in the language of text analytics.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting started in the world of customer experience (CX) and employee experience (EX), you need to be fluent in the language of text analytics.

However, that’s more easily said than done. With technology evolving so quickly, it’s hard to keep up with the latest and greatest. That’s why we’ve put together this quick text analytics glossary. Check it out below!

Top Terms

Accuracy: The combination of precision and recall for a given tag or model. 

Emotion: A measure of positive/negative feelings. Must be strong and clear-cut enough to be categorized as a specific emotion.

Human Translation: This translation method has a human translate each comment individually as the customer submits it.

Intent: Intent identifies what the customer is trying to achieve based on their response.

Keyword: A word or term that occurs in unstructured customer feedback data.

Machine Translation: Translation done by a machine that has been trained by humans.

Native Language Model: A text analytics model that is purposely built for a specific spoken language.

Natural Language Processing: A field of computer science and artificial intelligence that draws intelligence from unstructured data.

Precision: Correctness; represents how often a given concept is correctly captured by a specific tag. 

Recall: Coverage; refers to how thoroughly the topics or ideas within a given tag are captured. 

Sentiment: The expressed feeling or attitude behind a customer’s feedback. Categorized as positive, negative, or neutral.

Sentiment Phrase: Also referred to as a Sentiment Bearing Phrase or SBP. A phrase or sentence identified with positive, negative, or neutral sentiment.

Sentiment Score: A measure for both the polarity and intensity of the sentiment within a given comment.

Tag: A label generated from text analytics that groups together similar customer comments around a specific concept or topic.

Text Analytics: The methods and processes used for obtaining insights from unstructured data.

Text Analytics Model: A natural language processing engine that uses tags to label and organize unstructured data.

Theme: A dynamically extracted concept from a collection of comments, generated by an unsupervised machine learning algorithm.

Unstructured Data: Qualitative data or information that is not organized according to an easily recognizable structure. Can include comments, social data, images, or audio recordings

Making the Difference with Text Analytics

We hope this quick glossary helped you on your journey to find the best solution for your business. After all, text analytics make the difference between getting a meaningless score from your data and getting actionable intelligence. And without that intelligence, you can’t make experience improvements in the moments that matter. That’s why it’s so important to get your text analytics right!

If you want to learn more about world-class text analytics solutions, including new approaches like custom layered models and adaptive sentiment engines, you can check out our full eBook on the subject here!

The Shortcomings of Comment-Based Surveys

Comment-based surveys can be effective for immediately gathering feedback from customers. However, there are several arenas in which brands use comment-based surveys when another survey type would yield better intelligence.

Comment-based surveys can be effective for immediately gathering feedback from customers. And when it comes to customer experience (CX), timeliness can make or break an organization’s ability to act on that feedback.

However, there are several arenas in which brands use comment-based surveys when another survey type would yield better intelligence. Today, I’d like to dive into several shortcomings that can make using comment-based surveys challenging for brands, as well as a few potential solutions for those challenges. Let’s get started.

Outlet-Level Analysis

As I discussed in my recent article on this subject, comment-based surveys are often less effective than other survey types for conducting outlet-level analysis. In other words, while brands can see how well stores, bank branches, and the like are performing generally, they usually can’t determine where individual outlets need to improve .

The reason for this has as much to do with the feedback customers leave as the survey design itself. From what I’ve seen across decades of research, customers rarely discuss more than 1-2 topics in their comments. Yes, customers may touch upon many topics as a group, but rarely are most or even a lot of those topics covered by singular comments.

What all of this ultimately means for brands using comment-based surveys to gauge outlet effectiveness is that the feedback they receive is almost always spread thin. The intelligence customers submit via this route can potentially cover many performance categories, but there’s usually not that much depth to it, making it difficult for brands to identify the deep-rooted problems or process breakages that they need to address at the unit level if they want to improve experiences.

(Un)helpful Feedback

Another reason that brands can only glean so much from comment-based surveys at the outlet level is that, much of the time, customers only provide superficial comments like:“good job”, “it was terrible”, and the immortally useless “no comment.” In other words, comment-based surveys can be where specificity goes to die.

Obviously, there’s not a whole lot that the team(s) running a brand’s experience improvement program can do with information that vague. Comments like these contain no helpful observations about what went right (or wrong) with the experience that the customer is referring to. The only solution to this problem is for brands to be more direct with their surveys and ask for feedback on one process or another directly.

How to Improve Comment-Based Surveys

These shortcomings are among the biggest reasons brands should be careful about trying to use comment-based surveys to diagnose processes, identify employee coaching opportunities, and seeing how well outlets are adhering to organization-wide policies and procedures. However, none of this means that comment-based surveys should be abandoned. In fact, there’s a solution to these surveys’ relative lack of specificity.

Brands can encourage their customers to provide better intelligence via multimedia feedback. Options like video and image feedback enable customers to express themselves in their own terms while also giving organizations much more to work with than comment-based surveys can typically yield. Multimedia feedback can thus better allow brands to see how their regional outlets are performing, diagnose processes, and provide a meaningfully improved experience for their customers.

Click here to read my Point of View article on comment-based surveys. I take a deeper dive into when they’re effective, when they’re not, and how to use them to achieve transformational success.

Text Analytics & NLP in Healthcare: Applications & Use Cases

Healthcare databases are growing exponentially. Today, healthcare providers, drug makers and others are turning this data into value by using text analytics and natural language processing to mine unstructured healthcare data and then doing something with the results. Here are some examples.

This article explores some new and emerging applications of text analytics and natural language processing (NLP) in healthcare. Each application demonstrates how HCPs and others use natural language processing to mine unstructured text-based healthcare data and then do something with the results.

Healthcare databases are growing exponentially, and text analytics and natural language processing (NLP) systems turn this data into value. Healthcare providers, pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology firms all use text analytics and NLP to improve patient outcomes, streamline operations and manage regulatory compliance.

In order, we’ll talk about:

  • Sources of healthcare data and how much is out there
  • Improving customer care while reducing Medical Information Department costs
  • Hearing how people really talk about and experience ADHD
  • Facilitating value-based care models by demonstrating real-world outcomes
  • Guiding communications between pharmaceutical companies and patients
  • Even more applications of text analytics and natural language processing in healthcare
  • Some more things to think about, including major ethical concerns

NLP in the Healthcare Industry: Sources of Data for Text Mining

Patient health records, order entries, and physician notes aren’t the only sources of data in healthcare. In fact, 26 million people have already added their genetic information to commercial databases through take-home kits. And wearable devices have opened new floodgates of consumer health data. All told, Emerj lists 7 healthcare data sources that, especially when taken together, form a veritable goldmine of healthcare data:

1. The Internet of Things  (IoT) think FitBit data)

2. Electronic Medical Records (EMR)/Electronic Health Records (EHR) (classic)

3. Insurance Providers (claims from private and government payers)

4. Other Clinical Data (including computerized physician order entries, physician notes, medical imaging records, and more)

5. Opt-In Genome and Research Registries

6. Social Media (tweets, Facebook comments, message boards, etc.)

7. Web Knowledge (emergency care data, news feeds, and medical journals)

Just how much health data is there from these sources? More than 2,314 exabytes by 2020, says BIS Research. For reference, just 1 exabyte is 10^9 gigabytes. Or, written out, 1EB=1,000,000,000GB. That’s a lot of GB.

But adding to the ocean of healthcare data doesn’t do much if you’re not actually using it. And many experts agree that utilization of this data is… underwhelming. So let’s talk about text analytics and NLP in the health industry, particularly focusing on new and emerging applications of the technology.

Improving Customer Care While Reducing Medical Information Department Costs

Every physician knows how annoying it can be to get a drug-maker to give them a straight, clear answer. Many patients know it, too. For the rest of us, here’s how it works:

  1. You (a physician, patient or media person) call into a biotechnology or pharmaceutical company’s Medical Information Department (MID)
  2. Your call is routed to the MID contact center
  3. MID operators reference all available documentation to provide an answer, or punt your question to a full clinician

Simple in theory, sure. Unfortunately, the pharma/biotech business is complicated. Biogen, for example, develops therapies for people living with serious neurological and neurodegenerative diseases. When you call into their MID to ask a question, Biogen’s operators are there to answer your inquiry. Naturally, you expect a quick, clear answer. At Biogen Japan, any call that lasts more than 1 minute is automatically escalated to an expensive second-line medical directors. Before, Biogen struggled with a high number of calls being escalated because their MID agents spent too long parsing through FAQs, product information brochures, and other resources.

Today, Biogen uses text analytics (and some other technologies) to answer these questions more quickly, thereby improving customer care while reducing their MID operating costs.Image Showing A Use Case of Text Analytics in Healthcare: MedInfo Search Application When you call into their MID, operators use a Lexalytics-built search application that combines natural language processing and machine learning to immediately suggest best-fit answers and related resources to people’s inquiries. MID operators can type in keywords or exact questions and get what they need in seconds. (The system looks like this illustration.) Early testing already shows faster answers and fewer calls sent to medical directors, and the application also helps new hires work at the level of experienced operators, further reducing costs.

 Hearing How People Really Talk About and Experience ADHD

The human brain is terribly complicated, and two people may experience the same condition in vastly different ways. This is especially true of conditions like Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). In order to optimize treatment, physicians need to understand exactly how their individual patients experience it. But people often tell their doctor one thing, and then turn around and tell their friends and family something else entirely.

A Lexalytics (an InMoment company) data scientist used our text analytics and natural language processing to analyze data from Reddit, multiple ADHD blogs, news websites, and scientific papers sourced from the PubMed and HubMed databases. Based on the output, they modeled the conversations to show how people talk about ADHD in their own words.

The results showed stark differences in how people talk about ADHD in research papers, on the news, in Reddit comments and on ADHD blogs. Although our analysis was fairly basic, our methods show how using text analytics in this way can help healthcare organizations connect with their patients and develop personalized treatment plans.

Facilitating Value-Based Care Models by Demonstrating Real-World Outcomes

Our analysis of conversations surrounding ADHD is just one example in the large field of text analytics in healthcare. Everyone involved in the healthcare value chain, including HCPs, drug manufacturers, and insurance companies are using text analytics as part of the drive towards value-based care models.

Within the value-based care model, and outcome-based care in general, providers and payers all want to demonstrate that their patients are experiencing positive outcomes after they leave the clinical setting. To do this, more and more stakeholders are using text analytics systems to analyze social media posts, patient comments, and other sources of unstructured patient feedback. These insights help HCPs and others identify positive outcomes to highlight and negative outcomes to follow-up with. Whimsical image showing 2 people in bathtubs with sentiment-colored phrases above htem

Some HCPs even use text analytics to compare what patients say to their doctors, versus what they say to their friends, to identify how they can improve patient-clinician communication. In fact, the larger trend here almost exactly follows the push in more retail-focused industries towards data-driven Voice of Customer: using technology to understand how people talk about and experience products and services, in their own words.

Guiding Communications Between Pharmaceutical Companies and Patients

Pharmaceutical marketing teams face countless challenges. These include growing market share, demonstrating product value, increasing patient adherence and improving buy-in from healthcare professionals. Lexalytics customer AlternativesPharma helped those professionals by providing useful market insights and effective recommendations.

Before, companies like AlternativesPharma relied on basic customer surveys and some other quantitative data sources to create their recommendations. Using our text analytics and natural language processing, however, AlternativesPharma was able to categorize large quantities of qualitative, unstructured patient comments into “thematic maps.” The output of their analyses led to research publications at the 2015 Nephrology Professional Congress and in the Journal Néphrologie et Thérapeutiques.

NLP in Healthcare: AlternativesPharma Case Study Image

Further, AlternativesPharma helped customers verify assumptions made by Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) regarding the psychology of patients with schizophrenia. This theory was then documented in collateral and widely communicated to physicians. (Full case study)

More Applications of Text Analytics and Natural Language Processing in Healthcare

Natural language processing NLP in healthcare graphic from McKinseyThe above applications of text analytics in healthcare are just the tip of the iceberg. McKinsey has identified several more applications of NLP in healthcare, under the umbrellas of “Administrative cost reduction” and “Medical value creation”. Their detailed infographic is a good explainer. Click the image (or this link) to read the full infographic on McKinsey’s website.

Meanwhile, this 2018 paper in The University of Western Ontario Medical Journal titled “The promise of natural language processing in healthcare” dives into how and where NLP is improving healthcare. The authors, Rohin Attrey and Alexander Levitt, divide healthcare NLP applications into four categories. These cover NLP for:

  • Patients – including teletriage services, where NLP-powered chatbots could free up nurses and physicians
  • Physicians – where a computerized clinical decision support system using NLP has already demonstrated value in alerting clinicians to consider Kawasaki disease in emergency presentations
  • Researchers – where NLP helps enable, empower and accelerate qualitative studies across a number of vectors
  • Healthcare Management – where patient experience management is brought into the 21st-century by NLP used on qualitative data sources

Next, researchers from Sant Baba Bhag Singh University (former link) explored how healthcare groups can use sentiment analysis. The authors concluded that using sentiment analysis to examine social media data is an effective way for HCPs to improve treatments and patient services by understanding how patients talk about their Type-1 and Type-2 Diabetes treatments, drugs, and diet practices.

Finally, market research firm Emerj has written up a number of NLP applications for hospitals and other HCPs, including systems from IQVIA, 3M, Amazon and Nuance Communications. These applications include improving compliance with industry standards and regulations; accelerating and improving medical coding processes; building clinical study cohorts; and speech recognition and speech-to-text for doctors and healthcare providers.

Some More Things to Consider: Data Ethics, AI Fails, and Algorithmic Bias

If you’re thinking about building or buying any data analytics system for use in a healthcare or biopharma environment, here are some more things you should be aware of and take into account. All of these are especially relevant for text analytics in healthcare.

First: According to a study from the University of California Berkeley, advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have rendered the privacy standards set by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAAobsolete. We investigated and found some alarming data privacy and ethics concerns surrounding AI in healthcare.

Read – AI in Healthcare: Data Privacy and Ethics Concerns

Second: Companies with regulatory compliance burdens are flocking to AI for time savings and cost reductions. But costly failures of large-scale AI systems are also making companies more wary of investing millions into big projects with vague promises of future returns. How can AI deliver real value in the regulatory compliance space? We wrote a white paper on this very subject.

Read – A Better Approach to AI for Regulatory Compliance

Third: The “moonshot” attitude of big tech companies comes with huge risk for the customer. And no AI project tells the story of large-scale AI failure quite like Watson for Oncology. In 2013, IBM partnered with The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center to develop a new “Oncology Expert Advisor” system. The goal? Nothing less than to cure cancer. The result? “This product is a piece of sh–.”

Read – Stories of AI Failure and How to Avoid Similar AI Fails

Fourth: “Bias in AI” refers to situations where machine learning-based data analytics systems discriminate against particular groups of people. Algorithmic bias in healthcare AI systems manifests when data scientists building machine learning models for healthcare-related use cases train their algorithms on biased data from the start. Societal biases manifest when the output or usage of an AI-based healthcare system reinforces societal biases and discriminatory practices.

Read – Bias in AI and Machine Learning: Sources and Solutions

Improve Your Understanding: What Are Text Analytics and Natural Language Processing?

In order to put any tool to good use, you need to have some basic understanding of what it is and how it works. This is equally true of text analytics and natural language processing. So, what are they?

Text analytics and natural language processing are technologies for transforming unstructured data (i.e. free text) into structured data and insights (i.e. dashboards, spreadsheets and databases). Text analytics refers to breaking apart text documents into their component parts. Natural language processing then analyzes those parts to understand the entities, topics, opinions, and intentions within.

The 7 basic functions of text analytics are:

  1. Language Identification
  2. Tokenization
  3. Sentence Breaking
  4. Part of Speech Tagging
  5. Chunking
  6. Syntax Parsing
  7. Sentence Chaining

Natural language processing features include:

Sentiment analysis

Entity recognition

Categorization (topics and themes)

Intention detection


Chart showing Lexalytics' NLP feature stack
Lexalytics’ text analytics and NLP technology stack, showing the layers of processing each text document goes through to be transformed into structured data.

Beyond the basics, semi-structured data parsing is used to identify and extract data from medical, legal and financial documents, such as patient records and Medicaid code updates. Machine learning improves core text analytics and natural language processing functions and features. And machine learning micromodels can solve unique challenges in individual datasets while reducing the costs of sourcing and annotating training data.

The Case for Moving Your Experience Program Beyond Metrics

Experience programs can revolve around so much more than scoreboard-watching and reacting to challenges only as they arise—we’re going to go over how much more these programs can be and why brands should adjust their ambitions accordingly.

For a lot of companies, the phrase “experience programs” brings careful management and lots of metrics to mind. Both of those things are important components of any experience effort, but they can’t bring about meaningful change and improvement. Experience programs can revolve around so much more than scoreboard-watching and reacting to challenges only as they arise—we’re going to go over how much more these programs can be and why brands should adjust their ambitions accordingly.

Movement Over Metrics

Conventional wisdom holds that if an experience program is returning great measurements, that must mean it’s really working for a brand. However, this isn’t necessarily true. Metrics are effective for highlighting a brand’s high points and weak spots, but that’s about it. A true experience program’s job doesn’t end with better metrics—that’s actually where the work begins.

Companies can create a fundamentally better experience for their customers (and thus a stronger bottom line for themselves) by taking action on their program’s findings. This means sharing intelligence throughout an organization rather than leaving it siloed, as well as encouraging all stakeholders to own their part of the process. In short, taking action is what makes the difference between being really good at watching scores roll in and actually fixing problems that might be muddying up the customer journey.

Narratives Over Numbers

The phrase “program findings” from the preceding paragraph can also mean more than just numbers. It can also denote customer stories, employee reports, and other, more abstract forms of feedback. Many experience programs pick this information up as a matter of course, but it can be difficult to take action on that intel without a concrete action plan.

One reason why many companies encounter this difficulty is because their programs don’t acknowledge a simple truth: some customer segments are worth more to listen to than others. It doesn’t make much sense to try to listen to every segment for feedback on a loyalty program that only long-term customers use or know about. This is why it’s important for brands to consider which audiences they want to gather feedback from before even turning any listening posts on.

Once brands have matched the audiences they want to listen to to the goals they want to achieve, that’s when they can turn their ears on and start gathering that feedback. Companies that take this approach will find feedback significantly more relevant (and helpful) than intelligence gathered through a more catchall approach. They can then perform a key driver analysis on those customers and put their feedback against a backdrop of operational and financial data for further context, which goes a long way toward the goal of all of this: meaningful improvement.

Experience Improvement Over Experience Management

Experience improvement is not a goal that can be reached just by reading metrics. It demands more than turning listening posts on and hoping that a good piece of customer intel comes down the wire. Rather, experience improvement demands action. Much like water molecules, the forces that drive customer expectations, acquisition, churn, and other factors are in constant motion, and thus demand constant action to stay on top of it all.

Desiloing intelligence, motivating stakeholders, and expanding program awareness to customer stories instead of just higher scores and stats is what makes the difference between an industry-leading experience and everyone else’s. These actions create better experiences for customers, compel employees to become more invested in providing those experiences, and creates a marketplace-changing impact for the brand.

Click here to learn more about how to take your program from simple metric-watching to meaningful improvement for all.

3 Simple Steps That Make Your CX Program Actually Move The Needle

It’s no secret that many companies’ experience programs aren’t delivering the results that those brands expect and, frankly, need. Too many customer experience (CX) initiatives are stuck solely on giving companies metrics, which by themselves cannot deliver a meaningfully improved experience and thus a stronger bottom line.

It’s no secret that many companies’ experience initiatives aren’t delivering the results that those brands expect and, frankly, need. Too many customer experience (CX) programs are stuck solely on giving companies metrics, which by themselves cannot deliver a meaningfully improved experience and thus a stronger bottom line.

However, there is a solution. Companies don’t have to stay stuck merely “managing” their experiences. We’ve put together three proven steps that companies can follow to take their program, and thus their brand, to the top:

  1. Determining Business Objectives
  2. Gathering The Right Data
  3. Taking Intelligent Action

Step #1: Determining Business Objectives

Traditionally, many firms have been in such a hurry to start listening in on their customers’ tastes and preferences. And while this eagerness is admirable, it often results in wantonly turning listening posts on everywhere and waiting for insights to roll in. Listening is important, yes, but listening passively is worlds different than listening intently. The former focuses on gathering metrics, feeding those metrics into a piece-by-piece reactive strategy, and calling it a day. The latter calls for businesses to firmly establish what they want to achieve with their experience program before turning any ears on.

There are several merits to determining business objectives before listening to customers, and they all have to do with looking before leaping. First, companies need to decide what business problems they want their experience program to solve. Foregoing this step and listening for the sake of listening is why so many programs either fail or provide ROI that’s murky at best.

Additionally, companies can take considering objectives as an opportunity to tie their experience programs to financial goals. Like we just said, it’s hard to prove a CX initiative’s ROI if it has no clear objective beyond just listening to customers. Spelling your program’s goals out in financial terms gives CX teams a hard number to work toward—then, when that number is achieved, those teams will have a much easier time using that achievement to leverage additional funding in the boardroom.

Step #2: Gathering The Right Data

There’s another reason why it pays to stop and think before turning listening posts on in every channel: some customer segments are more worth listening to than others. This idea may sound a bit callous, but think about it—a listening program geared toward evaluating a loyalty program is going to be much more useful if it hones in on long-term customers instead of casting a net all over the place.

This notion is also known as the concept of gathering the right data. It’s okay for brands to use different listening posts for different audiences—in fact, this strategy is much more likely to garner useful intelligence. Thus, it’s just as important for companies to consider their audiences as it is concrete financial goals when it comes to experience programs. The right data can yield the right intelligence, which can enable brands to take the right steps toward transformational success.

Step #3: Taking Intelligent Action

Much of the work in this step will already have been done if companies follow the previous two steps correctly. Like we said, it’s a good idea for brands to look before they leap and carefully consider what they hope to accomplish with a listening program. Yes, the goal of “listening” is all well and good, but the problem with experience management is that the buck stops there. Take your CX aspirations further than gathering metrics and decide what that listening is meant to accomplish. More customer acquisition? Retention? Lowering cost to serve? Set those goals and attach dollar amounts to them.

Then, take some time to consider which audiences you need to listen to in order to achieve those goals. Arming yourself with concrete goals and intelligence from the right audiences will enable your organization to take the meaningful action it needs to reach the top of its vertical, make a stronger bottom line, and create an emotional, connective experience for both customers and employees. Companies can use these steps to move the needle and take their program from experience management to something far more profound: experience improvement.

Want to learn more about how CX programs can move the needle and create lasting success for businesses, customers, and employees? Check out our new POV article on the subject, written by EVP Brian Clark, here.

While the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) is a bit of a mixed bag in a number of industries, we’re seeing some exciting traction in financial services. In this month’s article, I take a look at some specific examples of where machine learning and AI are helping financial services organizations improve their services, products, and processes.

AI Helps Financial Services Reduce Non-Disclosure Risk

Financial firms and banks are taking advantage of AI to ensure that their employees are meeting complex disclosure requirements.

Generally, financial advisors must make sure that their “client advice” documents include proper disclosures to demonstrate that they’re working in their client’s best interests. These disclosures may cover conflicts of interest, commission structure, cost of credit, own-product recommendations and more. For example, advisors must clearly disclose the fact that they’re encouraging a client to purchase a position in a company that the firm represents (a potential conflict of interest).

To ensure compliance, firm auditors randomly sample these documents and spot-check them by keyword or phrase searches. But this process is clunky and unreliable, and the cost of failure is high: Some estimates put the price of non-compliance as high as $39.22 million in lost revenue, business disruption, productivity loss and penalties.

To help financial services firms ensure disclosure compliance, companies like FINRA Technology, Quantiply and my company offer AI solutions that use semi-structured data parsing to analyze client advice documents and extract all of the component pieces of the document (including disclosures). Then, using natural language processing to understand the meaning of the underlying text, the AI structures this data into an easily-reviewable form (like an Excel document) where human auditors can quickly evaluate whether all necessary disclosures were made. Where before an auditor might spend hours to review 1% of their firm’s documents, AI solutions like this empower the same person to review more documents in less time.

AI Fights Elder Financial Exploitation

$1.7 billion. That’s the value of suspicious activities targeting the elderly, as reported by financial institutions in 2017 alone. In total, the United States Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) says that older adults have lost $6 billion to exploitation since 2013. One-third of these people were aged 80 or older, some of whom lost more than $100,000.

Thankfully, tech companies and financial institutions are fighting back. The CFPB notes that “Regularly studying the trends, patterns and issues in EFE SARs [Elder Financial Exploitation Suspicious Activity Reports] can help stakeholders enhance protections through independent and collaborative work.” This is a great opportunity for machine learning and AI, which use reams of historical data to predict what is likely to happen next.

Wells Fargo, for example, uses machine learning and AI to identify suspicious transactions that merit further investigation. Ron Long, director of elder client initiatives for Wells Fargo Advisors, told American Banker earlier this year that their data scientists are constantly working to add new unstructured and structured data sources to improve their capabilities. “While a tool can’t replace human assessment,” he said, “machine-learning capabilities play an important part in our strategy to reduce the number of matters requiring a closer look so we can focus on actual cases of financial abuse.”

One example is EverSafe, an identity protection technology company founded in 2012, which draws on multiple data sources to train its AI. EverSafe places itself at the nexus of a user’s entire financial life, analyzing behavior across multiple accounts and financial advisors. This approach dramatically improves their AI’s ability to identify erratic activity or anomalous transactions. Eversafe’s founder, Howard Tischler, says he was inspired to create the company after his aging, legally blind mother was scammed multiple times, including by someone who sold her a deluxe auto club membership.

AI Adds A Crucial Competitive Edge In High-Frequency Trading

Back in the 1980s, Bloomberg built the first computer system for real-time financial trading. A decade later, computer-based high-frequency trading (HFT) had transformed professional investing. Some estimates put HFT at 1,000x faster than human-human trading. But since the 2010s, when trading speeds reached nanoseconds, industry leaders have been looking for a new competitive edge.

To keep up with (and ahead of) the competition, industry leaders are turning to algorithmic trading. The sheer volume of trading information available for machines to analyze makes artificial intelligence and machine learning formidable tools in financial marketplaces. Investment firms use AI to increase the predictive power of the neural networks that determine optimal portfolio allocation for different types of securities. In simpler terms: Data scientists use reams of historical prices to train computers to predict future price fluctuations.

AI has already proven its value in HFT. Renaissance Technologies, an early adopter of AI, boasted a return of 71.8% annually from 1994 to 2014 on its Medallion Fund (paywall). Domeyard, a hedge fund, uses machine learning to parse 300 million data points in the New York Stock Exchange, just in the opening hour. And PanAgora, a Boston-based quant fund, deployed a specialized NLP algorithm to quickly decipher the cyber-slang that Chinese investors use on social media to get around government censorship. These findings give PanAgora, a firm that operates at the speed of fiber optic cables, vital insights into investor sentiment fast enough to keep up with (and influence) its trading algorithms.

Wrapping Up: Tempering Expectations For AI In Financial Services

The value of AI in financial services is clear. But don’t get lost in the hype. For every useful AI system, you can find a dozen problematic algorithms and large-scale failures. To succeed, keep a realistic perspective of what AI can and can’t do to help.

The truth is that artificial intelligence is just a tool. Alone, AI doesn’t really “do” anything. What matters is how you combine AI with other technologies to solve a specific business problem.

This post originally appeared in Forbes Technology Council.

Stop Managing Experiences—Start Improving Them

InMoment® today announced its mission to challenge the customer experience industry and offer an elevated approach focused on Experience Improvement (XI)™ for the world’s customers, employees, and top brands.

InMoment® today announced its mission to challenge the customer experience industry and offer an elevated approach focused on Experience Improvement (XI)™ for the world’s customers, employees, and top brands. This involves dramatically increasing the results from experience programs through a new class of software and services specifically designed to help leaders detect and ‘own’ the important moments in customer and employee journeys. Read more in the full press release here.

Four Ways to Create Emotionally Moving Experiences for Your Customers

Most brands are keenly interested in creating experiences that move their customers on an emotional level—the trick lies in figuring out which factors companies can and should wield to elicit that response from the individuals they seek to serve. 

Most brands are keenly interested in creating experiences that move their customers on an emotional level—the trick lies in figuring out which factors companies can and should wield to elicit that response from the individuals they seek to serve. 

Experience outcomes have a lot to do with all the usual elements, like brand professionalism, but they also have everything to do with how customers feel before, during, and after an experience. Companies can only do so much to manage customers’ feelings, of course, but that does include evaluating how those individuals feel as they share experiences and using that feedback to make meaningful changes.

Today we’re going to touch on four ways that companies can create more emotionally meaningful experiences:

  • Identifying Customers’ Emotional State(s) of Mind
  • Evaluating Emotions’ Impact on KPIs
  • Shifting Customer Emotions
  • Empowering Staff & Processes with New Intelligence

Method #1: Identifying Customers’ Emotional State(s) of Mind

As we mentioned, companies can’t control customers’ emotions, but they can gauge how those individuals feel before and after an experience. Whether it’s via a quick post-purchase survey, social media, or other listening tools, organizations can easily learn not just how their customers are feeling, but also how those feelings inform their decision to come to the brand for a specific need and what their impression is after the interaction.

This information is invaluable for meaningfully changing and/or improving experiences, and gives brands a real shot at better managing customers’ emotions as they interact with the organization. Of course, it should also mean a better experience for all parties involved.

Method #2: Evaluating Emotions’ Impact on KPIs

This one probably goes without saying, but it really can’t be understated how large an impact customer emotion has on KPIs. A customer who’s made to feel angry, for example, probably isn’t going to do wonders for a brand’s retention or cross-sell/upsell KPI. Brands should thus always view KPI improvement through the lens of customer emotion.

This topic connects heavily to the idea of meaningful experience improvement as well. The most transformational process changes can ripple through an entire organization from the bottom up—a better experience occurs, customers become happier, and all the best KPIs light up as a result of the positive emotions that experience improvement instills toward the brand.

Method #3: Shifting Customer Emotions

This point definitely forms a Venn diagram with our first method, but the idea of shifting customer emotions during an experience really deserves its own bullet. Brands shouldn’t restrict their emotional evals to seeing how customers feel before and after an experience—they should also evaluate what can be done to elicit positive emotions (and quash negative ones) in the midst of customer interactions with a brand.

This lens affords customer experience (CX) practitioners a chance to tweak experiences in truly meaningful ways and can be thanked for conventions such as, say, auto dealerships offering customers coffee while they wait for repairs. Likewise, every experience a brand provides should also be thoroughly evaluated for pain points, bottlenecks, and other broken touchpoints that risk upsetting customers. Brands that find and fix these areas will have shifted their customers’ emotions mid-experience, which is powerful.

Method #4: Empowering Staff & Processes with New Intelligence

To expand upon the point made at the end of the last section, knowing how customers feel only really means something if brands execute on those emotions. It also means that companies shouldn’t confine that execution to a CX or customer-facing team. In fact, why not share those learnings throughout the business? Even teams who work far from the frontlines usually have something to do with providing a great experience, and should thus be let in on new learnings.

Finally, as we already talked about, process fixes are a must once companies have learned how experiences make their customers feel. Besides, actual fixes are really the only way that brands can create emotionally moving experiences for their customers in the first place. Using these methods as an improvement taxonomy can help any brand actually reach that goal.

Check out our full report on the importance of customer emotion created by longtime CX expert Simon Fraser.

How to Craft Deliverable Brand Promises

Delivering promises is one of the most important things a brand must do for its customers. Keeping commitments is much easier said than done, but customer loyalty lives and dies by companies’ ability to follow through.
Staff meeting in restaurant

Delivering promises is one of the most important things a brand must do for its customers. Keeping commitments is much easier said than done, but customer loyalty lives and dies by companies’ ability to follow through. Succeed, and the brand generates loyalty and retention. Fail, and the organization ends up burning bridges—potentially permanently.

So, how can brands avoid breaking promises? Well, as I outline in my recent POV on this subject, one of the ways that companies can ensure that they consistently fulfill customer obligations is to create realistic brand promises in the first place. Here’s how brands can do that.

Know Your Customer

Brands should always evaluate the promises they make through a customer’s lens. That means knowing who their customers are, what they consider to be important, what they’re looking for in an experience, and why they come to you for it. This notion is sometimes referred to as the customer’s “moment of truth” and a brand has fulfilled a promise in their eyes when it delivers that moment consistently.

To many customers, the difference between failing to keep a promise and failing to deliver on a moment of truth is miniscule. In my aforementioned POV, I talk about how a colleague of mine experienced an especially brutal broken promise: an airline flight that didn’t uphold its promised anti-COVID safety measures. Not understanding the moments of truth is one thing; understanding and then failing to deliver can be a deal breaker. Additionally, depending on the severity of the problem, some customers will not give brands a second chance.

Delivering The Goods

Companies need to clearly understand what their customers want so they can both rise to the challenge and ensure that they deliver flawlessly on that desire. Brands can increase their likelihood to succeed by building a customer experience (CX) program as part of their business operation. A decent CX program can make brands aware of customers’ wants and needs—a great CX program unites customer, employee, and marketplace perspectives to give companies a continuous, 360-degree view of the experience(s) they provide.

This approach gives brands the opportunity to know what their customers value, so they can create grounded, realistic promises that can be delivered every time. If nothing else, it’s always better to underpromise and overdeliver than to overpromise and underdeliver.

Brands that take this tack will be positioned to create not just good promises for their customers, but the right promises. Companies that pick the right brand promises and deliver at the moments of truth create customer loyalty and a  stronger bottom line for themselves.

Want to learn more about the importance of creating and keeping effective brand promises? Take a look at my article on the subject here.

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